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03 Nov 2014, 19:27
Hi coffeetime, I couldn't go all day without food either. A light lunch and then a larger supper gets me through the day. Sorry to hear you're feeling queasy. Sometimes we just make take what is available to fill us up. I've done it in the past. I keep trying to take vitamins to supplement my not so healthy eating habits. I burped up the multi-vitamin, the powder from the capsule came up. Ick. Then I tried just calcium magnesium pills the other day and within ten minutes I was nauseous. All that money shelled out and I can't take the darn things. Anyway, I hate having an upset tummy. I tend to keep eating in the hope it goes away. Doesn't always work. I'd love to have some salted peanuts now, though. I love nuts but they are so high in calories. I bought some pecans the other day and will eat some tomorrow. Ugh, thinking about food again and I still have the afternoon and evening to get through lol. Time for another cuppa.
I'm only planning on fasting two days this week, second day will be Wednesday. I can't imagine doing three yet :) although I admire your commitment Ieramul!
Toodles for now,
03 Nov 2014, 20:25
Sorry Steph, I thought you were fasting on Friday too. I'm feeling a bit better now, in future I'll try not to be so lazy and cook a proper meal, especially on a fast day. I eat a lot of nuts as I don't eat meat, the amount I have are probably equal in calories to lean meat.
Sorry to hear that you can't take vitamin tablets, if you eat plenty of vegetables, sensible protein and a few wholemeal carbohydrates you should get the full quota of vitamins and minerals, I just take a vitamin B12 tablet most days which is needed on a vegan diet. I have several books on nutrition which I dip into occasionally, mostly old with ragged pages now and I bought a book on plant based nutrition from the vegan society when I stopped eating eggs and milk products - although I've started to eat a little cheese again. I wish I could take more notice of the contents, junk food was not part of the advice given!
I hope everything is still going well for you @Ieramul, not long to go now and we can eat normally tomorrow. :grin:
03 Nov 2014, 20:34
Hello my fasting buds :wink:
I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me so I have to tell you that today is a first!!! I can hardly believe it.

When I got home from work, my husband unusually did not have a meal on the stove which suited me as I was not tempted by his delicious cooking. As I was not terribly hungry - no more hungry than I was at midday I decided not to eat as I find that a little bit of food still leaves me hungry. So I had another boullion - as you can see this really comforted me today - whilst watching my husband tuck into treacle pudding with custard :-)). Luckily a sweet dish did not appeal to me. Later, as I settled on the sofa, I made myself a 40 kcal hot chocolate bringing my total kcals to 70. This is the lowest kcals I have ever had on a fasting day.

This just shows how different fasting days can turn out. Sometimes they are easy and sometimes they just don't work out very well, it all depends on our state of mind and what else is happening in our lives. So Coffee I totally understand that it is very difficult for you to fast when you have your son to stay. I must say I have great admiration for anybody who has to prepare meals for their loved ones when fasting. The fact that I can fast in the office where there is no food is so much easier. All I have to do is tell my husband not to worry/cook for me. However he always cooks too much and usually I do have a small plate full and then the left-overs the next day.

I hope you managed to stay strong when relaxing on the sofa and you are looking forward to tomorrow when you can enjoy your meals again. @stephd You don't need to do three fast days this week. I don't want you to find this too onerous and get discouraged. @coffee enjoy the time with your son and try to get back to fasting next week.

It is now half past eight - I think I will have an early night and look forward to a lovely breakfast tomorrow morning. I don't want to spoil my achievement at the eleventh hour. :-))
03 Nov 2014, 20:55
Oh all three of us posted simultaneously. :-)
Yes, we seem to agree that we need to focus more on good quality food on eating days. On fasting days I only want to eat healthy food (funnily mostly nuts). On eating days when the hunger is satisfied I crave sugar. However you both seem to be very much on top of eating healthy food it's just that we also like sugary things.

I, too take supplements even though people tell me they are a waste of money. i take a multivitamin, cod liver oil, garlic and boron. I don't know if they help. Oh well. Take care.
03 Nov 2014, 21:27
coffeetime, you say "if you eat plenty of vegetables, sensible protein and a few wholemeal carbohydrates you should get the full quota of vitamins and minerals," and I know that I just don't do it! why not? because I started down this road many months ago and it is now a habit and almost a need to eat crappy junk food. Was it you who said you went shopping and bought biscuits for your company? whoever it was is to be commended for not opening the package when they got home! I have been known to buy treats for company, eat them all and have to go out to buy more at the last minute. I have learned not to buy stocking stuffers at Christmas until Christmas Eve otherwise I eat them all!
Congrats Ieramul for getting through the day without eating! Fabulous! It is only 3 hours after I ate my lunch and I want to eat again. I've had a couple of cherry tomatoes, a few small pieces of chicken as I cleaned the meat off last night's roast chicken so I can make stock, and a cup of bouillon. I sit waiting for my phone to ring from the garage. I dropped my car off at 2 and I still haven't gotten it back. It's now 4:20! I just called again and they are doing another test run to see if they can find the problem. Apparently my brakes are in good working order so they are stumped by my description of what is happening. Hopefully, I get the car back soon. I was going to go out and look for boots this afternoon but that won't be happening now :(. Well, tomorrow afternoon will be soon enough I suppose. No snow in the forecast lol.
Goodness, I do go on lol.
Sweet dreams ladies!
03 Nov 2014, 22:00
Oh steph, I hope your car won't be too expensive - you need the money to spend on warm boots this winter. :-(

