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Count me in - Sat would work best for me and hubs would probably like to tag along if that would be ok!
Yes! @Debs
I'll call the Dorchester tomorrow and make a reservation.
If anyone wishes to join us, please let me know within the next week so I can increase the reservation, as they are particular about numbers.
@Debs@Carieoates@Merlin @Wendy Darling@Madcatlady
Debs plus 1
Madcatlady plus 1
Eight so far!
@Ssure you may be away, but wanted to shout out to you :wink:
Hey lovely. I know you have a very busy, busy life. You are welcome, if you can. If you can't no worries. :cool:
:heart: :heart: :heart:
I'll try to come. I may have to work out some overnight accommodation though (not the Dorchester ££££ :wink:)
I'll see what I can do! DH's calendar isn't properly synched with mine so I can't tell - and I need to know if there's some sea kayaking or similar booked for that weekend :)
Thanks so much for thinking of me @lizbean - regrettably I am already committed to something that weekend....but I would have loved to have come along otherwise.

Hope everyone has a great time.....and I'll do my very best to make the next one! Xx
Thanks everyone! I'll be back as soon as I have info from The Dorchester.
Hello@Debs and party
I contacted The Dorchester and enquired about a table for 8 at 2pm (to suit those travelling to London and back home, seems sensible). Yes they can accommodate us - at that time.
Afternoon Tea is served five times daily from;
1pm, 2pm, 3.15pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm. The cost is £49 per head.
Here is a link the their website ... ernoon-tea
Do let me know how this suits you all. I'll check out the terms of the reservation - ie upping the numbers or late cancellations.
Meanwhile, I'll confirm 8 at 2pm and hope I can juggle the numbers with them and you. :wink:
Might be on to walk it off in the park after :smile:
Fantastic, thanks for organising can't wait. I've even looked at train tickets a mere £13. With a railcard. Very pleased with that.
Thanks @Carieoates. Made sure all the party so far are copied in @Madcatlady@Merlin@Carorees@Wendy Darling@SSure - see my post above.
If anyone wishes to join please say, I think I have a window of a week or two to tie this venue down.
Thank you for booking that @lizbean. Very exciting.
@Lizbean, thank you for doing that! I will be coming with Ju and his sister too as she is a putative 5:2 faster. It will be a nice surprise for her. I will be walking it off before and after, and the following day too!!!

Getting excited now, a fantastic weekend as we are Harry Pottering the following day!
@Debs @Wendy Darling thanks for confirming.
I'll increase the reservation to 10 for now.
Debs, Ju and sister
Madcatlady plus 1
and then we have SSure who if confirms makes us ELEVEN
@Debs and all
I contacted the DH to increase the reservation and would you believe it ......... they say...
"Please note we would be delighted to offer you a table of eight guests, as we are unable to accommodate a table of ten guests. In this case would you like me to forward your enquiry to our group and events team and they will check the availabilities for you, however, there will be charge for the private room hire."
Really! I'll contact Claridges and other venues to find out their policy.

In the meantime please do let me know if I can be of any further assistance or if you do wish to book a table for eight guest.
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