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19 Nov 2014, 12:08
Hi Coffee, you worry me. I hope you can stay in bed today and rest. Get well soon!!! :clover: :heart:
PS take as many baths as you wish. :wink:
19 Nov 2014, 14:55
Oh coffee, sorry you are still not feeling well. When I have a cold I drink tons of ginger tea: a good slice of fresh ginger steeped for 5 or so minutes, then add some honey and lemon juice. Stir. Ginger is a natural anti viral.
I'm down 3.5 lbs or was it my scale? I replaced it last night. I'm a happy camper this morning!
Just took my son to the dentist. He gets very anxious at dental appointments but he did really well with the cleaning. He will be getting a cavity fixed in a few weeks. I don't know how he will do with the needle and the whole procedure but we have to try. When he was a child everything was done every 2 years or so while he was put to sleep. The dentist also did a panoramic x-ray which showed impacted wisdom and eye teeth. He will be referred to a dental surgeon in the next month. Thankfully he will be put to sleep for that! and my dental insurance will cover it all.
Now I must start phoning car dealerships to see if they will finance me.
Get lots of rest and have lots of fluids coffee! I hope your husband can give you some peace so you can take the time to get healthy.
Never heard that saying, a pint of water... must be a British one :). You are doing so well Ieramul with sticking to your TDEE that I'm sure some Lebkuchen is ok. We all need some treats now and then. Just not mostly everyday like me LOL
Take care buddies.
19 Nov 2014, 22:15
hi coffee, how are you? I hope you are not getting up before you have recovered. I had a bit too much food today and had the other half of the Lebkuchen. So I think I will do a fast tomorrow. i don't want to ask you coffee, as you are not well. bur Steph are you with me? :smile:

steph how did your car adventure turn out today? Any closer to a new car? Keep us posted. Glad you didn't have a massive dental bill for Adam. I think I am going to have an early night. Speak to you tomorrow.
BIG HUG :heart:
19 Nov 2014, 23:05
Steph, i meant to say - I love your signature. :wink:
20 Nov 2014, 04:31
I hope you're feeling better today coffee and managed to rest yesterday. Ieramul I won't be fasting tomorrow but I will Friday. I think Fridays work better for me so I'll stick to them for a while. I didn't do so well today. I started out great and had a terrific plan of what I was going to eat all day but then I snitched a muffin and some cookies from the retirement home when I got tea for Marion, my elderly friend who I visited today. I still ate my orange, some pecans and had a big glass of soymilk for my snack but ate the treats afterwards. Then I just kept on eating...cheerios out of the box, at least a couple of cups worth, a huge chunk of cheese that I ate by cutting thin pieces with a vegetable peeler LOL, and then on I went until I finally brushed my teeth at 9:30. I even ate slivers of butter!!! for that creamy salty taste. Crazy. I don't have any bread in the house but who needs bread when you have butter :grin:
About my vehicle search, my friend Ille's husband has offered to take me into the city on the weekend to look at cars. He will look them over thoroughly and even haggle on my behalf. I'm nervous about him helping me, though, and doing a test drive with him in the vehicle. I am so anxious when other people are in the car with me (but I have some anti-anxiety medication I can take before we leave thank god). I also have a hard time making myself understood to him. He has a hearing problem and is German. I have to speak slowly and carefully enunciate my words. I invariably feel stupid around him and intimidated. I find it difficult to understand him as well because of his accent and because he has a slight speech impediment. We are quite the pair :razz:
Well, it's that time again, bed is calling me. Have a great day ladies!

Oh yes, the signature. A variation of the sentence came into my inbox today and I just had to share. I love it. Now if I only I could pound it into my brain and get some mind over platter happening.
20 Nov 2014, 07:30
Hi both of you. I hope, coffee you can see some improvement today. I was just thinking that you probably still have to get up to walk Maisie and see to your husband. Poor you.

Steph what are we going to do with you? You were a good girl and made a list of all the food you had.... :grin: Well at least your scales are very kind to you and let's hope that what you thought was bad eating wasn't so bad after all.
You seem to be too stressed with life at the moment, to concentrate on what you eat. Your friend's husband does not sound like the ideal person to help you buy a car. I groaned when I read: Intimidating, hard of hearing, foreign accent AND speech impediment. It could not get much more stressful. Lets hope you find a car quickly and get this behind you.

I am trying to fast today so I will let you know how it went tonight. Have a good day. BIG HUG. :heart:
20 Nov 2014, 07:47

Thanks to CandiceMarie We know it is your special day today I want to bring the party in here too.

