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08 Nov 2014, 19:19
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been around much, I've been hovering in the background but when I'm stressed the words dry up, I want to say nice things but the words are not forthcoming. I'm OK though.

That is Maisie Ieramul, she is not as sweet as she looks, I have to keep her away from most people and other dogs as she is very aggressive. :frown: She's quite a character though.

My wellies are still wet, I forgot today and started to put them on - what a horrible shock! Hubby wasn't trying to help, he was in a drunken temper but I won't talk about it any more, too much doom and gloom is not really appropriate for our lovely meeting place, we need sunshine and fluffy clouds.

I hope you are both enjoying the weekend and keeping the eating under control. I've not been good, I've been at the biscuits again and put all of the weight back on but I'm not going to worry about it, just a couple of days of sensible eating and it should fall again. I've just had dinner, I had pizza, I was shopping today and just had to buy it. I usually keep eating until I've finished the whole lot but hubby wanted the same so I halved it and topped his with pepperoni. I also bought some more of that dark chocolate, Asda have an offer on Green & Black's 85% dark chocolate, 2 for £3.00. It should last a while if I eat a little each day.

Sorry to hear that you had to give up on your fast Ireamul, That has happened to me more times than I can remember. We can always fast another day but visitors and lunches out must come first sometimes. I'm so glad that we will all be fasting on Monday, it seems to make it easier knowing that you are doing it too.

I didn't finish my last message to you Steph, I was going to mention your rent and make a joke about palaces but Ieramul has beaten me to it - great minds and all that! And I was going to say something about your marvelous friend, at 84 years old she is more active than many people half her age.

There were several bangs from fireworks nearby which have set Maisie off barking, for a little dog she has a load bark and gave me such a scare I nearly hit the ceiling. I'm a nervous wreck - I'm going to make some coffee and then watch TV.
08 Nov 2014, 20:46
Hi coffee don't worry, just wave at us if you have no words. Image.
We are all busy and sometimes there is just not much to say.

Whilst I had some chocolate today overall I think I did OK today - but Monday morning will reveal all. :smile:
08 Nov 2014, 21:37
Hi guys, I understand your lurking coffee, I do the same at times when I just can't face putting words in print. I've gone far off the rails today, just polished off a large bowl of chips and before that a dozen shortbread cookies and the day started with a free breakfast at the church across the street, muffins, cream cheese, donuts. I'm nuts for sure. I know I am just keeping and even putting the weight back on but I don't care at times, I just want junk, especially when I'm feeling a bit down, or do I feel down because I'm eating terribly, which comes first? This morning I picked up Adam from work, then went to my work for a sub for his lunch, got back to the car and the darn thing wouldn't start! GRRRRR! I just had it in the shop last month to get a new starter because of the same problem. I had it towed to the same mechanic and I'll see what he finds. I was tempted to take it to another but I'll be damned if I will pay for what could be the first guys incompetence. My car is just falling apart and I don't have the money to buy a new one :(. It was miserable out as I stood waiting for the tow truck driver to fiddle with the battery. I was freezing, Adam was freezing, too and he rarely gets cold, but the guy was nice and Adam talked his ear off on the ride home. The last time this happened and I had to call CAA (the auto club) I was so nervous, this time was a breeze. I have anxiety issues some times. It feels good to have got through the experience with no shakes or jitters. Silly really.
I dozed on the couch all afternoon as Adam watched two episodes of Dr. Who. Can't stand the show myself :), probably why I slept through them lol.
Good for you Ieramul for keeping to your TDEE. I've probably already surpassed mine :). You will have a great weigh in on Monday, I'm sure.
I'm toying with the idea of going to the store for a diet coke. It is so bloody cold and horrible out, though.
There is a Christmas movie on the tv, and some awful ones. I feel bored but Ille gave me a half dozen books to read so maybe I will read one. I go for months where I read voraciously and then months when I just can't get into books at all. Anyway, here I am blathering on about nothing again, forgive me!
Enjoy your evenings!
08 Nov 2014, 23:24
Oh Steph, you've had a bad day, first the junk food, feeling down and then your car, strange how they all come at the same time, they seem to have a knock on effect. I always dread breaking down in the dark on a quiet road, I think we will have to get another car soon. We also need a new bathroom, and can't afford both.
We keep talking about moving to a bungalow with a smaller garden - before we get too old, and our bath seems to be sinking into the floor. There is now an inch gap between the rim of the bath and the wall tiles which wasn't there a few years ago and the enamel is wearing away so the bath has brown patches, the hand basin and loo are old too so we have to do something about the bathroom if we want to sell the house. We could buy a cheap car but would it be any better than the one we have? Decisions, decisions.
I've been eating cream crackers and stilton cheese this evening and yet more chocolate biscuits, so many I feel uncomfortable.
....And I watched Doctor Who this evening too, I've watched it on and off since the first episode in the 60s.
Blather away Steph, it's not blather to us, it helps us to get to know you more.

