The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

39 posts Page 2 of 3
Well done Lil - there's really such a big difference and you must feel soooooo much better/healthier too. :victory: Well done and good luck as you continue your journey (slowly slowly is best IMO! :smile:
Happy Fastiversary! An inspirational tale...
Oh, happy day, Lil! Congratulations on this wonderful achievement --You look good and must feel so much better. :clap:
Fantastic job:) Slow and steady wins the race.
You've done so well Lil, and you look great. You will get to size 14 and hopefully it won't take too long but this is not a race, each lb lost is something to feel good about. Congratulations! :heart: :clover: :heart:
Fantastic Fastiversary! Well done! :like: You are sooo much slimmer! Your face and your shoulders are well defined along with your arms hanging straight down. Beautiful! :)
WTG!!! :like: :like: :like: :like:
Well done! Great to honor the success you've had and recommit to the long haul.
you have done an amazing job and have not missed your goal by much. size 14 will be no problem, you will have learned so much over the past year. You are well equipped for the next leg of your journey. congratulations.
Thank you all so much for your encouraging words. I never planned to do it in a year it was just when my BMI was 30.05 last week I just thought it might turn yellow to celebrate. It will in due course. Also my trend weight today is 167.799 so I sort of did do it. I do feel so much better. I have had a longstanding problem with my feet. They have improved a lot with intensive physio but I think not having to carry the extra 2 stone around has also helped. Also interesting how stopping colouring my hair and letting the grey out seems to make me look younger.

@BallerinaUnfortunately my lovely purple dress went to the charity shop last week or I could have taken a direct comparison shot
Excellent journey and still on it Lil, you're a marvel {{{+}}}
Congratulations!!! That's a fantastic achievement. :grin:
The only thing wrong with this picture - #2 - is that you aren't grinning your head off! You should be smiling every time you look in the mirror. What an achievement!
:rainbow: :star: :cake: :heart: :tree: :like: :victory:
Congratulations Lil! How wonderful to have a fastiversery! Congratulations on your year's worth of fasting! I'm going much slower than I thought, but it's doable, and like you, I'd given up on ever being thin. Now, with 21 pounds gone! I feel better. :) I concentrate on that rather than the slow loss :)
:star: :star: :rainbow: :cake:
:-o Wow ! you look wonderful- keep up the good work :smile:

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