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Benefits & Side Effects

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I am finding on fast days that I am getting really cold. Even with a jumper in a 20 degree room I will shiver. I am drinking a lot of herbal tea to warm me up but it's going to make winter fasting uncomfortable. I remember learning in science that my body runs at a higher temp once I'm up for the day 36.3 on waking then 37.2 a couple of hours later. this is the only reason I can see for why I'm getting cold.

Anyone else?
Well I hate to tell you I was having the same problem, because for me it was an underactive thyroid making me cold. I actually was diagnosed with hyperactive thyroid and I have been on medication to suppress my thyroid and bring me down to normal. After two months of fasting, I noticed I was *so cold* and started to realize I had other symptoms and got blood work done. Turns out my thyroid levels were too low - it seems my thyroid was getting a bit healthier, so I didn't need so much thyroid suppression medicine. I've reduced my meds and my levels have normalized.

So I hope that's not the problem you are having!
I got the impression from the 'negative side effects' thread that feeling cold is a common problem with fasting. I live in the subtropics so I've not noticed it.
Same for me in Sydney & its barely begun to get cold here. I dont know how you guys in the UK cope!
Have been ok up to now but this week saw some cold weather for the first time this autumn and definitely felt it during the fast day.
Hi there, I also get quite cold on fast days - and I seem to remember reading something about it either in the book or over on the official 5:2 website.
Yes, I was really cold on my early fast days but it's been getting better- partly the warmer weather but also I realised I was cold when sitting down so tried to keep moving. I don't have any thyroid issues, although I seem to have a low-ish temperature when it's taken. I have always thought that as food is fuel being a bit cold on a fast day should help the fat-burning process.- the opposite of the central heating makes you fat idea. So, while it's a bit uncomfortable sometimes, I try to think of it as a positive thing! And then I get a hot-water bottle out ;)
Anaria wrote: Yes, I was really cold on my early fast days but it's been getting better- partly the warmer weather but also I realised I was cold when sitting down so tried to keep moving. I don't have any thyroid issues, although I seem to have a low-ish temperature when it's taken. I have always thought that as food is fuel being a bit cold on a fast day should help the fat-burning process.- the opposite of the central heating makes you fat idea. So, while it's a bit uncomfortable sometimes, I try to think of it as a positive thing! And then I get a hot-water bottle out ;)

Same here. It's definitely getting easier (& it's not just spring on the way)
Yes, I've recently had some cold days too. It was fine in summer, but now that temps are in the low 20s during the day, I've had at least tree or four days when I've been cold all day. It's going to make winter even worse than usual, I really don't like the cold!
I was cold before I started 5:2! Yes, fast days are chilly, but I try to think of it in a positive way. (And yes, I do take levothyroxine)
Yes, I'm cold on fast days and I live in Saudi Arabia!
I've had this too - though not so much recently, maybe my body has adapted in some way? My solution was to take some exercise...
Yep, me too, yesterday I was having one stressy thing occur after another and I was just freezing even though it was sunny. Sometimes I feel like I've got the flu as my legs ache too but not always. I do have an underactive thyroid but am on medication for it, it was my inabaility to lose weight in the first place which flagged this up for the GP.
Yes, I have been cold and not just on fast days. Thought it was UK weather and also 'cos have lost some weight. Lovely day today and feel fine!
I am always cold on fast days, I had to put wooly socks on last Wednesday, even though it was warm here.
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