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Non-diet Chat

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We're not talking 40 Shades of Gray here, thinking more of the 'deep fried mars bar' :rotfl:

Seeing we can eat 'normally' (without going OTT) on non fast days, what's your treat/guilty nibble/disgusting butty :confused:

For an easy lunch I often get 4 water biscuits on a plate, put a blob of brown sauce (preferably HP) on each one, then top it off with a dollop of cottage cheese :grin:

Like I say Don't knock it 'till you've tried it :wink:
Scrambled egg and marmite sandwiches....

When I was a kid it was the only way my mum could get me to eat egg yolks, I hate them :S I still hate them now, unless they're in a marmite sandwich!
Boiled macaroni mixed with ketchup and Parmesan cheese. Reminds me of my uni days.
Blackcurrant jam on a slice of cheddar cheese...
bethan wrote: Blackcurrant jam on a slice of cheddar cheese...

That sounds nice! I like little bits of cheddar and granny smith apples on cocktail sticks, the fruity cheesy thing is yummy.
Christmas cake and cheese, classic :like:
I just love a ketchup sandwich. I used to make these as a kid and now it feels like such a treat, with lots of butter obviously!!! :wink:
Pretzel sticks dipped in peanut butter. Just wow.
Honey and cheddar sandwiches... nom nom
I don't really have any strange combination snacks, more just random things like a spoon of peanut butter or random bowls of pickled beetroot!

Something I've not had in ages but always loved is a good cheese sarnie - with salt & vinegar chipsticks added for crunch and zing (normal salt & vinegar crisps would do in a pinch). Yum! Have to agree with the ketchup sarnies too, they're delish - but never had them with butter, just the ketchup.

Another really naughty one I discovered 'by accident' is a 'real' crunch cream. You know Fox's do just normal crunch biscuits, like the crunch creams but larger, singular and without the cream? One of those with a dollop of extra thick double cream is amazing.

Great topic Nog :D
Puffed wheat and sunflower seeds, no milk.
Or toast with peanut butter and tahini.
Or toast with tahini and ginger jam.
Blue cheese with strawberries on toast:)
Moogie wrote: ..... Great topic Nog :D

I've got an odd way of looking at life/people at times :wink:
I found it hilarious when I first discovered (I think it was in "Nigella Bites") years ago that Brits might consider the American national breakfast (fluffy pancakes with butter, maple syrup and bacon) one of those "sounds vile but really works" combinations. Does it ever!
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