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5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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... Trousers bought 2 months ago from M and S - thank god didn't spend much!
Well done Silverdarling. New trousers?
Well done! I'm wearing new work trousers today, and already wondering whether I should have bought 2 sizes down rather than one?!
...soon, soooon! Have a couple of pairs I can wear, and some I haven't tried recently that may fit into, so will leave buying until I've had a good try on ... :lol: :cool:

@doodle - yes you prob should have bought 2 sizes down :lol: :like: :clover:
Whoop whoop Silverdaring!!

well done you :-)
Wow silverdarling that's amazing :heart:
I didn't think my trouser collection was any problem for me as they're all elastic waistbands But last week when out at tesco when raining by the time I got home and my trousers soaked at the bottom and getting progressively heavier I was actually walking on 8 inches of them :shock: Lol
Never realized that my now thinner thighs would make my trousers longer. So now major sort out in the trouser department of my wardrobe the only item of my clothing that hadn't gone to charity shops ) the trusted old singer sewing machine will have to come out again :heart: Shopping trip needed soon Sue
I have found my trousers to be the least forgiving as I have lost weight - they look really baggy arong the bottom and I have got rid of more pairs of trousers that anything else. A lot of my tops (sleeveless summer ones) I have taken in at the armpits so they fit around my bust and the skirts just sit lower on my hips and are longer but don't have that baggy bum look. Think I may be due a big clear out when I get my winter wardrobe out - am I going to be brave and send to charity or put my old favourites in a suitcase under the stairs - just in case...
haha the case of the expanding pants! I just use belts now..on pretty much everything. Don't u love it?! Shortbread sounds good...5 days a week LOL
Sue.Q wrote: Never realized that my now thinner thighs would make my trousers longer.

Yessss I wear a M&S short length and till now they have always crept up my legs now they hang nicely.....oh and thats a size 12 short :grin:
That must feel sooooooooooooo good :)
Hey, looking good girl, keep it up, not the trousers obviously, the diet. The trousers look like they need a belt to be kept up :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Slimming times, shopping times, happy times!!!
TML13 wrote: Slimming times, shopping times, happy times!!!

... Will be going up to Scotland, and visiting 'House of Bruar' again at the weekend!!
:grin: :cool: :grin:
... not sure whether I dare buy any trousers, in case I lose quite a bit more :shock: :wink:
That's amazing, I am so proud of you....!!!!
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