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Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 18:25
I think we're all a bit dizzy with getting back to 5:2.. Carbo withdrawal symptoms maybe!
Doesnt everywhere look bare when the deccies come down :0(.... Cant be doing with waiting for twelfth night tho x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 18:37
I bought cards and some new decorations half price in the local garden centre today. I've noted on the new calendar where I've put the cards!

I've also had an email from a cousin in Canada, saying how gaunt I look and that she worries I'm anorexic. I've tried to calm her fears, but she's flapping, after seeing photos on Facebook. I've lost my rosy round cheeks, she says.... thank goodness, say I!!!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 19:01
I guess its hard for her being so far away @PennyForthem she doesnt see what a little dynamo full of life and fun that you are...hardly anorexic behaviour! ..but sometimes, don't you just feel folk are all too ready to sabotage our efforts to help ourselves.
MY rosy cheeks are just a sign of my high blood pressure which i didnt have when i was a lower weight..i hope one day to lose the red cheeks and the HBP..specially looking forward to coming off the medication (which has quite nasty side effects) when i get my weight back down :frown:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 19:13
... And some of us are just back from WORKING, yes WORKING :shock: .. and now having to catch up on all the jokes, misunderstandings, numpty-ism, forgetfulness, food talk etc etc etc :curse: :bugeyes: :confused: :dazed: :doh: :shock:

I love this thread! :heart:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 19:17
I know SD..sometimes you get back and its like an impenetrable maze! I love this thread too x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 19:45
Silverdarling wrote: ... And some of us are just back from WORKING, yes WORKING :shock: .. and now having to catch up on all the jokes, misunderstandings, numpty-ism, forgetfulness, food talk etc etc etc :curse: :bugeyes: :confused: :dazed: :doh: :shock:

I love this thread! :heart:

Me too. I always check in here first these days. Well today we did the long drive between Andratx and Soller as we went to Andratx for lunch. Anyone who has been will know how beautiful it is on that stretch of coast. Anyhow last July some eejit set the forest on fire between Andratx and Estellencs when he dumped his hot bbq coals and thousands upon thousands of hectares were lost over 4 days. We must have driven at least 10 miles through it. Such a tragedy and very sad (and a little eerie) to see scorched land, black trees and whole swathes of pine forest being chopped down. I think he ended up being sent down for 6 years.

Anyhow. Flying home tomorrow (London). I gather its going to be stormy...... :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 20:49
Yes Karen, warnings everywhere. Take care x
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:23
... Is anyone watching Channel 5 Fat night? What a load of twaddle (to be polite :lol: ) what a shame they could have put something useful and informative on (re 5:2) rather than this car-crash, intrusive television.

Come to think of it, haven't seen anything on TV about 5:2 recently - anybody?
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:32
I think I've learnt my lesson about leftovers - last night I helped myself to some roast from the weekend and it obviously didn't agree with my belly, since I spent the entire night (from midnight onwards) close to the ... facilities ...

I've chucked a sickie to recover today and have broken my normal low carb lifestyle with two pieces of dry toast which seem to be helping. No more holding on to food for too long me thinks!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:36
@melbmandy - dry toast allowed in extreme circumstances! :bugeyes: :shock: I'm sure even @Ballerina would agree with that!
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:36
@Silverdarling I'm watching, channel 5 at its best! NOT

And they are still saying you need to eat breakfast or you'll get fat. Can't wait for the top 10.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:40
EEEEEeeeeeeekkkkk! They've now got on to JOCK ITCH - with close-ups!!!!

BLEURGHHHH! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:40
And I did not need to see the pictures of "jock itch"

Some things cannot be unseen....oh my eyes,my eyes
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:50
I've recorded it, as we're watching beeb 2 on Ww2 convoys. Actually hub is watching and I'm half watching and half here.
Perhaps I won't waste time watching the recorded programme at all then. I did watch Too fat to fly, though and breathed a sigh of relief.
Re: Chatterbox Anwyl
02 Jan 2014, 21:53
Your not missing much......unless scrotal itch, porn star personal trainers and sex face gym bunnies is your thing!

Oh and rat hair in your food!!!
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