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Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 09:53
You have probably read those articles that say that 90% or something of women wear the wrong bra size.

Well, since 5:2 meant that I was no longer filling the cups of my bras :cry: , but at least they were no longer garotting me across the back :grin: , I thought I would take advantage of the free fitting service at my local Debenham's. A very nice woman brought me all sorts to try. According to her (and she did seem to know):

1. The cup size is not an absolute, it goes up with the overall size. So although I don't fill a 38B any more, I do fill a 34B.

2. The reason that the 38B had finally begun to feel comfortable, (though admittedly saggy) was that it was way too big for me across the back. I should wear a 34B.

3. The 34B garotted me across the back again, and even worse, produced a little bulge of backfat above the back strap, even though I am pretty much at my goal weight. She said that is how it should be, and that almost everyone she fits has that problem, even really slim women.

Anyway, I compromised and got the 36B. It does look better than the 38B under clothes from the front, and hey, let's not worry about the backridge, first impressions count, right?! Who cares what people see when I'm walking away :wink: . It isn't agonising (like the 34B) but it's still annoying. I'll still be taking it off the minute I get home, and then being embarassed when unexpected visitors arrive at the door and I have to open the door with boobs dangling under my Tshirt.

So some questions for you ladies (and men if applicable, of course, no gender bias here):

a) Do you take your bra off as soon as you get home?
b) Does your bra produce a ridge across your back?
c) Is there a snappy name for that ridge - along the lines of muffin-top or camel-toe?

cheers, kl
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 09:59
Having really really big boobs (34E, all natural), I don't ever take my bra off during the day.

It does produce a ridge across my back but I can deal with it

And I don't know the answer to the last question :razz:
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:03
To answer the last question it is just called bra back fat BBF ... To be avoided

Good thing about 5:2 old bras grown out of now perfect fit and no BBF
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:10
I remember reading an article about bra fitting/measuring services offered in the main high street stores. They all vary with their results.

Last time I got measured none of the ones they brought out in the size she'd measured actually fit me and were uncomfortable. That was at M&S. Bras also come in lots of different styles and I can be different sizes in different bras.

This time getting as fat as I am I cheated and just bought bra extenders instead. :D
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:15
I find the M&S fitters to be awful. But the advice on the Bravissimo website is brilliant. You just have to make a decent guess and try on the sizes and go up and down through the cups until you find one that sits right and doesn't cause bulges. In fact I supposedly have gone down a back size but up a cup size.
Then mid month I can be a totally different cup size.

I gave up with wearing bra's full time years ago. I let them swing free at home whenever possible. I fully expect to have spent hundreds of pounds by the time I get to my goal weight just on bras.
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:24
Oh I get back pain if my girls are let loose for too long,

You can measure your self (have already put the formula on here twice already). The backs really need to be the right fit and most bra fitters I have come across didn't give me the right size which lead me to spend a fortune on the wrong size bras for the past few years. Once I did the self measure formula I haven't looked back. Ha ha. Of all the fitting bras I didn't toss, they are now the right size in the backs at least
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:39
When I use the formula or get measured I always find the answer given is a size larger across the back than I actually need. If I go for the size suggested by my measurements, the underwires end up half way down my ribs and not doing anything much but being uncomfortable. So I'm theoretically a 38E, but 36E is the most comfortable for me at the moment. The problem I have is that my new-ish 36Es are on the tightest hooks atm but the 34E is too tight. Oddly my boobs have hardly shrunk at all compared with the rest of me...from 38F to 36E whereas I gone from a dress size 20/22 to 12/14. Needless to say, OH is very pleased about that!!
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:45
If people are in or go to London the best place (methinks) to go for a bra fitting is Rigby and Peller in Conduit St. The service is free and the ladies who work there are experts - they don't measure you with a tape measure - they just look at you naked from the waist up (eek) but they know what they're doing and it makes a huge difference to wear a well fitting bra (and I am not small - I had been fitted in M&S (think they're rubbish for bra fitting sorry) and was told 42E - went to R&P and was fitted into a 34H. And that's the right size - amazing how much smaller it makes you look. Anyhow - worth a visit in my book!
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 10:51
The best place i was ever measured for a bra was Bravissimo. The girl looked at my boobs and knew the exact size i was and it fitted like a glove. This was great as you can order online from them and they send you lovely underwear wrapped in tissue in a gift box right to your door and you send back those you dont want to keep. They are however slightly more expensive than your Debenhams and M&S. I understand where you are coming from with their sizing but i think that every shop is different and you just have to take a load in a changing room and be prepared to be there a while. My preference is now Debenhams Be Gorgeous range which fits like a glove and yes I have that back ridge too but i accept that is part of growing older :frown: and i may never lose that!
Perhaps designer lingerie may be a better fit but alas my budget doesn't stretch to Rigby & Peller or Agent Provocateur. However if you are reading this Santa I am a size 12 briefs 32E up top!! :lol:
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 11:19
My boobs have shrunk since I've lost three stone but I wear push-up bras so it looks a darn sight better from the outside than it does underneath my clothing. I should go down to a 34B but my 36C's are just so comfortable and I will NOT wear a bra that gives me a fat ridge across the back.... yeurgh!

I broke 6 ribs last year so I had no choice to go bra-less for about 6 months. I lived in M&S secret support vests, with the elastic section cut off the back and the moulded cups protected my modesty.....
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 13:22
I always use Talk to an advisor, they are v helpful and knowledgeable. They send your bras in the post, returnable and no penalty, but I have not had to return them after taking their suggestions. Their stocks are comprehensive as you will judge from the website.
and I have had to change my bras as I lose weight. What a joy to look neater AND be comfortable!
On line they have a good fitting guide too.
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 13:35
One thing is for sure - English bra sizes and Swedish are just not the same. Born with not puny, but not large either menopause and afterwards have rendered me with a nice rack and from what ever size I used to have, b 5:2 I had 95D (mind you, Swedish size). Now they are too large, need to get new ones but have to do some reading up on measuring.

But reading about all non fitting bras, we might start a bra depository for slightly used bras :wink:
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 14:02
I HATE bras. The first thing I do when I get inside the house is rip it off. That said, I am finding them more bearable since I lost some weight on 5:2.
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 14:12
I recently read an article about stores that have bra fitters. One fitter ameliorates the "overhang" problem by reaching into the cup, grabbing the excess underarm flesh and pulling it forward into the cup. Voila! It actually works for me and the underwires keep it in place all day--Also lets me fill out the cup better than before.

Another thing I didn't know is that the back of the bra should ride quite low with the straps at full extension. Over time, as the strap elastic stretches, the straps can be adjusted to be shorter.

The brand I'm wearing now is designed with a "U-back" where the straps are closer to the center of the back than usual to help prevent straps from falling off the shoulders.

Then, as we lose weight, there's exercise to tone up the muscles of the upper and mid back and the underarm area (I guess those exercises would be called "pull-downs")

Interesting thread!
Re: Is your bra comfortable?
20 Sep 2013, 14:16
Hehe! Great thread ..v funny:)
Yes i love to fling my bra off soon as i get the girls!
My friend and i joke that our boobies boinnnnng! down to our knees when we undo our bras...
Its heaven to get the bra off soon as poss
I found out some time ago that i needed a much bigger cup but a smaller band...but
I agree, i hate the ridge of fat now i have a smaller band,tho ican see what a better fit it is..
Cannot think of a good name for the ridge tho its a bit like carrying a mini rucksack x!
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