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26 Nov 2014, 10:47
Hi lovely ladies, you are right, coffee, I really didn't have much to report yesterday. I go to work, come home and go to bed. :lol: It was an eating day and I was a tiny piglet only (always in regards to sugar). This morning, the damage was limited.

Today, I will not eat until 1pm and then finish the rest (not much left) of my lentils from yesterday because tonight we going for dinner at a friend's house. I know she is cooking fish, which I am not too keen on which is good as it means I am not going to overeat unless there is a fabulous desert. :wink: Eating fish for me is like eating vegetables for children. I eat it because it is healthy. I wish I loved fish, it is so good for you. I have to hold my nose when I go past a fishmonger. Salmon is about the only kind of fish I quite like or fish that has been smoked and is in a fish pie.

Coffee, do you see an improvement with your coughing? Did you have a nice morning with the "Lovely-Ladies-Of-More-Enlightened-Years"? I always loved talking to them, they have so much to tell. Yesterday evening, I just caught a report on Ester Rantzen's "Silverline" which I think is an absolutely fantastic idea and charity. I would not mind being someone who contacts a lonely person at regular intervals or be called when they are feeling lonely. It seems to be the evenings when lonelyness seems worse.

Steph, I think you need one of those donkeys from the Grimm's fairy tales which spews gold all the

When are you celebrating Christmas with your sisters? Do they live nearby? Coffee, have you made any plans for Christmas?
Wishing you a magical day. BIG HUG :heart:
26 Nov 2014, 14:07
Hi Ieramul, I hope you are finding it easy to fast today, I ate a small banana before I left this morning which was probably less than 100 calories and had a bouillon drink for lunch. Plenty of calories left for my evening meal. I have this mental picture of you trying to eat fish and pretending to enjoy it in front of your friend. I hope it tastes better than you expect it to.

Lots of questions so here goes - My cough is improving, I woke up feeling energetic and full of the joys of spring, :smile: if it had been bad I would have stayed at home, it wouldn't be fair to spread the germs.

I had a lovely morning, everyone is so friendly, mostly women there but usually one or two men as well. I sat next to an 88 year old lady, she was so bright and she's about to learn how to use a computer, I hope I can be like her when I get to that age. I've never heard of 'Silverline', what a wonderful idea but I'm not good at talking to strangers on the phone so I'll concentrate on the befriending scheme and visit them at home. I received the application form last week and started filling it in while I was poorly - and messed it up. There has to be a police check because I would be going into their homes, and where it asked if I have been cautioned for a criminal offence I ticked the 'yes' box :bugeyes: so I had to cross it out and write the answer in the margin. Dumbo Carol!

So far we haven't planned anything for Christmas, our son and his girlfriend have invited us to Christmas dinner but hubby can't manage long car journeys because he gets too much pain in his knees, they said that we could stay overnight which would be better, but they have two dogs so we can't take Maisie, she's too aggressive. I still haven't started thinking about Christmas, if I leave it any longer I will get stressed so next week I might make a start.

Do you find that you feel the cold more on fast days? I'm sitting here shivering, the heating is on but I'm going to find a thick jumper to put on over the one I'm wearing.
Speak soon :heart:
26 Nov 2014, 15:22
Hi coffee, how funny - your form filling. It did make me laugh. It could have been me ticking the wrong box. The other day I accidentally called my son and when he called back I had to confess that I must have had a senior moment and he said: "You have had them for at least twenty years." CHEEKY BOY.
I am glad you enjoyed your morning, thought your would. Some older people make you hope you will be as fit physicall, mentally and in spirit as they are.

Carol I feel the cold terribly all the time. I used to get chill blanes in the winter months (even before fasting). The only thing that can prevent it is a hot water bottle. On fast days I feel even colder. which is why I have given up fasting from January - May for the past two years. But this January I want to keep going. Basically, when I am at home I clutch a hot water bottle all evening and when I sit down, I use a extra blanket. Fasting only 2 days rather than 3 days a week also makes it less severe.
26 Nov 2014, 15:37
I thought I was bad at keeping warm but you seem to be worse than me Ieramul. I used to get chillblains on my toes and sometimes heels but haven't had them for years. I always try to keep my feet warm or my toes go numb in cold weather, fingers too, and whenever I swim in the sea (in summer) the same thing happens. We have oil fired central heating and it always breaks down on the coldest days in winter, I hate it and hope that if/when we move to a bungalow we can heat it another way. This makes me feel cold just writing about it.
I hope the weather warms up soon. Brrrrrrrrr
26 Nov 2014, 16:38
I have Raynauld disease too, which stops blood supply to fingers regularly but especially in the winter. I then need to hold a hot cup of coffee, a kettle, hot water bottle or if out and about circle my arms wildly to get the blood return to extremities. I have a lot of hot water bottles 6 or so just to be safe.....the electric blanket does not warm up my freezing feet.
I also have a hot water bottle under my desk at work and when I get too cold I sneak into the kitchen and fill it. I have got used to this hot water bottle thing. Sometimes I sneak it under my jumber and into my trousers, if I have work to do and can't hold it. Now that I have lost weight nobody notices. ;-)

