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04 Nov 2014, 12:10
coffeetime wrote: Hi Juliana, visitors are welcome. :grin: Join us on the sofa, the kettle is always on for tea or coffee and there are biscuits available if you are not fasting.

Why thank you @coffeetime. Dont mind if i do
04 Nov 2014, 12:20
Hi Coffee, isn't it annoying when you lose the post. Had this happen to me a few times too. But regardless, having this thread is soooooo much better, so much easier to read the posts. Thanks for setting it up for us. You seem to be quite a computer and forum girl. I am still feeling my way around.

I am quite amazed how similar our night/morning was: I could also not fall asleep until well after midnight and then DH had to go to work at 5am waking me up and I couldn't go back to sleep.

Well Coffee, I am sure you will lose those two or three pounds with our help. It does make a difference when you have buddies. I am a bit more careful, knowing you and steph are there to discuss this with. Of course I still eat things I shouldn't but somehow a little less so - that's phantastic. If you can manage only two biscuits a day that would be great, coffee.

Steph you have birthdays coming up like me. It isn't just the money, the problem is knowing what to give (birthday and Christmas) and I am not very good a that. Is your son having a party at your house? Oh I can remember my children's 18th parties and I found them quite stressful. :shock:

I promised this morning that I would have no/low carbs today, only to go to the kitchen and make breakfast consisting of buttered TOAST and 2 eggs. ;-(. It is now midday and I am still not hungry so will keep lunch to a couple of oranges and plain yoghurt as I have a lentil stew waiting for me when I get home and I want to eat well and feel full after tonight's meal in preparation of tomorrow's fast. Lovely day today - just off for a 45minute lunchtime walk. Good luck today
Oh, I just wanted to say, coffee how much I like your signature phrase. Brilliant. I was once told that: "it is not the falling down that is the problem but not getting up" - or similar - and I love it.
04 Nov 2014, 12:53
Another eaves-dropper here lol! I'm so pleased that you lovely ladies seem to have gelled so well as a buddy trio and are doing brilliantly at supporting each other. Must say I'm becoming quite addicted to the daily accounts of your activities so hope you don't mind if I pop back occasionally and partake of your kind offer of coffee and biccies!
04 Nov 2014, 12:57
Thanks Ieramul, I chose that quote because I often fall in the water 'put weight back on' but instead of feeling down and doing nothing about it 'staying there', I can start fasting again and not drown. It seemed apt. :)

I've had breakfast today and then I ate loads of peanuts :frown: Soon I will be tucking into a jacket potato for lunch when my son arrives. I'm not sure about dinner tonight, we all like different foods, hubby eats meat and my son eats mostly health foods, I always joke that he buys all his food in a health shop - I haven't even heard of some of the things he eats. Most of the time he has to eat what I eat though, he sometimes brings his own food here and shares it with me - both he and his girlfriend is are good cooks, it's always very tasty.
04 Nov 2014, 13:05
callyanna wrote: Another eaves-dropper here lol! I'm so pleased that you lovely ladies seem to have gelled so well as a buddy trio and are doing brilliantly at supporting each other. Must say I'm becoming quite addicted to the daily accounts of your activities so hope you don't mind if I pop back occasionally and partake of your kind offer of coffee and biccies!

You are welcome callyanna, I didn't realise that we were entertaining everyone, so glad that you want to visit us, we are a very chatty threesome. :smile: It's getting very crowded in here, we might have to build an extension. :wink:
04 Nov 2014, 16:20
@callyana and juliana, we love visitors and lots of them - coffee and steph, should we have a conservatory added?