Dear Coffeetime, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Wishing you a lovely day and a wonderful future with good health and happiness. I hope you can celebrate today.



BIG HUG :heart:
20 Nov 2014, 12:11
Hi buddies :smile:
First I want to thank you Ieramul for the birthday wishes, I wasn't expecting that and it made me smile. :heart:
I'm feeling a bit better today, still not dressed though. As I didn't go the the carer's group yesterday I didn't do the shopping so we are running out of a few things. There's no coffee :cry: :cry: :cry: only one slice of bread and I've eaten all of the biscuits so I'm going to pop out to the community shop in the nearest village, it's just a short drive. They don't have a wide range of foods but it's handy for essentials (biscuits!) :lol:

Did I read it right that you lost 3.5lb Steph? That's marvelous and you really should have recorded it in the tracker, the next time you look at it you will get a real boost to your confidence. Your overeating yesterday (or was it the day before?) might not have done too much damage, I was eating all day yesterday, not because I was hungry but because of stress and my weight has only gone up by 1/4lb.

My husband can do some things for himself Ieramul and on a good day he even takes Maisie for a walk, not very far but it helps when I'm poorly or if I have bad back pain. Other days he can hardly walk at all. He tries to help around the house, it's more of a hindrance sometimes but I like to encourage him. He does a lot of the washing up during the day, he's quite obsessed with it - filling a bowl up with hot water and washing up liquid for one dirty cup. I think he has dementia as he does silly things and repeats the same sentence several times. I'm trying to get me/him some help but it all takes time.
I'm going to be fasting with you tomorrow Ieramul, now I've got back into the habit I want to keep going.
I hope you have a better day Steph and I look forward to seeing if you have lost any more weight.
...and I love your signature too! :grin:
20 Nov 2014, 12:37
Hi Coffee, I wish I knew how to cheer you up. The cold weather and early nights don't help at all. Your plan to use your husband's abilities is absolutely great. If you do everything or take things out of his hands, he will become more bored and you end up with too much on your plate. My dad used to work with disabled adults and he always used to say that everybody has a strength and that we need to find that, encourage and foster it. Try and work out what he can still do and let him do it.

I think we women often don't let our spouses and children do things because we think it is not up to our standard. That way we just make a rod for our own back. My DH is a brilliant cook but doesn't care for cleaning, so most of the time I am quite happy to do that. But he quite often does do some washing up by hand (we have a dishwasher) but half of it is often not very clean. However, I just tell him how grateful I am that he has just done that and when he is not in the kitchen, I secretly wash the dishes again (only those that need it) He grins from ear to ear when I praise him and he does it again only because he knows I love it not because he thinks it needs doing.

