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04 Nov 2014, 23:21
@MadcatladyYou're very welcome to lurk and pop in whenever you like. Lots of room as you can see by our extensions, the conservatory is certainly inviting :). What time zone are you in? I am 6 hours behind the posted time on these threads. My buddies are sadly in bed when I am going through the evening munchies. :( I can't seem to be able to start a thread to see if others are still up at this time. Can you help?
04 Nov 2014, 23:38
@stephd - thanks for welcoming me in

Have you tried the daily thread for instant companionship.........?


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
05 Nov 2014, 00:36
Hi steph, yes I am German (hence the English mistakes). And your mother is right. Once you have thrown a six you have to put on a hat, scarf and gloves before you can start opening the chocolate. Sometimes someone throws another six just as you have finished putting on all the clothes. :lol:
Working in Tanzania was tough as the mother of the children got very ill just before I arrived and i wasn't just a tutor but also had to shop (not easy, no shops only markets) cook, make bread, wash and do home schooling, I was only 22 and had to step in for the mum. She was ill for half a year in a tropical hospital in Europe.
Ever since I am so grateful for all the convenience we have, fridge, freezer, cooker, washing machine, dish washer, always running water and electricity. Both were often down. But most of all I marvel at the extraordinary abundance we have in our shops and constant availability.
05 Nov 2014, 13:03
Hi darling buddies
Coffee, I hope you are enjoying (in between cooking etc) the time with your son this week. I am sure you can resist the biscuits - just push them towards your husband and son. Yesterday I had a message from my (baby)son saying hat he will visit this weekend. I am so happy.
This morning I got up and didn't feel full from last night (just a little hungry) which made me doubt if can could pull off a fast today. However I ran late for work and didn't have time for breakfast and then meetings all morning at work. It is now 13hrs and I am no more hungry than this morning and want to wait until hunger becomes uncomfortable. I have just had a boullion to warm me up.
I can never quite understand how hunger is regulated. If this was an eating day I would be starving by now but somehow on fasting days it is not an issue until I get home in the evening. When I get home in the evening, there is this ritual of having a meal to end the day and then relax. If I come home and don't eat it is as if there is no closure to the day. Straaaaange.
05 Nov 2014, 16:34
Hello buddy friends, my son has been using my computer most of the day so I haven't been able to join in, and now it's free I have to start cooking the evening meal so can't chat or send a reply to your posts. :cry: I'll have to catch up another time.

I hope your fasts are going well. I'm still 9st 9lb, it just shows that when I keep the biscuit and chocolate cravings under control my weight doesn't increase!

Must dash, talk soon. x
05 Nov 2014, 18:05
Hi guys, 1 pm and still not hungry, should be able to make it till I come back from visiting Marion, my 93 yo friend at 3:30. I've had some great news today. Went for my yearly checkup with the oncologist and I am still cancer free! Yippee! I've had thyroid cancer twice so this is fantastic.
Not so fantastic that my scale read 132 lbs this morning, up from 127.8 last Friday. :( I swear there's something wrong with my scale, how can I be fluctuating so dramatically? do I really gain 4 lbs in five days? so depressing :(. So, I am keen to fast well today. Good for you Coffee for maintaining!
Ieramul you are some woman, doing all of that for the family in Tanzania at the age of 22! Yup, we do have so much. I'm constantly telling my son and friends how darn lucky we are to be living in this country where we have a roof over our heads, food in the cupboard and running water and indoor toilets! I lived on a farm for a while when I was 24 and 7 months pregnant where there was no running water and only an outhouse. Had to haul the water from the lake for washing. One of the women on a neighbouring farm also drank the lake water. Couldn't do that myself. Also had to chop wood for the wood stove for both cooking and heat. Sure opened my eyes to the luxuries we are fortunate to have.
Time for me to head out. Enjoy your dinners, the two of you. I'm looking forward to some more of that yummy tagine but this time with a bit of rice to tide me over till my late supper.
05 Nov 2014, 18:27
@stephd, Nasty old thyroid cancer. It's really common isn't it. Glad you've got the all clear my SIL is recovering from this.
Yes the scales can pop around all over the place especially if you over indulge on too many carbs on feast days. Start daily weighing and then your mind will be able to rest up.
I will fluctuate up to three pounds over a week. So no biggy. :clover:
05 Nov 2014, 20:16
Hi darling buddies. Steph I am soooooo happy for you. Such wonderful news that you are clear of cancer. Here comes a biiiig hug. :-). Rejoice and don't let the fluctuating scales spoil this today. Tomorrow the scales might be down again especially since you are fasting today. I know it is disappointing when the scales go up but as carieoates mentioned maybe try and reduce carbs especially sugar to see if this makes a difference.