I hope that when you move you can find a warmer house. It's dreadful always worrying if the heating breaks down.
26 Nov 2014, 17:46
That must be so hard to cope with Ieramul, I don't think I should moan on here about being cold, it's nothing compared to what you have to put up with. It's you who needs the hugs this time.
Here's a huge one :heart: (((HUG))) :heart: take care.
26 Nov 2014, 21:15
Hey there,
being cold all the time is terrible Ieramul. I use a heating pad instead of hot water bottles but I am not always cold as you are. How miserable! Having a hot water bottle at work is a splendid idea.
Coffee you'd be great at home visits, you are so personable and kind. I just came home from visiting Marion at the seniors home. My sister gave me this wonderful idea of visiting more people over the holidays, those that don't have family or visitors. I talked with the rec coordinator and she said that she could organize a hot chocolate cart that my son and I can wheel from room to room. I'm also thinking of picking up some Christmas decorations at the dollar store that Adam can stick onto their windows to make it more festive. We will go in on Christmas day in the afternoon. I'm really looking forward to it. Adam won't want to come but I will persuade him, I hope.
Now I have to make some supper. I was lazy last night and just ate junk and so did Adam :(. I'm tempted to just go out and buy a tasty salad from a restaurant in town. I shouldn't, though, since I should be counting pennies. I have so many expenses in December. Talk again soon!
Glad you are feeling better Coffee.
26 Nov 2014, 23:17
Hi Steph, that sounds like a lovely idea, visiting people who are alone at Christmas, you will enjoy it as much as they do. My husband and I helped with serving the homeless with Christmas dinner one year, we didn't do it again as the next year hubby wasn't fit enough, there were more volunteers than homeless people there and we really weren't needed, but it was nice to feel as if we were doing something worthwhile. I hope you will be able to persuade Adam to help too.
I'm trying to have another early night as hubby has an early appointment at the doctors, the washing up is done and if I stay up any longer I'll start eating and I don't want to mess up this fast day.
So I'll wish both you and Ieramul a good night/evening and speak again tomorrow. :sleepy:
27 Nov 2014, 04:52
How did your fasts go today? I was tempted to fast today but I've realized it isn't a good idea for me to fast before a work day as I don't eat on those days until 3 pm and by then I am quite hungry and eat everything in sight. Better to eat a good snack the night before. So I plan on fasting on Friday again.

Your day with the old folks sounds lovely carol. Yes, when I see the elderly I am amazed at how able and capable some of them are. There was a mayor on the news tonight, can't remember the name of the town. She had her last meeting today at the age of 93! She was mayor for the past 20 years. She walked out of the council room unassisted without even a cane. It was amazing to see. To be that with it at 93! or 88 as your senior friend. Unfortunately Marion, who is also 93, has failing eyesight, uses a walker and a wheelchair and is forgetful and sometimes a bit confused. But for all that she is healthy and has a great sense of humour.

I had to laugh at the line about you sneaking that hot water bottle into your pants Ieramul! I could just picture it. I feel for you, it is awful to be cold all the time. I have the opposite problem some times with my hot flashes. They usually come when I go to bed and I have to kick off all the covers. Then of course I get cold again and have to bury under the blankets. Oh my, I do go on, and it is bed time.

I hope you both slept well!
Till tomorrow.
27 Nov 2014, 10:31
Hi buddies

Steph, I will be fasting tomorrow too, I only ate a couple of apples and drank a 40cal hot chocolate during the day but in the evening I went out for dinner and I have no idea how many calories that was and i don't really want to know because sometimes I just want to relax food wise.

The good news was that the fish meal was fantastic. My friend made a crabby kind of starter with bread (nice) and for mains there was a fish pie that was absolutely delicious. For desert there was an apple flan as well as fruit jelly, both of which I loved. I have recently re-discovered fruit jelly - I love it and it is low in calories, too. The biggest damage was probably the crisps before the meal. I was hungry and waiting for the food and there were crisps and/or nuts sitting in front of me - it is hard not to put your hand in.

However this morning I was hungry, so I had breakfast (brown bread with butter) and once I have breakfast that is it - no fast day. Steph, I think we just have to find the days that work for us never mind if our buddies are fasting or not. As long as we keep each other on the wagon and hold on to each other it doesn't matter when exactly we fast.