That would be cool - lots of light and plenty of space for everyone who wants to visit. A shame we can't change our user name. I could quite happily call myself CAKE and steph - how about BISCUIT :lol: Then people could visit us at COFFEETIME with CAKE and BISCUIT. :cool:

Well better not - after all this is a fasting forum and we don't want to lead people astray. I am getting thoroughly silly here. Sorry :razz:
Our new conservatory.jpg
All welcome to our new extension...
Our new conservatory.jpg (183.17 KiB) Viewed 396 times
04 Nov 2014, 17:56
My goodness ladies, that conservatory pic is lovely. We can head there in the bright, sunny mornings and move to the living room with its roaring fire on the rainy, and dreary days especially when we get drenched out on our walks :wink: And welcome, welcome to all and sundry. Biscuits sound yummy to me, don't know if having that as my name would keep me from them, reverse psychology maybe? But you're right it might cause a bit of a food panic if we labeled our group coffeetime, cake and biscuits LOL
I just came home from the elementary school. Had a great time helping the junior kindergarten children (aged 3 and 4) practice writing their names. Some were pros others struggled especially with "s". There's no sun today, is supposed to rain but it is quite warm compared to yesterday, anyway. No cold, biting wind. We will get enough of that soon enough! Bought myself souvlaki in a pita for lunch, ordered the small but they gave me the large. Of course I ate the whole thing! Now I want something sweet so am licking a teaspoon of honey. Will see if that keeps the craving at bay. I'm also thinking of walking to the another variety store (not the one around the corner) to get a licorice. I figure the walk would burn off the calories of the single licorice LOL. Ah, maybe not, it just started raining :).
Fasting didn't do anything for my weight, I am 2 pounds heavier than Friday's weight but maybe after tomorrow's fast I will lose them. I don't like this yo-yo ing. :( It would probably help if I didn't gorge myself on non-fast days.
My son is having a small party. He wants to buy the board game "Risk" and play it with his friends and he also wants to play the "chocolate game" which is a tradition on my kids birthdays. The kids/teens love it. Are you familiar with it? you wrap a chocolate bar in layers and layers of newspaper or wrapping paper and tie it with string every few layers. Then the players have to roll a six on a die in order to have a turn unwrapping the bar one layer at a time using only a knife and fork. It is hilarious and very loud with all the yelling of "Six!" When all the wrapping and string are off then the real fun begins as they have turns, still only when they roll a six and using the knife and fork, to eat the chocolate one square at a time. Great fun! He is also expecting his friends to bring along a bottle of booze as he will be legal drinking age here at 19. He hates the taste of alcohol so I don't know how that will go. I don't want everyone drunk and out of control so I will have to limit the drinks to only one if it comes to that. All of his friends are 19 and older. Last year he was so disappointed because only two people showed up. I'm hoping it is better this year.
I'm doing it again, going on and on LOL. Hope everyone is having a lovely day!
04 Nov 2014, 17:58
Oh, forgot to say @coffeetime you are making me want to buy some yummy salty peanuts! maybe I'll get some to go with that licorice if I brave the rain!
04 Nov 2014, 21:16
I love it Ieramul, that will be just perfect on a sunny day and I couldn't stop laughing at the coffee, cake and biscuits.
I managed to get by with just one biscuit today and completely resisted the chocolate covered ginger ones, but I had two squares of very dark chocolate with a glass of wine a short while ago. If it had been Cadbury's Milk I would have polished off the whole bar so all is well. I hope you've had a good day after your tasty breakfast, we can't be too strict on a non fast day or this will feel like DIETING! :lol: :lol:
04 Nov 2014, 21:16

Hi Steph, I loved your account of your day working in the class room with the little ones. It looks like you are really enjoying this. It took me back 30 years when I was a Kindergarden teacher in Germany. I was in charge of a class of 25 children between the ages of 3 - 6 years (hence I do appreciate your assistance in the class room). Eventually I was offered a job as a private tutor in Tanzania / East Africa where I met my English future husband moved to England and later raised three children of my own. All this seems a long time ago.

when is Adam's party? I hope plenty of his friends come to celebrate but without too much alcohol. I know the game "Risk" but it goes on for days and the chocolate game we used to play, too. Hilarious how pepple get competitive about a bit of chocolate. :lol:

My day was not great (a bit over TDEE) but I did manage to exercise moderation (quite new to me) I have just had 4 pieces of chocolate rather than the whole bar and what is even more surprising the chocolate tasted TOO SWEET!!!! and I didn't want any more. Well I never. How I wish that I have outgrown my sweet tooth. We will see. Maybe I am ill? :?:

