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5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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Go for it @Silverdarling new look and H and M do some really nice ones honestly, they go into your boots fantastically. And they are super soft and stretchy. @TML13 and I wouldn't lie., :neutral:
I agree, New Look's high waist jeans are great, I have four pairs!
Those not-so-bootcut but not-so-straight either jeans make us look shorter and fat. We are not short (well, you don't know me, I can say whatever I want) and we are not fat, why let the jeans do that to us???

Skinny is the only safe choice because they look nice with any type of shoes. Anything else, unless we wear them with the perfect shoes can (and will) have a very bad effect on our silhouette.

Trust me, try on a pair. Once you'll go skinny, you never go back. LOL!
Amazing! Well done hun xx
Oh @Silverdarling what a super slim waist you've got!

Bean :smile:
Hahaa! @TML13 you make a very persuasive case. And @Carieoates and @Callyanna. I can see I am going to have to try them out...

@nursebean - actually my waist is my worst point - and one of the reasons I started on 5:2 ... It was well over 50% of my height, and was out of proportion with the rest of me. Have lost 7in off the waist, so now just below the magic 50% mark, but would like to whittle down a bit more. Also the same as @Ballerina have a tum that can't really get rid of (although it's now a much smaller tum :lol: it is still *a tum* :shock: :lol: ). I think that when we lose weight we often end up with just a smaller version of what we started with - with all the same *faults* - just smaller ... :shock: :wink:
I've always felt that we cannot change our basic shape only our size and like you SD I still have a big waist and tum albeit smaller than before bit stil BIG....sigh :cry: :confused:

Ballerina x :heart:
Silverdarling wrote: Hahaa! @TML13 you make a very persuasive case. And @Carieoates and @Callyanna. I can see I am going to have to try them out..... :shock: :wink:

Our work here is done ladies :heart:
Yes carie and we want the pic to prove it!
Yet another pic of me? Ok you're on :wink:
I am going to keep one pair of BIG comfy trousers from my biggest days, and in 2 years I will put them on and get my son to climb in the trousers with me, then I will take a photo.
Make sure you post it on the forum @Julieathome - many of us will be looking forward to it! :like:
Oh the poor lad, he's gonna spend all his money on therapy, LOL!

Tis true, there is no way to change the shape of our bodies (I saw it when my mum lost 10 kilos; she was 36 kilos and still had bigger thighs) unless we do pilates or hot yoga. I've seen bodies changing in quite an impressive way. But with dieting or any other form of exercise, I find it impossible.
Hi @TML13 :like: such a lovely morning surprise :smile: and all those sexy Scottish men in kilts right to the last bare bottom and all. :oops: :shock:

Lovely to see you posting you are still much missed you know :wink:
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