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Benefits & Side Effects

77 posts Page 3 of 6
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 17:59
GMH wrote: as a single friend of mine says: Thank God we live in an electronic age :grin:

Hey you don't have to be single to join the electronic age :like: :lol: :lol:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 18:02
I'm SO glad it's not just me! I was a little worried when I posted that some may thing me a bit out of order (TMI & all that!) - glad you're all benefitting too, also glad that you're not benefitting from my husband :lol: :lol:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 18:15
I'm sure your DH is wonderful, but even he might wilt under a full onslaught of the 5.2 women :?: :lol: :lol:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 18:32
Well another health and wellbeing benefit of 5:2 shame Dr M didn't refer to this in the book, imagine the sales then!! 5:2 forever I say!! How do we monitor this then?
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 18:52
Hahahahaha this thread has really made me chuckle on a boring Friday night, think I need to do a bit of research this weekend to see if this is a benefit of the 5:2, it may take a few tests just to make sure :wink:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 18:56
I am sure you will not be alone conducting research!! Results to be uploaded Monday?? !!!
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 19:03
Well someone has to do scientific research for all the 5:2 ladies and gentlemen, I assure you I will approach this task in earnest to get the overall results hahahahaha
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 21:43
120cals? Right, that's going to make teabreaks at work much more worthwhile! ( I work from home)
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 22:20
120 Calories?!!!
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 22:39
Lets get technical, nerves don't grow or even repair very well as we get older or fatter. In fact as we get fatter the nerves get spread out so you don't actually 'feel' as well as you did. So maybe more nerve endings are being touched and stimulated because there are now more nerve endings per inch.
I'm glad for all of you. The bloody *insert lots and lots of swear words* meds I am on actually say they cause erectile dysfunction and lessening of the desire for and the strength and intensity of orgasms. I didn't believe it till hubby told me we hadn't had sex for 2 months.
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 22:45
OK, I decided to write the book after all.
3:2:2, the road to weight loss and better orgasms. :-)
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 22:46
Moogie wrote: 120cals? Right, that's going to make teabreaks at work much more worthwhile! ( I work from home)

I work from home too. But I'm usually alone. Pfffft... :confused:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 22:56
I am too! ;)
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 23:25
Yes please!!! :-)
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 23:29
Bloody hell you lot!!! Yes, yes, and :razz:
Off to do some research, might require extensive experimentation :wink:
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