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28 Nov 2014, 15:52
Sorry you are feeling poorly with a cold Steph. :frown: I hope you can soon shake it off and it doesn't drag on like mine did, although mine wasn't like a cold, it wasn't flu either - trust me to be different. Very sensible not to fast if you are feeling rough, I hope you will be able to keep away from the naughty foods but if they make you feel better then have some - but not too many. :wink: At least you now know that you can put things right by fasting when you feel better, and you can soon get the blue line on the tracker to drop down again as it has recently if it decides to move in the wrong direction. :heart:

You are still within your maintenance allowance Ieramul, don't be too hard on yourself, three pounds was a lot to put on at once, hopefully it will come off again as quickly. You ate a high calorie meal a couple of days ago but you were being careful before then so I doubt if the extra weight is all fat, you would have to have eaten 10,500 calories since your last weigh in, blame it on water retention because that is probably what it is. :wink: Good luck with your 36 hour fast, I hope you can manage it OK.

I hope you can get a new car sorted out soon Steph, you must be fed up with it all by now, good luck with finding the right one for you next week. :clover:
The mechanic couldn't find anything obviously wrong when he looked at the gears on our car, and as it is working OK most of the time, we've decided to get the MOT done and tax it so that we can put off buying another one until spring. I can put up with it occasionally struggling up steep hills until then.

I hope that next time we speak you will each have had a good day. Good luck Ieramul, keep warm both of you and get better soon Steph. A big hug for you both. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
28 Nov 2014, 20:05
Hi buds
Oh, Steph I am so sorry to hear you are feeling poorly and had to go to work as well. Hopefully you can relax tonight and get better soon. I agree with coffee about the fasting. My motto is always: If you are not kind to yourself how can you be kind to other people. By the way coffee, are you completely recovered or is the bug still lurking?

My fast was successful in terms of calories. I had two boullions and a low kcal hot chocolate so that is only 60 kcals and frankly I am no more hungry now at 8pm than any other fast with 500kcal. However, I am going to bed early because it signals: "no more food" for me and it is warmer in bed. Look forward to how I will be feeling tomorrow morning.

Get better Steph and keep up the good work Coffee. BIG HUG. :heart:
28 Nov 2014, 21:32
Very well done Ieramul, :like: I don't think I could ever do a 36 hour fast, I'm impressed.
I'm feeling better now but every now and then I start coughing, the gaps in between are getting wider so it's improving slowly.
Keep warm :heart:
29 Nov 2014, 09:05
Morning ladies, I hope you are feeling a bit better today Steph, and did you manage to do the 36 hour fast Ieramul?
I'm back to my maintenance weight this morning which is OK but disappointing after doing so well, I was eating all day yesterday. :frown: Why do we have to overeat and spoil things when we get good results? It's as if we are telling ourselves that we shouldn't really deserve to be slim and fit. I'll try to be careful today.
I hope you both have a good weekend, I have a busy morning ahead, speak soon. :smile:
29 Nov 2014, 13:39
Hi Buddies.
Steph how are you today? Are you OK?

Coffee, weight seems to go in a zig zag fashion, doesn't it. At least you are still in maintenance - don't get discouraged. next week you will be there again.

I did complete a 36 hr fast yesterday and it was no more difficult than any other fast - that's just how it goes. Sometimes they are easy and sometimes they are impossible. This morning I was down by 1 1/2lbs and again in the middle of my maintenance. Let's see how I will do on Monday.

It is only 2 pm and I think I have already had most of my TDEE. Did you know that a mince pie has 225kcals? Well I had two of them for lunch and also had about four pieces of toast for breakfast. Now I have to be careful not to undo my good work of yesterday.

I want to town this morning with DH but had to abandon the Christmas shopping as he had no purpose and was just shadowing me being very bored. :lol: . I resolved that I would continue next Saturday on my own. I am now relaxing in front of the TV with Columbo and a cup of coffee (after two mince pies).