Coffee I hope you enjoyed today having your son with you but I can see how busy you are but hope it is not getting stressful.

My fast today went OK but not as well as on Monday which was an exception anyhow. I think I probably had about 600kcals and was soo tempted to keep eating. But then I belted out the 5:2 song rather too loudly (don't worry there was noone else around) and I managed to stop eating.
Pardon? You say you don't know the 5:2 song? It is of course the song from the musical "Annie" called:


The food'll come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on 'till tomorrow
Till tomorrow come what may
Tomorrow tomorrow I'll eat you tomorrow
Your're always a day away. Etc etc etc....
There is always youtube if you don't know the song that well :lol:

Have a lovely evening :lol:
05 Nov 2014, 21:20
Thanks for your kind words. I shouldn't be surprised my weight went up considering what I've been eating but I didn't think it would go up so drastically since I fasted on Monday. Hopefully, things will be different tomorrow morning. I love that song Ieramul! I might just find it on youtube and blast it tonight when I'm at my weakest lol.
I just came back from the retirement home where they had a birthday party for all those residents having birthdays this month. It was a hoot. The entertainment was "Dan the Country Man", a really engaging and fun man. He played all country music songs and danced and teased the residents. He even had Marion laughing. She has such a sweet smile and laugh. Warmed my heart. The songs took me back to my childhood when my father used to play them on the record player. I normally dislike country music but today was fun. They served black forest cake which I am proud to say I resisted! I am now waiting for my rice to cook. Had a couple cherry tomatoes in the mean time. Congrats Ieramul for sticking to your fast! and Coffee I hope your visit went well and you enjoyed your non-fast dinner :).
btw Ieramul your english is fantastic. you wouldn't want to try communicating with me in German as my diction and pronunciation is atrocious!
Have a relaxing evening guys. The sun will soon be going down soon and I may just go for a walk before it does. I hate how early the sun sets! darn daylight savings time
06 Nov 2014, 01:59
@carieoates sorry to hear your SIL has thyroid cancer. As my oncologist and surgeon once told me, thyroid cancer is the best cancer to have as it responds so well to treatment. My case was a little more aggressive but also quite easily treated.
I do weigh myself daily and am discouraged more often than not. Having the numbers creep up past 130 is daunting as I was at 135 lbs at my heaviest this past year and don't want to be that heavy again. Then I lost 13 lbs with quite stringent calorie counting. Can't really see myself doing that again as only eating 1200 calories every day was so difficult. Fasting seems relatively easy in comparison, I just have to cut back on the feed days, which I'm hoping comes with time, as so many people say one is less hungry after a fast. Tonight I am still full from this afternoon's meal (about 200 cal). I could probably go to bed without eating anything else but I won't be eating tomorrow until 3 and think I should have something in me to tide me over. We shall see.
Hope your evening is going well, or that you are sleeping soundly :).
06 Nov 2014, 14:35
Hi Girls, I am just popping in here for a quick cuppa in front of the fire. Ohh, how relaxing.

Steph, don't beat yourself up and just experiment what works for you. I agree 1200kcals is not sustainable - leaving you permanently hungry. But maybe see if you can be really good during the week and have one day you allow yourself to indulge. By being good I mean fast two days and eat 3-4 days at TDEE or a bit less. Then maybe allow yourself one day when you can indulge a bit more so you can look forward to it and keep going with the WOL.