Hi Ieramul, (waves back). You seem to be doing better than either of us today (Saturday) - or would it be yesterday for Steph? I get confused with the time difference. I'm actually looking forward to Monday's fast, very unusual for me. I think it's time for bed but I have a great pile of washing up to do first, I'll try to get it done before midnight.
Now it's me blathering. Hahaa
09 Nov 2014, 04:13
Hi guys, thanks for your kind words coffee. Sorry to say, but your bathroom sounds horrid :wink: :). My apartment is old. There are wall tiles missing in the bathroom, paint flecks on the mirror and windows, walls needing painting, cracked linoleum floor tiles in the hall and kitchen... but, for all that, it is charming with its hardwood floors and old doors and quirky rooms. My friends all love my place, I am the only one who sees its many flaws LOL. The landlords are good, though. They put in a new tub and shower surround about a year ago because similar to yours the wall and tub were not meeting anymore and water was running down the wall into the apartment below when we showered. I am lucky that I don't own this place I'd constantly be searching for money to fix everything. I feel for you, finding money is never easy :).
So I dozed on the couch again after constantly eating for the last 5 or 6 hours. I ended up going to the corner store after all and bought some cheesies and a diet pop. After consuming those I sneaked some more mini chocolate bars ( oh gawd! I must have eaten 10 of them over the course of the day) from Adam's stash
of Halloween candy, then some bread and jam and then some cereal and...anyway, too long a list to write here. Suffice it to say I ate at least a couple of thousand calories.
I am determined to walk to the grocery store tomorrow morning. I need the exercise and besides I can't drive there now can I LOL. My plan is to get chicken and some ginger to make teriyaki chicken in my crockpot so Adam and I have a decent supper tomorrow night. I plan to go rain or shine and not be too wimpy if it is raining again. I wasn't dressed for the weather earlier today. I am toying with the idea of going for a walk now, it is 11 p.m. (23:00) and of course I'm not tired, how on earth could I be after dozing half the day away (when I wasn't eating :shock: ) I started reading but am now disliking the book. It is about a man, a former soldier in vietnam living in Canada who goes back to Vietnam in the late 90's and disappears. His adult children go looking for him. Intriguing at first but now there are descriptions of the war which I am uncomfortable reading so I have put the book aside. I will try a different book.
Ok, so there is another brief look into the tedious life of Steph, blah, blah, blah :grin:
Thanks for listening!
You are both in dreamland as I write. I hope you both wake up refreshed and well rested and ready to face the day!
09 Nov 2014, 08:11
Hi everyone, I am a bit puzzled as my post of last night does not seem to be here? i don't think I press the 'submit' button long or well enough. Anyway I think I was saying to coffee that I can feel for her with not having the money to repair or renew the bathroom but selling and moving is hugely stressful too. You are so wise to not jump into this decision lightly because you don't want to make a mistake.

Steph, so sorry about the snacks you had - the problem is that once we start eating we can't stop - they are addictive and they are just like a puff of wind and don't fill up the tummy. Your corner store has a lot to answer for. The nearest store for me is 10 minutes away and I am definitely too lazy to get out in the cold to get a drink. Your book sounds very scary and i could not continue reading either.

