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Benefits & Side Effects

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Me too. I was freezing yesterday, even though the sun was shining. Not easy to do exercise when in work all day sat at your desk :-(

Think I'll bring tights and a jacket to wear on fast day!
Digesting food takes energy so you generate some's called the thermogenic effect of food. It's the reason why people claim breakfast kickstarts your doesn't, yes your metabolic rate is slightly raised due to the energy needed to digest the food but of course the food provides more energy than it takes to digest. Anyway, the lack of food is why we feel cold on fast days.

However, feeling cold and fasting may activate brown adipose tissue which generates heat (that's it's function) and also burns up calories. People with more brown fat tend to be thinner. Cold exposure can actually increase the amount of brown fat. So it's good to feel cold!

Interestingly, I feel less cold on fast days than I used to, so perhaps I've now got a bit more brown fat!
Hi,I just had my first 2 fast days this week and also noticed the cold feeling on those days. Must remember to take an extra layer to work with me just in case. Found having a drink of hot water or tea helped though.
Me too, and like grandma I'm cold on non fast days as well.
Thanks Caroees for your explanation though I must say the idea of brown fat is a bit gross
It's brown because it contains lots of mitochondria, which are the parts of the cell that burn fat! Normal fat (white adipose tissue) is white because it has few mitochondria but masses of fat...
Gosh Caroline you are a real mine of information. Thanks for the explanation- gross though it is!
Caroline, I believe I learn something new every time I read one of your posts!

I also feel cold on fast days, but as a naturally cold person (who also sufferers from Raynauds), as my DH would say "what's new?" :lol:

Exercise has definitely helped me warm up on fasting days, so I'm doing more exercise, and that can't be a bad thing!
Oh yes, exercise can activate brown fat too! There's quite a bit about brown fat in the 5:2 Labs section.
I was freezing yesterday and had a really good loss. I wonder if there is a correlation there?
Oh, me too. I swear by thermal socks (and cardigans and hot drinks, plus snoods to hide the, er, visible effects on ladies) on fast days. However, I've started running first thing on fast days, and I don't seem to get quite so cold until the afternoon, now.
Diet soda?

What came into my mind is also diet soda. One side effect of aspartam is freezing.
So if you have and diet sodas during your fast, it may cause some more freezing than necessary....
Me!! I'm never over hot and always the one in the office to want the window closing! But on fast days I have to bring an extra jumper to keep warm.... just wish it was possible to type in gloves as my hands and feet seem to be the worst bits!
I'm the same Loubs1974 - maybe we should try fingerless gloves? ;-) With drinking lots on fast days, I'm always in the loo, so I spend time dunking my hands in warm water to help warm them up :-)
Yes, I get very cold hands and feet and with a cold wind yesterday I had to put pullovers on.

I have found that if I go out and exercise my hands and feet will warm up. That is moderate exercise - brisk walking. The effects will last a couple of hours.

Once I have eaten in the evening (I try to eat 600 cals once a day), I also warm up...
Hi all, for the last 40 years I have done (with a a few exceptions - nursing my son, illness, broken leg (meds, fasting and crutches, no thanks!)) a yearly religious fast, sunrise to sunset, no food or drink, for 19 days in March. When I was a teen, I had blocks of ice for hands and feet and pretty much cold all over by the end of the day. Not even huddling up under the covers with a heating pad would warm me up! It has not been as severe in many years as I've gained weight, but I noticed cold hands yesterday!
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