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Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 09:47
I have been doing this WOE for nearly 12 weeks now and have lost about 5 lbs (not a lot)

Over the past 3 weeks I have been feeling is bit strange, I am going through the menopause and have been for about 8 years.......yes long time. In 2010 I was diagnosed with PVC which is basically an extra heart beat, cause sometimes by raging hormones.

Now my palpitations are back with avengance, I feel constantly cold, tired, hellish insomnia, shaking on the inside and just not normal.

I had to leave work yesterday early because I felt so bad. I went to my GP who is sending me to have my blood checked for diabetes, thyroid, anemia, low vitamin D, calcium and magnesium deficiences. If they are clear then its off to the cardioligist :cry:

My head feels like wool and my insides tremble, its the most horrible feeling.

Im curious as to me doing this diet, have I brought this on, am I doing something wrong. I have eaten more than my 500 some fast days because I am so hungry.

Has anyone else had these side effects ?

Should I stop doing 5:2 altogether or is there an easier way :?:
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 09:52
Really sorry to hear you've been feeling so ill. I think it's probably hard to tell if it's 5:2 causing it. I think if you have any reason to believe that's the cause though, you ought to stop and see if your symptoms ease at all. In the meantime the results of your blood tests should come through and they may provide some useful clues as to why you are feeling so dire. Really hope you're feeling better soon.
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 10:06
Esmeralda is right, Madlou - you should stop fasting until you discover what is causing your symptoms. As you describe them, they sound almost identical to how I have felt in the past when I have hypothyroid symptoms: cold, tired, foggy brain, heart palpitations, sleep disturbance etc. Fasting is known to affect thyroid function, and reduced thyroid function affects every other cell in the body so fasting is counter-productive at the moment in my opinion.

I'm really sorry you feel this way - it's very debilitating and can be scary but try not to worry: thyroid problems are easily rectified, as are vitamin/mineral deficiencies. In the meantime, try to get as much rest as you can, eat nourishing, wholesome food (no processed food which will make you feel worse), if you can do some gentle stretching exercises and get out in the sunshine (if you can find any!), you'll feel much better while you're waiting for the results of your blood tests.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Marlene x
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 10:15
I doubt fasting has anything to do with your symptoms. If you are drinking lots more caffeine than usual, that would cause you to skip heartbeats, but not the fasting. On a fast day, you are still taking in 500 calories. The body is designed to go without food, even though as a culture we are terrified of it.
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 10:58
I think Marlene is right...stop fasting for now. It's probably a coincidence but by stopping, you will have all your tests done while your body is in a fed state, which is what all the test values will be based on. If you are still fasting twice a week it might make the tests harder to interpret as they're not calibrated for people who fast!

I hope the docs can get to the bottom of your problem and that you feel better soon!
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 11:05
I have PVC too and its horrid isn't it? I found out quite by chance that magnesium stops mine. I was recommended to try it for muscle spasms as I have FMS. It didn't do much for the spasms but the PVCs settled down. I thought it was coincidence until I stopped the magnesium and they came back. I do have to take double the normal dose on the over the counter bottles for full effect.

I don't find fasting has any effect on it but I do try to be careful on fast days not to over do the black coffee. Do you eat plenty of protein on your fast days? I have to stay off the carbs when I only have 500C to go at or I can go hypoglycaemic and that can make you shakey and jittery.

When the PVCs strike the only thing I can suggest is distraction! the more you wait for the next bump in your chest the more seem to come along! Easier said than done as I know only too well! Some people find that sipping an iced drink settles it. Sounds a bit crazy but the vagus nerve that has a branch to the heart also has branches to the throat and stomach so for some people chilling that area can have a knock-on calming effect. Didn't do much for me but some swear by it.
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 11:13
I'd definitely stop fasting until this is sorted, reduce the variables so you can sort the problem.

Sure hope you're feeling better soon Madlou :heart:
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 11:18
Thanks for all your responses. As for the caffeine I ditched that about 3 years ago to see if it would help.

I do eat more protein on fast days as it makes me feel fuller.....thank goodness.

A few years ago when my perimenopause was diagnosed my vitamin d was so low they were surprised how I still functioned. It could be this again, given the lack of sunshine too.

The PVC's are so,annoying and frightening. On Sunday I had then for 6 hours straight, it was also a fast day. I really dont know.

