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Non-diet Chat

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Cheese and Jaffa cake sandwiches used to be a favourite of mine. Haven't had one for a while but might have to revisit that one although Jaffa cakes are hard to come by in Australia.
Not sure this is the right place to mention it but I have a recipe for a giant Jaffa cake if anyone wants it........
I love vegemite and mayo sandwiches if in a hurry
or cheese coleslaw mayo vegemite mashed egg if I have a bit of time
Wow what a lot of weird/disturbing food combinations you all eat. I can't think of anything that strange. I used to eat a lot of twistie rolls when I was a teenager.
Pilchards wrote: Cheese and Jaffa cake sandwiches used to be a favourite of mine. Haven't had one for a while but might have to revisit that one although Jaffa cakes are hard to come by in Australia.

Surely this is the winner? I'm not knocking it as I've never tried it, but it must be the strangest combination so far suggested!

I can't actually think of any weird foods that I like, but then perhaps that's because they don't seem weird to me?
Fish finger sandwich, made with butter and white bread. The fish fingers have to be hot enough to melt the butter.
Today is my fast day....I feel so hungry now.
Sausage roll sandwiches...crisp sandwiches dipped in ketchup yum
My own (coughs discreetly..great taste award winning) sweet chilli sauce on cheese on toast. Now only sampled on high days and holidays.

*resists the urge to go into the kitchen and open the fridge...*
Prawn cocktail crisps and Marsbar-nom nom
Peanut butter and bread and butter pickle sandwich or Peanut butter and Philadelphia cream cheese sandwich.

BTW: Whatjis Marmite
Butter and potato chip sandwich, haven't had one in years!! Has to be on very soft bread or a dinner roll to be good! Made one in elementary school with my cafeteria lunch and have loved them since. My son now loves them too. ;-)
Don't read this thread if it's a fast day :(
izzy wrote: This is like confession for foodies, I love it! :wink:

Maybe I should have named the thread Old Nogs confessional :rotfl:

For minor indiscretions walk twice round the block
more severe, throw in an extra fast day :lol:
michmod wrote: Don't read this thread if it's a fast day :(

Funny isn't it, reading about/dealing with food etc on a fast day doesn't bother me :confused:

I actually bake bread on a fast day ready for the following days, never bothers me and it's only a short step away in evocative smells to a bacon butty :wink:

Talking of bacon butties, bacon and peanut butter toasted butty used to go down fine :like:
Oooooo, I've just remembered another one.

I did my last year of high school in San Francisco, at Galileo High School (the one O.J. Simpson went to. Yuck). Some days after school, I'd walk down Polk Street to Baskin-Robbins and get a root beer float made with peanut-butter-and- jelly ice cream. They were absolutely wonderful and I started, may I say, a school-wide craze for them <blushes modestly>.
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