Oh how I wish my bras were baggy in the cup
Well, I'm back from my coffee out! The one good thing about Padstow and my diet, Phil, is that I don't like pasties (sorry!). Ooh but the fish pie? Man Alive! I shall be returning tomorrow to taste again...even includes mussels in their shells...yummy (sorry if you're fasting today!)
Is it really hot where you are today? It's boiling here
Well, I'm back from my coffee out! The one good thing about Padstow and my diet, Phil, is that I don't like pasties (sorry!). Ooh but the fish pie? Man Alive! I shall be returning tomorrow to taste again...even includes mussels in their shells...yummy (sorry if you're fasting today!)
Is it really hot where you are today? It's boiling here