I am enjoying time with my son. We have wonderful discussions and he always makes me see things from a different angle. He is so good to talk to. He will be leaving this evening so I must be off and talk to you tonight.
09 Nov 2014, 14:47
So that's another post floating about somewhere it shouldn't be Ieramul, so annoying after you've carefully thought what to say and typed it out - only to have it disappear :confused: I wonder if it's because we don't wait until the 'see your submitted message' page changes to the posts on the thread showing the one you have just submitted? I tend to click on something else as I get frustrated waiting for it to appear. I might try copying it first if it's a long message - 'just in case'! :wink:
Yes, it's great to have sons, especially when you have a good relationship with them, make the most of the time with yours before he has to leave again. :smile:

Sorry to hear that you 'went to town' with your snacking Steph, so hard to stop once you have started, it's that little devil on your shoulder again urging you on. :evil: Best not to worry about it and start fresh the next day. That's why we are here, thousands of us on this forum all trying to stop binging and eat sensibly, and luckily 5:2 or IF is working for most of us. I now have that old song on my mind that goes something like "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. Nothing's impossible......."
You spent time dozing yesterday and I've spent most of today doing absolutely nothing, something in the air? I have loads of jobs that need doing, I'll have to listen the the song again!

Monday tomorrow, we can fast in tandem and hopefully all lose a little weight. Fingers crossed! :clover: :clover: :clover:
09 Nov 2014, 16:52
What a great song, coffee - goes with your signature theme. I have watched it on youtube with Frank Sinatra. :wink:
Well son is now gone :cry: and i am going to read my book about sugar. By the way I have come across this web site.:, ... 12,00.html
It seems that diet drinks are even worse than sugar drinks for a number of reasons.
I think I have already had most of my TDEE today with a super creamy tarragon chicken with roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings and the most delicious sauce. This was at 2pm after I had a generous breakfast at 11am. Now I am wondering if I should end the day with fruit only to get a good result for tomorrow's weigh-In.

Steph how can we help you on the snacking front. There must be something coffee and i can do.... I get the feeling you are a great cook and eat healthy main meals. It's the sugar monster that is throwing spanners in your plans - I am not sure how we can banish him from you. :lol:

Maybe tomorrow's fast will scare him off a little. Speak soon.
09 Nov 2014, 18:03
Hi guys,
well, I'm back from the grocery store, a nice little hour long walk. Stopped in at another store and bought my granddaughter a game called "Trouble" for her birthday. She will be turning 3 and already is learning to count. This game requires counting and her big brother (6 yo) can help her play with him. I've put my chicken teriyaki in the crockpot, have a load of towels in the washing machine and am heating up Adam's lunch. I won't be having any at the moment. I am so stuffed from all of yesterdays crap. I swear my digestion slows down some days. Perhaps I can make it till supper before I eat or I can nibble on some trail mix, cashews or grapes I bought until then. Something healthier than yesterday! I don't know why I get into days like that. Part of the problem is that once I start down the bread/carb road I can't stop because I feel so hungry. It's like there's no gut/brain connection, it just disappears. I should know better by now not to eat carbs, especially in the morning. Yesterday's breakfast at the church was all carbs. Usually they have eggs and bacon or sausage and fruit salad but yesterday there was a church bazaar on with lunch being served so the breakfast group didn't have access to the kitchen, hence all the english muffins, bagels, muffins, donuts...Sometimes it isn't just sweets I want but salty stuff too. I have no idea how you two can help. Yell at me? ask if I have some fruit or encourage me to go get something healthy? give me some suggestions as to what to eat instead of the junk? I need a good slap upside the head when I go off the rails LOL. I didn't make lunch or dinner yesterday either, big mistake. I will make up for it today and tomorrow and hopefully the rest of the week will turn out well. I have the will today, anyway :).
Sorry to hear your son had to leave Ieramul but glad you had such a lovely visit with him. My older son called me from Alberta yesterday where he moved in August. It is so far away :( but he is doing well at his job and is enjoying his leisure time with his many friends. We lived in Alberta for 18 years and he has quite a few friends who he has kept in touch with. He is happy and that is the main thing. He won't be coming home for Christmas as he doesn't have the money. He is terrible with finances and I wonder if he will ever be able to save the money to come visit. I don't have any to go visit him, unfortunately :(. So Adam and I will have a quite holiday by ourselves which he will detest. We are going to my sister's place at the end of the month for an early Christmas celebration. My sister's have too many obligations during the actual holidays and perhaps we will beat the snow by having it so early.
I will check out the website, thanks. I know diet sodas are bad for me but I can't drink the sugary stuff. All the junk I ate yesterday was bad for me so in the grand scheme of things I don't think one pop will kill me lol. It is all the other nights when I also drink them. At least I don't buy it by the case and drink two or three cans a day. I have stopped taking it home from work, where the pop is free so that is one step in the right direction. Your chicken dinner sounds divine, I love yorkshire pudding and I am nostalgic about it. At my first job when I was just 13 I served at functions in a hall where they regularly served roast beef dinners with huge, fluffy, salty yorkshire pudding with loads of gravy. I looked forward to having one at the end of my shirt. I've never eaten any as good.
Well on with the day, time to put the laundry in the dryer.
Are you two doing well this evening?
09 Nov 2014, 18:10
Hahaha, so many typos in my message. quiet not quite, sisters not sister's, shift not shirt. I guess my proofreading skills are lacking today.
09 Nov 2014, 19:45
Hi steph, an hour walk to do your shopping is impressive and your arms didn't fall off carrying the shopping? Shame you can't see two of your children at Christmas so enjoy having Adam still with you.

