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Benefits & Side Effects

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Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 10:13
Mmm I think I need some more practice now that I'm slimmer. :wink:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 10:27
I wouldn't say that orgasms are better, just that they are much much much longer and stronger as well. :cool: It's not because I am enjoying myself more because I always enjoyed myself with my honey so maybe it's because the body is kind of "stronger" in a way ?

Damned, he will laugh his beautiful bum off when I will show him this thread :grin:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 10:43
Perhaps you feel better for your body without even knowing it?
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 10:54
I don' think that's it. We always had a great (and a bit wild) sex life together. I always felt great in my skin because of him, of how he made me - and still do, by the way - feel beautiful and sexy. I just think that has the body changes the sensations changes as well. I mean the skin reacts differently, it's more sensitive to the touch. It's difficult to explain, even more when it's not your maternal language...
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 11:33
In any case, it's good! ;-)
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 11:52
Can't complain :cool:

And orgams are one of the best ways to burn calories, effective (120 calories)

Another reason to have plenty :grin:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 11:58
TML13 wrote: OK, I'll get serious for a second... Old Nog is right. If we feel better then sex is better then orgasms are better and then the forum gets better. :-)

I agree that feeling better in our own skin makes for an increased feeling of wellbeing and therefore better sex but TML this forum will disappear as we'll all be too busy having our best sex ever to contribute here LOL :wink:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 12:01
Jenny, we should ask the nerds to make as an orgasm tracker, LOL!
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 12:03
TML13 wrote: Jenny, we should ask the nerds to make as an orgasm tracker, LOL!

Ha ha awesome!! Quality of orgasm in comparison to weightloss, sounds like a fun experiment :lol:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 12:17
Manderley - Wow, I didn't know you could burn 120cals in 2 minutes 30 seconds!
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 12:19
Indeed!!! And, obviously, they would make it for US not AS, LOL!!!
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 12:22
wildmissus wrote: Manderley - Wow, I didn't know you could burn 120cals in 2 minutes 30 seconds!

No, it's only with the orgasm (if it's a real one, a fake one burns even more calories), not the whole process :grin:
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 12:28
Do food orgasms count? Like the ones I get when I eat a very good chocolate cake? Because if they do, then chocolate has negative calories!!!
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 17:07
LOL, I thought it was just me. Definitely better since losing a few kgs. I'm sure it is because I'm more confident with my body (and more supple apparently).
Re: Orgasms
21 Jun 2013, 17:21
LOL! This thread certainly got my attention :wink: Am I allowed to say mine are always good - although I may need to impress on the hubby the extra calories burned :lol: :razz:
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