Hopefully the bloods will give me a clue, I also dont want to gain what I have lost

I will keep you all posted

X :)
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
27 Apr 2013, 13:23
I think you would be well advised to avoid 24 hour fasting for now. Depending on how you feel you could possibly skip an occasional meal so that you can at least maintain your hard won 5lb loss? You will be the best judge of whether this is feasible or not. Hope you don't have to wait long before you get to the root of the problem.
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
06 May 2013, 18:44

I got the results back from my GP. Apparently I have low vitamin D and slightly high LDL cholestrol.

The vitd does not surprise me as its happened before a few years ago, I took the extra supplements and felt okay and then stopped taking them. I suppose I should have thought of that. My doctor is not convinced that has an impact on the palpitations........

He is sending me to the cardiologist anyway just to make sure. As for the high ldl I am really surprised given the fact that i dont eat a lot of fatty or fried foods and its not hereditory.

I have now started to take Vitamin D3, and calcium & magensium (combined), starting tomfeel better and the palpitations have really calmed down.

I have stopped the fasting for about 10 days now, but I am worried that if I do it again I might feel crappy. My thyroid apparently was normal and I am not anemic, just confused.

Any advice, please ?
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
06 May 2013, 18:56
Sorry to hear all this Madlou - and wishing you well. Personally I'd consider just eating healthy/sensible foods and not fasting until further investigations with the cardiologist. There'll be plenty of time to come back to 5:2 when you've hopefully got to the bottom of the problem. Alternatively cut down to say 700/800 on a 'fast' day and see how that affects you - play around with it until you find a level that suits and doesn't make you feel unwell? Wishing you well - keep us informed of how things are going :clover:
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
06 May 2013, 19:22
Yes, I agree with Suchard. Fasting should help with the LDL cholesterol. Perhaps a slightly higher calorie allowance until you know more. If you combine the fasting with low carb that should help. Your cholesterol levels have little to do with the fat you eat and much more to do with the carbs. Low vitamin D is common in people who are overweight and can worsen your blood lipid profile and is "atherogenic" (it promotes cardiovascular disease).

I can't work out why people who are overweight have low vitamin d but it seems to be something to do with the whole insulin resistance story. If so, the best treatment is weight loss especially by fasting/low carb.

If you feel bad on fast days, it is likely because of insulin resistance, so going low carb will help.

Hope you get to the bottom of what is going on!
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
07 May 2013, 01:30
carorees wrote:
I can't work out why people who are overweight have low vitamin d but it seems to be something to do with the whole insulin resistance story. If so, the best treatment is weight loss especially by fasting/low carb.

As I understand it, this is because Vit D is fat soluble. All the fat will suck up Vit D till it's saturated. Only then does the excess Vit D become accessible to the body. Add in the fact that Vit D conversion from sunlight gets less efficient with aging it's no wonder that so many older, overweight folk (including me!) are low on Vit D.
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
07 May 2013, 01:40
I take 5000 to 10000 mg of Vit D daily (and I live in Phoenix AZ)- my number is within the MD normal which is not really high enough if you do some research. Coconut water is a good source of magnesium and potassium why not introduce that into your diet with more green food - like making shakes and adding spinach and kale with coco water, some berries, ice and water. I don't think it is fasting since you have lost weight that is in your favor. It sounds like a possible nutritional thing, make sure your MD knows nutrition or find a good naturopath that does to help you after you see your blood work up. In the meantime, look up Depok Choptra's simple meditation and sit and do it daily - getting worked up won't help - quiet the mind and the body will follow. I teach Qigong, Tai Chi and meditation and do it daily - it has controlled my chronic pain, given relaxation, energy and a joyful attitude daily.
Re: Is IF making me ill ?
07 May 2013, 14:01
I ended up in the ED of my local hospital with my heart going KER-THUMP in early December before I started fasting in Feb. The diagnosis was a run of PVCs with associated long QT interval. Luckily my rhythm reverted to normal on its own and all the many tests they did were normal. It seems menopause was the cause for me as well. My sister has had a similar experience. Since then the attacks have gradually lessened in frequency and intensity. Fasting has made no noticeable difference. Hopefully your problem is coincidental and you can get to the bottom of it. I do hope you feel better soon, it is a most unpleasant feeling.
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