Steph I think craving sugar is quite a complicated issue and has not just to do with willpower. It is a proper addiction.
I have purchased a kindle book: "Fat Chance, the hidden truth about sugar". when I have read it I will pass on the main points to you. From what I can gather, it is sugar not fat that makes us fat and getting fat is not the only danger. Being such a sugar addict I need to read this to put me off the stuff.
03 Nov 2014, 22:48
Hi Ieramul, my car wasn't too expensive, only $120 and to fix the problem they found (although I'm not sure it relates to the problem I was telling them about. My car is falling to pieces lol) will cost about $115 which isn't so bad. I was expecting $200 or $300. I have another mechanic who I sometimes take my car to so I will call him tomorrow and get a quote from him and go with whoever is cheapest. I still have money for boots :). Then my son is having his 19th birthday this month so more money for that. My granddaughter is also having her birthday so again more money :bugeyes: ! It gets even more expensive in December what with car registration coming due and CAA dues, not to mention all those presents. :) But, as I say, it is only money and as long as the money keeps coming in every month I don't worry. Everything will get paid for eventually.
I've seen documentaries on tv, filmed in the U.S., about the evils of sugar. Hasn't stopped me from consuming it, though lol. I need a swift kick in the pants or a slap upside the head or something. I just bought myself a diet pepsi and will sip on that until I make supper. I'm aiming to wait until 7 or so before eating again. I won't be eating tomorrow until noon so I want to have something to get me through the morning. I volunteer at an elementary school one morning a week in the kindergarten classes. The children are between 3 and 5 years old and they are the sweetest even with their winter snotty noses LOL.
Well, now I'll be on the couch for a while as my laundry is washing.
03 Nov 2014, 23:04
Well done @Ieramul, 70 calories! You must be so pleased. I looked at that book on Amazon a while ago, I can't remember why I didn't buy it, I must have been buying too many books at once. I'll have another look tomorrow.
Yes it was me buying biscuits for other people @stephd and I'll probably have just one or two which will be the hardest part for me. I'm really trying to drink coffee without the biscuits, when I started out on 5:2 I got out of the biscuit habit, I think it's going to take a while to get back to that frame of mind.
I hope your car will be OK, I'm having trouble with our car too, we've had it for 9 years, we usually replace them after two or three years but this little Corsa has been so good, hardly any problems until recently and nothing major at all. I think it will have to go soon though, I don't trust it any more when I drive on long journeys and I'm mentally praying that it will get me there and back again. I can do without that sort of stress atm.
I'm getting tired now - and cold, I think it's time for bed. Tomorrow is a day of reckoning, lets hope we are all a bit lighter in weight.
C x
03 Nov 2014, 23:18
What a lovely place you have set up here. It's so comfortable.. I hope its ok if we eavesdrop.
03 Nov 2014, 23:24
Juliana.Rivers wrote: What a lovely place you have set up here. It's so comfortable.. I hope its ok if we eavesdrop.

Thank you and you are very welcome (this is me still wide awake on a fast night at half past eleven) Optimistically I now say: "good night" :wink:
04 Nov 2014, 00:32
Well done Ieramul!!!! have a night filled with sweet dreams. See you tomorrow. I still have 3 and a half hours to go which will be very hard tonight. Just ate some dinner and of course want to keep on eating :(. Time for more tea.

Juliana we welcome eavesdroppers! though not so sure what I say will be of much interest :lol: Thanks for your kind words.
04 Nov 2014, 06:56
Hope you have a wonderful day. Glad that the car expense didn't depress you too much, steph. Sorry to hear about your car worries too, coffee. I had a 18 year old Astra until June and was too worried to go any distance. Then I bought a second hand polo. Still miss my old trusty car though. It was good to me for 16 years.

Scales are a bit down this morning but with no food inside me, I should hope so. Starting the day with scrambled eggs and tomato trying to minimise carbs if possible. Image

Will take some nuts and yoghurt for snacks and soup for lunch. I hope I won't weaken and pop next door to Lidl (@steph a small supermarket) and buy something unhealthy. Sharing with you now will hopefully prevent me from doing this. I don't want to waste that effort. I can't have anything in the house in the way of biscuits or chocolates or they pester me to eat them.

Hope you manage to make healthy food choices today. All the best
04 Nov 2014, 08:00
Hi Juliana, visitors are welcome. :grin: Join us on the sofa, the kettle is always on for tea or coffee and there are biscuits available if you are not fasting.
04 Nov 2014, 09:51
I've lost my message, I'm sure I posted it OK :cry: I'll type it again but can't atm, I hope I can remember what I said, it was a real masterpiece :wink:
04 Nov 2014, 11:41
I'll start again, I can remember some of what I wrote before but not all of it. Never mind. First though I'm typing it in Word as I don't want to lose it yet again - well I'm using Open Office which is not as good as Word but OK.

Good news! I'm down to 9st 9lb --- Woohooooo!!! Although I'll be putting some of that back again in the next couple of days when I eat normally again. If I can resist the biscuits then it won't be too bad, I don't want to cut them out completely, I'll aim for one or two each day.
So pleased that you have lost weight too Ieramul. I love the little car and the egg frying smiley. I thought we were good to keep our car on the road for 9 years but you must have looked after your car very well to keep it for 16 years!
I didn't sleep for very long last night, I went to bed at midnight, read until 12.30 and woke up at 5.30, I usually fall asleep again if I make a cup of tea, but suddenly remembered that the bin men would soon be arriving and I hadn't put the rubbish out - so I put my wellies on and a coat over the top of my nightshirt and with my head torch I pottered about outside in the dark. Then I was wide awake.
I hope you managed to lose some weight too Steph, I'm looking forward to seeing how you got on. I find that having buddy friends is really helpful, I hope it's the same for you.
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