Experimentation is my answer. I think it is a good thing to work out a strategy for the week ahead and try and stick with it - then on Monday mornings you can review and decide on a new one if last week's wasn't doable. Hope the scales were kinder this morning.
Hi coffee, hope you are not too busy/stressed and can find a few minutes to relax here - it is really cosy here and after all "YOU NEED YOUR COFFEE. Speak later.
06 Nov 2014, 19:46
Hi girls, I'm back! Sorry I wasn't able to join in, I've read through all of your posts, I've missed out on so much, you have both been very busy here.
You've both been fasting without me, so glad that your weight is still going down Ieramul however slowly, at least it's in the right direction. Sorry that you didn't lose this time Steph, it's frustrating when that happens, we try so hard and it's disappointing when nothing happens or even worse when it goes up instead of down, but stick at it, we are here to listen and help when we can. How much do you have to lose?
What is more important is the good news from your oncologist. :smile: :heart:

My son went home at lunchtime today, he hogged my computer the whole time he was here, but I didn't mind as his laptop which he uses for work has died and he thought he might have lost everything. He brought the hard drive with him and bought a gadget to copy everything onto another computer - mine! At least he can access the urgent information - and I'm left with all his photos, hundreds of them of my youngest granddaughter. So in a way it was win, win for both of us.
…..And he cut the grass and moved a couple of shrubs for me while he was here!

After he left I had an appointment with a carer's support worker, my last one, I've had so much help from her and many other kind people, I'm able to cope better now although my problems and stress haven't gone away. I never want to go back to that dark place again, I think I was heading for a nervous breakdown.

On a lighter note, I was still the same weight this morning, I'm not sure when my next fast day will be, perhaps we can all fast on the same day again?

I think I'll stop now although I've still not said all I intended to, it was all going to be kind words with a few jokey words thrown in but I'm so tired, I keep waking up in the early hours and I can never get back to sleep again. :sleepy:
06 Nov 2014, 19:54
Hi @Madcatlady, I'm a bit late to welcome you into our new buddy den - not sure what to call it, it's not a tent or a house. Anyway, make yourself comfortable, the kettle is boiling for tea or coffee, the biscuits have all gone but we have some cake if you are not fasting today. :wink:
06 Nov 2014, 20:13
Hey gals, I'm just here for a minute. Welcome back coffee! How wonderful that you have so many photos of your grandchild now! Do you mind my asking why you needed a carer? you're alright now? it is tough when one has health problems, I've had my fair share as I'm sure we all have. You have my support :).
Just had some lunch. I was hungry this morning but didn't want to eat until I got home from work, wanted to wait for the spaghetti with italian sausage. It was so yummy. Now I am off to my friend's and I have saved room for cake. It'll be just my luck if she doesn't have any today LOL!
Talk again soon!
06 Nov 2014, 20:38
Hi coffee and steph
I am so pleased coffee that your lovely son helped you out in the garden whilst you were able to help him with your computer. What a wonderful outcome to have so many pictures of your grand daughter now.

When you said your last meeting with the support worker - does that mean the support stops now? I hope not. Carers can easily feel isolated because they can't join interest groups or outings with other people due to their responsibilities. Please never feel you can't talk about being down - you don't need to pretend.

Today was an eating day and I think I managed to not go above TDEE. I will fast tomorrow but next week I will only do two fasts, so if you want to join me on Monday that would be great.

Something fantastic has happened this week. I opened a bar of chocolate on Tuesday (eating day) and didn't feel compelled to finish it. In fact I found it too sweet. I thought this might be a fluke but today - the same thing. Four squares and I stopped. i don't know if this is due to fasting or if my taste buds are changing due to getting older. I suppose only time will tell but I always envied those people who could eat just two biscuits or a few squares of chocolate and stop or even more so those who didn't care for sweet foodstuff.

Steph I hope you had a great time at your friend's house and well done for lasting until lunch time!!!

Speak soon.
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