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Benefits & Side Effects

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Love to feel cold, means body has to work to keep warm and that means using calories. Shivering would be really great, but I do not get that cold!
Yep I also feel very cold, my hands in particular are like blocks of ice. Also when sitting down in the evening I suddenly get very warm, not quite like a hot flush where you need to dry yourself off (been thee done that), more a warm fuzzy feeling where you want to turn the heating down or open a window. Perhaps that is the effect of the evening meal kicking in. I have also started to get very constipated despite drinking lots of fluid, any one else suffered from this?
Oh, and welcome to new member Susiewong, and hope you have warmed up! You might want to put a post in the 'Introduce Yourself!' section where you can have a cup of hot cocoa and be made to feel properly welcome!

OK, you will have to make the cocoa yourself, I admit...
I have always been the person the "cold" people hated. I keep my house at 65 during day and 58 at night. At first on 5:2 I was freezing fast day evenings, would warm up following days to my normal self. 6 weeks in I find myself ALWAYS cold, worse on fast days. It's 70 degrees out and I'm under my heating blanket.

I am optimistic after reading Caroline's explanation! Must mean I'm burning fat? My loves the heat husband (who after 35 years together still plays the thermostat shuffle in the summer with AC when my back is turned) is excited thinking we will save on AC/electric bills this summer.
Yes, I also feel cold, especially on fast days but even a bit on normal days as well. On the plus side, since I started 5:2 I no longer have night sweats (pre-menopausal) so no complaints!
Oh yes, especially in the evening. I put on a fleece jack and warm socks. By the time I go to bed I am warm! Next day it's over....
Good luck
Definitely happens to me too. At work I am known as the one with the refrigerated office as I never have heating on and put on the aircon as soon as summer arrives. However on fasting days I feel really cold even though the weather is warmer now, so I have learned to take a cardigan with me on those days.
gspme wrote: since I started 5:2 I no longer have night sweats (pre-menopausal) so no complaints!

OMG now I think about it, mine have reduced hugely !!! :shock:

I've been putting up with them for over 10 years now & it's never been this good!
Well, tomorrow is fast day 5 so I've set out my clothes to be extra warm. It's only going to be a max of 15 Celsius tomorrow so I think I'm going to be cold anyway. It's good to know that I'm not the only one cold.
I do actually shake on fast days with cold and I get a sore jaw because I tend to clench it so that I don't chatter. It was only 9 degrees on Thursday, last fast, but I was rugged up and mostly in a warm environment - it was a daycare day for bub so I came home and got back into bed for 3 hours. Lush. Guilt. Oh well :)
I love brown fat, I'm sad watching my baby slowly grow out of hers. Beautiful stuff and I'm happy to create some more myself :)
Thank you for all your wonderful responses, the chats about hot flushes (I'm 30 and probably won't go through it but your openness has given me hope others in my situation might open up), I've decided to go to the medical board and ask if anyone is suffering from hypothalamic amenorrhea (gonadotropic amenorrhea) and if just maybe someone has had some success with the diet. I love that everyone is so open and generous here, thank you :)
It is a new experience for me!

I am normally the warmest person in the room and constantly turning the heating down. In fact when I eat dinner I have to have a window open as I get so overheated!

Since I have been fasting (7 months) I am freezing on fast days. I love it. I can finally wear jumpers and shiver like the rest of my family. Back to normal on eating days though!
I am definitely colder!! I think it's in part because I am drinking even more water, and cold water makes me cold already as it is. Today I am freezing! Came here looking for a forum post on this very thing because of it! I hope I'm burning lots of calories!
I definitely feel colder on fast days and I really felt the cold last winter even though it was fairly mild. The previous two winters were freezing but I had all that excess weight to help keep me warm. Now it's gone I'm back to being the first person to put on an extra three layers.
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