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It's back again for a few weeks, folks!

1727GMT tomorrow night! :smile:
I noticed this :) I check out live streaming and noticed it over the UK :) :like:

Might pop my head outside :wink:
Also, Geminid meteor shower is in progress - best was last night but still some action to come. The bright moon will spoil things somewhat, but look towards Orion and left a bit if the sky does get to clear...
I have a great app that reminds me when the ISS is visible :grin: the is nothing more amazing than looking up into the night sky and seeing the wonders it holds! (Cloud permitting that is!)
@tickatape what's the name of the app?
Betsysgr8 wrote: @tickatape what's the name of the app?

It's called ISS Spotter :grin:
Thank you! I was wondering about the ISS when we spotted Venus last week. Shame we have heavy rain...
Too much cloud :frown:
I forgot to say but the app points you in the correct direction to look too! :geek: clever little app!
Good app :like: except that it doesn't tell you how good the viewing will be :( this link still appears to be the best for that

I also enjoy another app called GoISSWatch, very pretty :)
Thanks, guys, great stuff.

Annie, I have that page on one tab and the main page

on another. When the ISS is approaching, I just flick back and forth - gets quite exciting, especially with the grandchildren around, which is going to happen over the Christmas period!

Can't wait! :smile:
Oh dear, how offputting, predicts 90 mins BEFORE ISS Spotter (all this week) :confused:
It is a 90 minute orbit. Is it predicting the previous pass?
Ahh, so that's it then, the app is predicting the next pass, bit of a nuisance that, since I can set it to remind me!
Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, I've just seen it! Had lovely clear skies, and a full 3 minute pass at a good elevation!
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