Walking Maisie is another great job for him when he is not in too much pain and hopefully there are a few other ones. I hope you can celebrate a bit today. Alle the best and big hugs.
20 Nov 2014, 13:36
Thank you Ieramul, I'm quite cheerful, it doesn't take much to make me happy even on the bad days. My daughter was going to visit today but I phoned her yesterday to cancel it, I was feeling ill and didn't want to spread my germs. She will be here at the weekend hopefully with all of her family, the oldest boy is sixteen and doesn't always want to join in. I think she was quite relieved really as they are bogged down with Christmas orders, they make wooden toys and personalized coat pegs, house names etc. I won't be seeing my son as he is still moving house, his girlfriend is moving with him and I think he will be doing the bulk of the packing for both of them. I think his flat is just about cleared but when I went to her house a couple of weeks ago she hadn't even packed a plate. The house was absolutely crammed full of knick knacks, bits and pieces everywhere so they have a lot of sorting to do.
Thanks for the hugs. :heart:
20 Nov 2014, 14:40
Happy birthday coffee!!!! It is better to feel cheerful most of the time, sure beats the alternative. I try to be positive and not get too worried or stressed. The car situation is tough, though. I will make a phone call this morning to a dealership in the next town over, much closer than the city and one I could drive to in my crappy car.
I'm so happy you are on the mend coffee and you should feel up to company on the weekend. I'm sure it will be a pleasant visit with your daughter. It can certainly be helpful when your hubbies pitch in around the house but I understand how they can sometimes do a sub par job. When I get Adam to clean he inevitably misses things like socks in the corner or bits of paper on his bedroom floor. Drives me nuts and I am not very gracious to him. I should stop nagging him I know but how else can I get him to clean up after himself. He doesn't seem to think of it himself. I refuse to constantly clean up his messes so sometimes things sit around all day until he finally does them. There can be really great times with him where he is kind and happy and then, like last night, he can be downright rude and lippy. He is a teen after all with all that entails. :frown: :smile:
I suspect I haven't lost much weight but haven't gained since yesterday either. I think my other scale was wonky. I inputted my current weight in the tracker this morning and it sure looks good to have a downward trend :smile: .
Time to go for a walk to the drugstore. It snowed last night and I will have to trudge through it but I did buy new boots so I am prepared. The sun is shining and it is supposed to warm up on the weekend so it should all melt. It is rather early for us to get snow and other than the outdoor enthusiasts no one is happy lol. My neighbour brushes off my car for me and shoveled the parking lot yesterday. He is out shoveling again.
I tallied up rather generously the calories I ate yesterday and even though it felt like I ate lots I stayed within my TDEE allotment. Hopefully, I can do the same today.
Ieramul you go girl. Sorry you are are alone in your fast :( but I'm sure you will do well. You are so determined and diligent when it comes to eating! the Lebkuchen aside :wink:
Enjoy the day buddies!
20 Nov 2014, 16:09
Thank you Steph, :smile: well done with your eating yesterday, I hope you do just as well today. I hate the snow no matter how lovely it looks before it's walked on. We don't get much in Cornwall and when we do it has usually disappeared in a few hours - not always though, we were completely cut off for over a week about three years ago. We do get hard frosts where we live, I'm always surprised when our neighbours' gardens about half a mile away are still green. We live in a frost hollow at the bottom of a hill and our garden is frozen solid for months. I'm always enchanted by the snowdrops which manage to push their way through it and open their delicate flowers in the coldest months of the year. Atm though we still have pelargoniums in flower and the fushsias are smothered in flowers, they don't know what's in store for them - I do, I've just seen the forecast. :shock:
Sorry, I'm rambling here.
I hope to join in with Ieramul's fast tomorrow so I should be keeping her company.
All the best. :smile:
20 Nov 2014, 16:13
I got a bit mixed up thinking Ieramul was fasting tomorrow when it's today - I hope it goes well :like:
20 Nov 2014, 22:40
Hi birthday girl and steph. i hope you had a lovely special day today. i love your attitude.

Well we all seem to have issues with our cars at the moment. Last night I had to park my car on the road as we have a narrow drive where we have to park our cars behind each other and as my husband worked nights this week he would have blocked me in so I parked the car on the road only to find that the wing mirror had been smashed in. I thought of steph's far bigger problem and let it go.

My fast day went fine. I didn't eat for 24hrs and when I got home from work, I intended to have steamed salmon and vegetables but then there was so much left over pasta bake from yesterday which I didn't want to throw out that I had some of that together with a good quantity of mixed vegetables. I don't know if I have eaten over 500kcal but since I didn't cook the food I can't calculate.

I am off to bed, I am getting hungry now and start wanting food if I stay up any longer. Good luck with your fasts tomorrow. BIG HUG :heart:
21 Nov 2014, 04:32
Hello ladies, what rotten luck Ieramul! did someone clip your mirror? or did vandals smash it? either way how maddening! I feel for you.
The latest installment in my car drama: my boss gave me the name of a guy at a dealership just down the road from me who he has bought cars from in the past. Says he is a great guy and I just need to tell him my situation. So, I'll do that tomorrow morning. I also went to the bank to find out if I had other options if I can't get financing through a dealer or if I do a private sale. Hooray! I'm approved for both a vehicle loan and a line of credit. Unfortunately the woman's computer at the bank was wonky and couldn't show what the interest rates would be. She will call me back tomorrow if her computer cooperates. I want to have as much information as possible before I see my friend's husband on the weekend.
Congrats on getting through another fast day Ieramul! I'll be fasting tomorrow with coffee. I did well today, stayed under my TDEE and only ate three small chocolates, one little candy and a few sesame snaps. The snaps were a bad idea because they just made me want to eat more. But I am so proud I waited out the feeling and it went away. I had the other treats in the evening after dinner thanks to Adam's generosity. He ate so much candy today he told me that he couldn't eat his supper. GRRRRR!!!!! I just don't know what to do with him. He will rot his teeth and his digestion is a mess.
So what did you buy at the grocery store Coffee? were you exhausted when you got home? I can't believe your flowers are still blooming! I've never really thought about England's weather. I did have the idea it rains a lot LOL. Is that true? at least in your parts? Do other parts of England get much snow?
I better head to bed. I'm leaving the dishes on the counter. Washing them gives me something to do first thing in the morning, a nice calm way of waking up, and gratifying when I see the clean counters LOL.
Talk to you tomorrow!
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