The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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Well just took a few selfies :oops: I don't have any real befores as i don't like photos of myself, but I'm about to put myself on display now!
Can't work out how to add more than 1 photo at a time so here goes separately
And there's more....
Excellent photos, you look great and I bet you feel it too :0)
and now that's it - next time I'll try to look more glamorous with my hair done and some makeup LOL
Hmm was just thinking the thighs still look a bit large - oh well, never mind!
Wow!!! :victory:

amazing results, well done!! :-) :like: :heart: :grin:
Your thighs look positively thin GMH!!! You have a lovely figure. Well done!!!!
Thanks Julianna must be my eyes :>)
Excellent pics, you look great. No idea how much you have lost or what you looked like before but I bet there's quite a difference.
Well done GMH looking good and pffffft those thighs look fine. Thanks for sharing it is nice to put a face to a fellow forum member.

How did you do your photos have you got a tripod and timer on your camera

Thanks for sharing more encouragement to keep at it
Well done,you have a lovely figure and not an inch of the dreaded cellulite! X
Well Done GMH. You look fantastic :like:
Looking gorgeous! Well done, GMH! Wish I had your thighs!
You look great, GMH!! Well done.
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