I hope you have a great weekend. BIG HUG :heart:
29 Nov 2014, 22:34
Nothing good to report about my eating today, I hope you both did better than me. :frown:
Well done with your fast Ieramul. :victory: As you said we are zigzagging, as long as there are as many zigs as there are zags we should be OK. :wink:
I hope all is well with you Steph :smile:
30 Nov 2014, 15:16
Hello ladies,
I was very busy yesterday and didn't have a chance to write. I went to see my niece in a ballet production. I've never been to a ballet so it was a pleasant experience. There was an overview of the story in the program and without it I would have had no idea what was happening on stage. The dancers were beautiful in their dresses and even the boys looked cute with their short pants and suspenders. All in all I'm glad I went. We went out for dinner afterwards and I ate 3/4 of a thin crust personal size pizza. I don't think it was too high in calories as it wasn't smothered in cheese like a regular pizza. But then I had cookies at home, which I baked and had to try. And then I had to try a bread roll (Brötchen) I made as well. We are going to my sister's for "Christmas dinner" today. We are celebrating now as both my sisters have obligations with in-laws over the holidays. They requested the rolls and I am in charge of the dessert as always. I'm hoping the cake will turn out. I am making it with raspberries which Ille and I picked at Gisela's in the fall which I froze. I am filling and "icing" it now with whipping cream. It will be another high calorie day but that will be ok. I have next week to fast-if I get over this cold that is! The last two nights I've soaked the bed with sweat. I had to get up and change pajamas even! I'm hoping it is because of a fever during the night and not a new symptom of menopause! I already have hot flashes during the day, don't need them at night too!
You two are doing so well to stay within your maintenance goals! I am so impressed. I haven't stepped on my scale for the last couple of days, I don't want to get discouraged.
I better get changed and get the towels - and pjs!- out of the dryer.
Have a wonderful day! I've lost track of who is fasting on which days, but if you are today I know you can do well. Iermamul, well done on your 36 hour fast! does that mean you didn't eat for a full 36 hours or did you still eat 500 calories during that time?
Gotta go, talk again soon!
30 Nov 2014, 15:39
Hi I have had manyl attempts of posting but always failed. i don't know what is going on. So many posts are lost. I will try later. I am thinking of you.
30 Nov 2014, 16:03
Hi buds
How are you both? I think we are all holding on for dear life (weight wise) at this time of year.
Christmas has so many emotional memories and we like the things we liked when we were children. as it is only available until January, we seem to want to not miss out. Also the weather makes us think we should treat ourselves a little since it is so miserable a lot of the time.

So as long as we are not gaining we should be very proud. I loved your zig zag philosophy and have used it in my signature.

Today I am making Lebkuchen mainly to send to my daughter whose birthday is coming up in two weeks' time. I always send her a little parcel and these childhood memory Lebkuchen. It's just a bit of fun.
30 Nov 2014, 16:33
here comes another part of my earlier attempts.

Steph, I hope you can enjoy your early Christmas celebrations. i am sure your cake turned out to be delicious.
Coffee, did you have a good time with your daughter?

I will fast again tomorrow - probably another 36 hr fast simply because when I tried it on Friday I found it no more difficult than eating very little in fact almost easier to completely blank it out. But I have only one day of experience so I think I should try it again. For me fasting is more in the mind. My feeling is that it is similar to having breakfast. Once I start eating i want to eat more/again.
Steph, yes when I said a 36hr water fast I meant not eating any food, however I had a couple of boullions and lots of coffee/tea.
30 Nov 2014, 19:16
Hi buddies,
It sounds like you are having a lovely 'Christmas' with your family Steph, your description of the cake was making my mouth water when I read it even though I'm full to bursting with pizza - it wasn't very nice but I still ate it.
I think that sweating is a good thing when you have a cold or flu but I'm not sure if that's true or not. I hope you soon feel better.

It made me laugh Ieramul to see my words in your signature, fame at last! :lol: :lol:
My theory is that whenever my messages disappear it's because I press the preview button first to see if there are any words missing or mistakes (I don't always find them even then), and when I see it on the screen looking the way it does in the thread I think I've posted it and go to another page.

I did have a lovely day at the vintage craft fair with my daughter, her OH and my oldest granddaughter but my grandsons didn't go. I spent much of the time there drinking coffee and eating a delicious fruit pie and a trifle, somebody worked hard supplying hot soup, home made cakes and deserts, mince pies etc. I wanted to try them all but was able to resist most of them. I managed to buy hubby a nice pair of binoculars as he lost the last two pairs soon after buying them. I paid £5 so I got a bargain! I tried looking at one of the stars with them last night, it must have been a planet because the surface looked like a moonscape, wonderful! I'm going to look at several stars tonight if the sky is clear.

I'll be fasting tomorrow Ieramul, I will be eating but not sure about breakfast, I'll leave it as long as possible and might be able to get as far as the evening meal.
Take care Steph, was it you who suggested ginger and honey drink for colds? I hope it is helping you. Take care. :heart:
30 Nov 2014, 20:14
Coffee, you seemed to have had a wonderful time with your daughter and granddaughter at the fair and having coffee and cake is a must at these events. How lucky to have found a lovely stargazing present for your husband and you seem to enjoy it too.

Steph, I really hope that last night you have finally sweated all the illness out of you and you could thoroughly enjoy your party today today.
BIG HUG :heart:
01 Dec 2014, 11:10
Hi buds, just a quick visit to see you are all OK. I hope you are all fine and let me know if you are fasting too...
Steph, are you getting better? If not don't force a fast - in fact never force it.
It's only 11am, so naturally I am still very much OK, I will let you know how I am getting on after 3pm. :lol:
BIG HUG :heart:
01 Dec 2014, 11:11
I've decided against fasting today, I'm not in the right frame of mind and I know I'll mess up, I might try tomorrow. I'll try to have a fairly low calorie day instead, nothing silly, no binging. I'm having one of those negative days where I can't do anything much but I hope to bounce back tomorrow.
I hope you both have a good day, keep warm Ieramel and keep well Steph xx
01 Dec 2014, 11:40
Good decision, Coffeetime, good frame of mind and emotional contentment are crucial to the success of fasting. I am glad you are experienced enough to not force it. I hope you feel better tomorrow. My hear goes out to you. BIG HUGS
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