The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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Today it is 52 weeks since I started this WOE. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager although at times I have managed to slim down to a 'normal' size using nearly every diet known to man. The weight has always come back on , usually plus some. In addition I have been hypothroid for nearly 20 years requiring quite a high dose of medication to keep me on an even keel. Several years ago I decided I was never going to go on a diet again but was going and try ti listen to my body eg stop eating when full. Doing this I put on a stone over about 5 years ( almost inperceptible but it gradually adds up)
I saw the original Horizon programme and did think maybe it would work for me although it was against my 'no diet' ethos. After mulling it over for some time I finally bit the bullet on 12 november 2012 (the week after a big party we held).
When I started I was a smidge under 14 1/2 stone (202.5 lb)and was size 18/20 tops and 20/22 bottoms. At that point I had given up all hope of being thin but just wanted to be in a healthier weight band so I set a target of 12 stone and to be an easy size 16.There was no particular time frame.My weight loss has always been slow but about a month ago it looked like I might just about make my target for my fastiversary however the last few weeks and especially today's weigh in mean that has not happened.It is not a disaster I am in this long term. When I reach my original target I am going to set a new one on 10 1/2 stone and size 14 which is about as far as i think I can go - and I expect it will take another year!
Anyway I thought I would commemorate the occasion by posting some before and after pictures
3rd November - 1 week before staring 5:2

Well done, bet the lovely dress hangs off you now, you must feel so much better and you look great :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
:heart: :heart: Hi Lil Happy Fastiversary :heart: :heart:
Wow you look amazing a different person :heart:
Well done and focus on how you've done so far brilliant and this isn't a race so the goal doesn't matter at all :heart:
Good Luck with the next phase :clover: :clover: Sue. :clover:
Hi Lil and happy fastiversary!

I second what Sue said, but all the same what a journey so far! big well done to you :-)
Happy Fastiversary!

You've done great so far. The photo shows a totally new person. Way to go!
Wow! Look at you! :like:

Your face looks so much slimmer and you've clearly got a waist again. Way to go!

I'm sure you'll continue to slim down as you carry on with this WOL.

Well done and happy fastiversary!
Indeed, you really can see the difference in your face, neck & waist. Well done you! Just a few pounds from your first goal too, well done!
Well done, Lil! You're looking great! Good luck with your goals :-)
Happy Fastiversary Lil, well done! :like: The best of luck for the next bit! :heart:
Happy fastiversary! You look great and the fact you've sustained this for a year is brilliant! Congratulations and good luck with achieving your next goal :0)
Happy Fastiversary!! You look fab! The rate you're going I think you can easily reach a size 14...and mark my words!!

Well done you and thanks for sharing your photos. It's so encouraging :-)
Oh well done you! Congratulations on coming so far with your new WOE and continued success on your journey! :like: :clover:
Well done - you look great and a lot younger too!
You look absolutely fantastic. Congratulations on a successful fastiversary :like: :heart:
Happy fastiversary Lil & you look much slimmer! just keep doing what you have been & you will get to your goal :star: :star:
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