The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

62 posts Page 4 of 5
Wow MaryAnn, you look great, I can't believe it's the same person as in the pics on the first page. What did your family think??
Amazing - you look so slim MaryAnn. What a difference from your before photos.

Love your skirt and boots btw :smile:
Woowoo! You look fantastic MaryAnn, just looked back through this thread and the difference is amazing, very well done!
Mary Anne - seeing your pics I know deep down that I simply have to start doing some sort of exercise if only to start with short walks with Diego ;)
You have done incredible well (slightly envious LOL) and you must be so proud of yourself. Fantastic! :like:
Thanks for showing these, 25kg is a fantastic achievement and you should be extremely proud of yourself. Well done oh headless one.
Mary Ann - love it! Looking fabulous, especially like the skirt ... This is the look that @Gillymary has been talking about - shorter skirt, opaques and boots! Well done, bet you feel great! :victory: :victory: :victory:
Wowzer MaryAnn! You look amazing.
I never fail to be totally gobsmacked by how different people look in beforand afters
In the befores,its almost as ift heir character is muffled by the at,then the real person shines out in the afters!
Very inspirational! X
Wow MaryAnn, you are looking gorgeous and sexy :)

Well done... :like: :clover:
Thanks, everyone!

Nicky_94 wrote: Wow MaryAnn, you look great, I can't believe it's the same person as in the pics on the first page. What did your family think??

They are happy for me, but my mom might be worried, given my past history with anorexia. I think it helped her to see me buy loads of new clothes at my current size. I'm too cheap to go losing more now!
I do not understand how I have missed this thread, but I have, so, sorry about that. Maryanne, you look absolutely fabulous, what an achievement, you must be feeling so good about yourself and yes, it is lovely to match a face to a name, well done that girl,

Ballerina x :heart:
I missed it too. Sorry. Adding my congratulations. Absolutely brilliant!! You have done so much better than me. I must concentrate harder. Love what you're wearing, that's just the kind of thing I like, very flattering, comfortable and stylish. Good luck with your maintenance
Me three missed it- how can this be to miss something so wonderflul and inspiring. Looking GREAT MaryAnn- what a transformation
and I hope you find your head soon
MaryAnn - First that is a cute skirt and boots! Second you look so fab. Congratulations! :party: :victory:
Wendy Darling wrote: I missed it too. Sorry. Adding my congratulations. Absolutely brilliant!! You have done so much better than me. I must concentrate harder. Love what you're wearing, that's just the kind of thing I like, very flattering, comfortable and stylish. Good luck with your maintenance

Thanks, Wendy Darling (and everyone else)! But that's crazy talk--you're doing great! I lost a lot because I had a lot to lose...
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