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07 Jun 2014, 06:32
You're making me jealous of the long days @CandiceMarie. I miss many things about home but the biggest thing is the very little difference in the length of the days. In Shetland, about three weeks either side of the midsummer solstice, it just doesn't get dark. Cue for many late night walks, wee trips to the beach etc and many, many hours playing in the garden, or just playing outside.
Here, there is about an hours difference between mis winter and midsummer, but midsummer is hotter than hell. I'm conditioned to be inside when it's dark. Drummed into me from childhood ' come back when the streetlights come on!'. I've thought and pondered and tried to do something about it , but I just don't like being out here when it's dark (and hot). And there's little to do outside - no garden etc.
Sorry you can't sleep though.
And I'll be home soon , the other side of midsummer but not that much that we'll be shaking our heads and tutting ' the nights are fair drawing in...'
07 Jun 2014, 10:58
@Janeg Are you coming back during Ramadan? My daughter didn't think it through and is coming over in August. She will probably freeze, but she is looking forward to clean rain.
07 Jun 2014, 12:43
Shetland must be such a beautiful place to grow up?..
Bringing back more memories there @janeg...playing out til the street lights came on! Sometimes we could stay out later as long as we stayed under the street lamp by our house. They are memories i often think back to. Playing all day long,always active.Happy days ! Thin without ever having to give it a thought even tho ate plenty of sweets! :razz:
It's such a shame children no longer have the precious freedom we had to run round all day and make up our own games x
07 Jun 2014, 13:47
Climbing trees, taking 'picnics' to the quarry (A jam sandwich and a bottle of water) which happened to be 4 miles away and no mobile phone to make sure we could phone for an ambulance if needed, no adults of course. Playing all over the walls of the ruined Abbey, walking across the tops of the walls even though they were a good 25 foot up, even play ball tag on them.
Making dens in the woods, swinging on rope swings across a pond, or the grandaddy rope swing from the top of a cliff face over the tops of the trees below (an adult always put a new rope up each year as they knew kids would use whatever came to hand if it wasn't already done). Can you tell I was a bit of a tomboy?
07 Jun 2014, 16:46
Great memories@julieathome!
Of course accidents could and did happen but not that often,when you think of the endless hours we played,unwatched and unsupervised by the adults.. My sister broke her arm. A friend fell in the duck pond when we were looking for tiddlers. Everybody had scars and scabs on knees,elbows and foreheads. Very often kids were running round with a plaster or a big home made bandage on one of their limbs..something i never see now.
Children were allowed to enjoy being in the world of children,we barely saw a Mum or Dad on a non school day except to go indoors to eat.
Big kids kept an eye on the smaller kids,and dogs were never " taken for walks" - they took themselves ! :lol: x
Wd love to relive one of those days! Any other memories anyone? Tho this sh'd really be in the Remember When Tent wh i think @PennyForthemstarted...
07 Jun 2014, 23:47
There's a remember when tent?
08 Jun 2014, 04:29
Yes @Julieathome bailing out for part of Ramadan. :)
08 Jun 2014, 04:39
08 Jun 2014, 07:52
That's what my childhood was like too. Being packed off to the local outdoor pool with a packed lunch and not going home till tea time.
Luckily we live in a very small village and it's very similar here. All the kids know each other and it's a massive playground in the holidays. Both of ours would leave the house after breakfast time, returning home for a drink, or an ice lolly with several friends in tow., bikes, scooters, roller skates, scabby knees and elbows. Friends round to be patched up, water fights in our cul de sac. Great.
08 Jun 2014, 15:27
Sounds like my grand kids now!
Just invested (not very much) in an insulated bag, size 9 litre, to take on our wanderings, so that we can drink cool water and eat crisp salad and fruit without benefit of other peoples germs/unwashed hands :0/
So often the salad in eateries is displayed in open-help-yourself bars looking tired and 'used' *shivers*. I'm becoming mindful of what goes in to me these days :0)
08 Jun 2014, 18:06
Me too AB @AzureBlue anything left out so that everyone can breathe over / put hands in makes me shudder! :confused:
On another theme,has anyone any news of our @Betsysgr8
Havent seen her for a few weeks and wondering and hoping that things are picking up for her and the family x anyone in touch? X pls pass on my best wishes if so x
08 Jun 2014, 19:07
Pleased with self today ...have fasted mon/ wed / fri and today
Was in a cafe earlier just having a cuppa and watching peep tucking into sunday roasts and the most outa this world cakes..i didnt even flicker.
Mind you,later, sitting by the Park lake,i had to be restrained from wading in and pinching the ducks' bread! :lol: :lol:
08 Jun 2014, 20:03
WEIRD! Ive been logged in here for weeks coz i' m scared if i log out,i wont' t be able to log back in... Suddenly was told to log back in and had to reset password? Is it just me? @Sue.Q think you were having similar probs?
Put in the NEW but old password i chose when the forum changed and hey presto back on board .but no idea why i had those shananigans! :?:
08 Jun 2014, 21:21
Me too Candy but I wasn't told to log in, I just realised I wasn't as my name was no longer at the top of the screen. I've also lost the listing on the left side of the screen - view unread posts etc.
08 Jun 2014, 21:27
Hi Annie! I haven't seen that list on the left of the screen fir yonks! I have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find that list now... :?: x
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