With regards to us helping on the sugar front, here is a suggestion: How about doing a three day fast, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with Monday and Friday being normal 500kcals fast days and Wednesday eating up to TDEE but no/low carb and no sugar. Or give yourself one or two days only when sugar or high carbs are allowed.
I am OK this evening, the sugar book is heavy going and I did doze off at one point. :wink:

To compensate for lunch and no exercise today I only had two apples this evening. My TDEE is only 1300 - 1400 and I am not 100% sure how many kcals that lunch had. In fact I often try to err on the side of caution.
09 Nov 2014, 20:18
I have a little cart that I pull behind me, they are all the rage here. It can hold quite a bit of food although today I didn't get as much as usual.
I'll think about your suggestion. It just might work. It would make it easier to get through Thursday and Friday at work as I could eat more in the evening to tide me over until my afternoon meal on those days. It will be tough on Fridays, though but that may be a good thing since I usually over eat on that day.
I just had my teriyaki chicken which turned out to be delicious. This slow cooker book is great so far, both recipes I've made from it were superb. Not so from that other large cookbook. Made the stir fried bok choy and it was a big disappointment. Ate well, though and may have some trail mix for desert :).
I'll join my son on the couch and watch a movie. Have a great evening! how are you holding out Ieramul? did you get by on just the fruit this evening?
09 Nov 2014, 21:43
:cry: no steph, I felt hungry two hours after apples and didn't want to go into Monday fast hungry so I got some left over peas from lunch and two handful of mixed nuts (wanted to keep it carb free) still felt hungry AND THEN went and polished off 5 finger biscuits :cry: :cry: :cry:
It just shows to me - don't mess around with snacks of any kind. Whether psychologically or nutritionally, they are just not filling and I end up eating more than if I had had a scheduled proper meal.

Note to self: do not try to be good or clever. I now have a slight tummy ache and can't decide if I feel full or not. Whatever I feel I am not eating any more. It is now 9.30 pm and I normally don't eat after 7pm.
Shall we file this under 'EXPERIENCE'???
I am now in need of chastising!!!
09 Nov 2014, 21:46
Oh by the way the fast days I suggested are arbitary and not fixed. I just think that if we categorise/plan no carb or sugar for a day and call it fasting we are more likely to stick with it. Just a thought.
09 Nov 2014, 22:41
Ieramul sorry to hear you caved to those biscuits. I know that "am I hungry" feeling too well. And no need to chastise! you've done so yourself. Shouldn't, though, you've done so well this whole week. I'm sure your weigh in tomorrow will show some results. And I've learned that snacking never fills me up either but I do it anyway. Right now I am full from my 3 pm meal and handful of trail mix and grapes. But, I still want to eat some cheese. If I were to just wait a few hours I could make an omelet with the cheese. That is, if I am hungry then. I don't know why I want to keep eating even though I am so stuffed and even uncomfortable.
Adam doesn't like the supper as much as I did :(. I guess the leftovers are for my supper on Tuesday.
M/W/F would work for me. I want to leave my weekends free so I can experiment with cooking. I will try it this week. Will you be fasting on Friday too? or just M/W?
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