And steph and coffee don't worry about me feeling cold, I have it in hand now. I always wear layers of clothing and I make myself more aware how cold I am, because sometimes I could sit on the sofa and not realise just how freezing my feet had become. Prevention is the key. My DH sometimes used to say that nobody should be alive being as cold as I am. But this winter I am determined to be more vigilant hence my hot water bottle overkill. This is partly because I don't want to have an excuse to give up fasting.

Steph, what a great idea about helping out at Christmas at the old people's home. I hope Adam is OK with it.

Hope you have a lovely day. BIG HUG :heart:
27 Nov 2014, 11:52
Hi Buddies, :smile:

Very sensible to choose the right day to fast Steph and not stick to set days, a lesson I learned the hard way, I messed up so many fasts trying too hard when my mind and body were rebelling against it. And I'm so glad that you enjoyed the meal with your friend yesterday Ieramul, that often seems to happen when you don't expect to like something, then it turns out to be extra special. :smile:

Another good fast for me yesterday, I've lost another pound so I probably wont fast again until Monday, 1 pound a week is enough to lose in this cold weather. I can't understand why it's going down so quickly but I'm not complaining.

At last I've made a start and bought some Christmas cards, I had to collect a prescription from the chemist after the visit to the docs and popped into the charity shop opposite while I was waiting. Now for the worst part which is trying to think what pressies to get for everyone. My oldest grandson is easy, he always wants money to buy things for himself so as well as money I'll just get a little gift for him so he can have something to unwrap on the day. Oooh that's the cards and one pressie sorted already! :lol: :lol: I know everyone loves it but I can't say that Christmas is my favourite time of year. It's not always happy but I have a lovely time with the family when we see them.

I've just had a nice conversation with my daughter, I'll be seeing her on Saturday, she'll be at a craft fair in Port Isaac (Doc Martin village) so that will be a day out for me.
Speak soon. :smile:
27 Nov 2014, 20:18
Well done Coffee, you are doing so well. Another pound down, excellent!!!
I am having an early night and look forward to my fast day tomorrow with Steph. Sleep tight both of you.
BIG HUG :heart:
28 Nov 2014, 10:04
Good morning ladies, and what a lovely morning it is in Cornwall, very cold and windy but the sky is blue and the sun is shining.
And .....drum roll ......I now weigh 9st 5.5lb!!!! :victory: :grin: :lol: :cool: :victory:
How did that happen? I didn't fast yesterday and as well as eating normal food I had chocolate biscuits and half a bar of chocolate. I'm wondering if my scales are faulty but my waist measurement is a little smaller too.

I hope everything is good for my buddies today, I know you are both fasting and I hope you have a successful day. Keep strong Steph, you've been doing well lately, and wrap up nice and warm Ieramul, don't let the cold spoil your fast.
I look forward to hearing how your day is going. :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
28 Nov 2014, 12:28
Hi buddies
Another well done to coffee (drrrrrrruuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm roooooooooooooolllll) for getting below your doal weight, you must have cracked it. We are so proud of you. Just keep doing what you are doing.

Yes it is indeed a lovely day today. So much to be grateful for. :smile:

I am afraid I have no reason to be proud weight wise - this morning I was at the top end of my maintenance weight. :cry:
I have reached the red line where I am going extra strict. I am not quite sure what caused these three pounds in weight gain. I know I have had some sweets this week, but not an extraordinary amount. Maybe, like Steph I should record exactly what I am eating.

I will try and be careful at the weekend as the Monday weigh in it the one that really counts for me.

So far my fast is going very well and I wonder if I should do a 36hr fast. Never done one, because once I get home in the evening my good intentions during the day often melt.

To both of you BIG HUGS :heart:
28 Nov 2014, 14:59
Way to go coffee!!!!!! your doing so well! I am definitely proud of you too!
Ieramul I feel for you but I know you can set everything right with today's fast and careful eating over the weekend. You are so strong and determined!
I haven't yet stepped on the scales today, not really wanting to. I didn't eat well yesterday again and I won't be fasting today. I've caught a cold and I think I need all the good nutrients I can get. I feel rotten but will go into work regardless. My boss wouldn't be able to find a replacement and he is ticked that my coworker has been taking so much time off and leaving him stranded. Yesterday it was just him and me over lunch hour. Thank god it wasn't busy!
I phoned a car dealership in the city this morning which has the least expensive new vehicles but I couldn't get many answers over the phone so I have to make an appointment to go in sometime next week. :( I was hoping they could tell me if it was worth my while to go in. It is such a pain to have to ask my friend to drive me.
Well, time to get dressed. I slept in a little today, hoping it would help this cold of mine. I have some errands to run before work.
Stay warm and enjoy the sun! It is another grey day here :(. But I will not let it get me down.
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