The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

53 posts Page 2 of 4
@Silverdarling an update please.

I agree just a couple more trousers to the pile yesterday just because I thought nah looking all wrong. You really have to rethink the wardrobe now as well I find as ones style also changes with ones shape. Looking forward to winter for skirts, tights and leggings
@Silverdarling an update please.

I agree just a couple more trousers to the pile yesterday just because I thought nah looking all wrong. You really have to rethink the wardrobe now as well I find as ones style also changes with ones shape. Looking forward to winter for skirts, tights and leggings
@gillymary and @carley how weird is this? Have realised the last few weeks need to update my trousers yet again...

I did go and buy 2 more pairs of black work trousers back in October from M and S - size 12, one a slightly more 'snug' fit than the other - about £35 for both pairs (had the oxfam £5 voucher) these were to be 'interim' trousers (a la @Sue.q - :lol: :wink: )

Well last week, I got that '5:2 hitch', no not a blip :lol: but that feeling when you feel your trousers (and pants!) beginning to 'go south' :shock: :lol: :lol: and my colleague Jools at work said 'time to buy more trousers!’ I only have the smaller pair of size 12 which fit properly at the mo ... So a trip is now well overdue ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: :cool:

I will post a pic of the October pair, size 12, later on ... I've not measured since early Dec, so will probably do that today too, thanks for the prompt you two! (Fasting day yesterday, so results should be good!)
Can't wait to hear about, and see, what you buy SD. As Lil says, trousers are the least forgiving and they are the items I seem to buy more of than anything else. I bought a couple of pairs from Primark on my way down and they are now rather generous so I'm glad I only paid £5. I bought a smart pair from M&S a few months ago for £35 and damn it they are now rather loose, OK but slightly loose. I tried the same ones on last week in the smaller size and they fitted VERY nicely, @£&?@! Exciting times these.....

Ballerina x :heart:
Yea we all walk around in baggy britches,

And there is the roll top maneuver, then the belt and finally the blerck, oh forgot the my goodness these look so awful must not wear them around the same time as falling down.

Seem to have a shortage of decent trousers too @Silverdarlingbut a hell of a lot on the chair waiting to be parcelled to the op shop. Look forward to pics and all the best with the results
Here we go! Pair bought June size 14


Pair bought Oct - big size 12




Oops not sure why these are sideways - M and S shape and sculpt jeans size 12 :shock: :wink:

Yes you are right @gillymary big pile of trousers on way to charity shop - hopefully oxfam as will get £5 to spend at M and S :wink:

Damn hard to hold out trousers, manoeuvre iPad into position, then click button! And excuse slippers! :grin:

Off now to have my weekly bacon sandwich! :lol: :shock: :wink:
Looking good girl. :wink:

Ballerina x :heart:
Fab photos, Silverdarling!

Canny help but thinking if this one:
TML13 wrote: Fab photos, Silverdarling!

Canny help but thinking if this one:

:heart: :heart: :heart:
Once again great minds think alike @TML13 :heart:
@Silverdarling more "interim" trousers needed lol
For me I'm once again having bra trouble can't work out if my new ones are to big or to small. :heart: :heart: Sue
Oh how great @Silverdarling you look so trim..and I actually
Iike your slippers!
I am running out of trousers,they are either clownlike or still too small :0(
One day tho,one day!
@TML lovely to see you here :heart: :like: and thank you for putting Donald Where's Your Troosers in my of those songs that stays there for days! :grin: :lol: X
@silverdarling well done you, another yeh moment :like: this is a great thread, thank you, you have inspired me. I have not worn my one pair of trousers (jeans) since before 5:2, so somewhere along my journey I will whip'em out and award myself the yeh trouser feeling and then treat myself to a new pair. It maybe a while as I'm presently loosing weight in the back, arms, hands :like: , fingers, face :smile: , feet and calves regions. Next will be waist and above and finally the trouser region. I think the first 5:2 award will go to my fingers, I feel a new ring coming on and I think I'll splash out and make it a special one. :heart:

With all the new trousers bought and discarded so quickly perhaps a 'loved newish trousers looking for a new home' thread is a calling. :wink:
Great pics @Silverdarling it's a nightmare taking pics with an ipad, in the mirror selfie style. I get my daughter to do me.
And lovely to see @TML13 how's Greece today?

Plus am I the only one who loves looking at the background, seeing other peoples bedrooms, bathrooms etc........
Thanks all and especially @TML13 for enlivening up a boring Sunday afternoon ... Just remembered the most inspiring ’loose trouser' post came from Chickvic, link below ...


Truly amazing I think you'll agree - Chickvic has lost the most weight to date on the forum :victory: :cool: :victory:
carieoates wrote: Great pics @Silverdarling it's a nightmare taking pics with an ipad, in the mirror selfie style. I get my daughter to do me.
And lovely to see @TML13 how's Greece today?

Plus am I the only one who loves looking at the background, seeing other peoples bedrooms, bathrooms etc........

Haha @Carieoates - I must admit to *slight* tidying up first - and strategic placing :lol: :oops: :razz:

And the lovely @TML13 has suggested I go to New Look for true skinny jeans - too old daahlink - and love my M and S ones, (not to mention the inherited NYDJ ones) too much! :razz: :wink: :razz: :shock: :cool:
Hello girls,
Greece is fine, thank you. A bit cloudy for my taste but at least it's not cold so I keep telling meself that I shall not complain.

Silverdarling, once you try on those New Look skinny Jeans you'll forget that M&S does anything besides food. :-D Be sexy, you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!
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