Now ladies I must plumb up the cushions and put the kettle on in case any visitors should drop in.
04 Nov 2014, 21:31
Hi Coffee - we must be synched as we posted simultaneously again. It seems you too exercised moderation. Well done for resisting. If we could manage that our weight problem would be solved, wouldn't it. Dark chocolate is ideal for that. You just can't over indulge.
Will be fasting tomorrow. Hope I can manage as well as on Monday but you never know. Sleep well both of you. I need a decent night's sleep after less than 5 hours last night.
04 Nov 2014, 21:41
Sorry to hear that you didn't lose weight this time Steph, perhaps it's just water and not fat as Ieramul explained?
Is helping in the kindergarten voluntary or another job along with the restaurant? It sounds lovely working with young children, I loved to listen to my children and then my grandchildren reading from their school books and help them practice writing. My youngest granddaughter is six years old and when she comes to stay she brings her books, she reads very well, and my youngest grandson also brings books home to practice reading. He is 10 years old and is autistic, sometimes he doesn't understand the story when he reads the words - but he's brilliant at maths and knows the distance of the planets from the earth, and he remembers details of everything he sees on the way to school and back, things that most of us take no notice of.
I haven't heard of the chocolate game, it sounds like fun.
Good luck with your fast tomorrow, I hope you manage to lose some lbs.
04 Nov 2014, 21:53
Good luck with your fast tomorrow Ieramul, you are right about the chocolate, recently I've noticed that when I don't eat any at all my weight stays the same but the chocolate sends it sky high. Why do I buy it when I know this? Will I never learn? :frown:
04 Nov 2014, 22:30
Grrrr! I just lost my post. All three of us were posting simultaneously and mine didn't go through. Drat. So what did I blather on about?
You know the chocolate game Ieramul? are you German? my mother is German and grew up playing the game so we played it too when we were young, although she told me recently that there was another aspect to the game where you have to put a hat and a scarf on each time you roll a six before you can start unwrapping or eating. That would just have been too crazy I think. :smile: You are so fortunate to have been able to work in another country. What was it like in Tanzania/Africa? do you have fond memories of the children you tutored? The friend with the cake I visit is also German and I can speak the language a bit so we have funny conversations speaking first in German, then in English, then in German, back and forth during the whole afternoon. A fly on the wall would find us hilarious lol.
Working with young children is so rewarding. I volunteer at the school one morning a week and have been doing so for three years now. I started because I wanted to feel closer to my grandson as he was in kindergarten and I thought I could keep up with his progress while I was so far away, knowing what he was learning. He is now in grade 1 now but I'm sticking with kindergarten kids. It is still tough not being able to help my grandson as I help these children.
Coffeetime I do the exact same thing, I KNOW that chips and chocolate will put lbs on but I eat them anyway. So far today the weather has kept me from dashing to the store although I just bought a diet coke when I dropped Adam off at work. He works Tuesdays at a restaurant cleaning tables and washing dishes. Did I tell you he also works Saturdays? I think so. He does really well there, has been working since last October. It is a great routine for him to be in and will help him find a job after he is done school in a couple of years. Your grandson sounds so smart and I'm amazed he can do so many things being autistic. He must be on the highly functioning end of the spectrum. There are a couple of autistic children in the kindergarten classes but they are quite high needs. One doesn't speak at all. In fact there are so many special needs children in the classes I am astounded. I don't remember there being so many when I was in school but then maybe they were kept at home or put in private institutions/schools. You must be so proud of your grandchildren!
Adam hasn't decided on the day for his party yet. I was just talking with him about it and he told me "I'll think about it later". He was too focused on being in "work mode" and didn't want to be distracted.
Congrats Coffee on losing the weight!! fantastic!!
Well, ladies I bet you're on your way to bed. Sweet dreams! we are allowed to have such dreams at least, they won't add inches to our hips LOL.
04 Nov 2014, 23:16
Hi - another "lurker" stepping out of the shadows! I've lost touch with my buddy - must put that right but in the meantime have been looking at your posts - love the conservatory furniture! Anyway - will pop in now and again if that's OK!

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