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We've been up, along and round Portland Bill, stiff breeze but glorious sunshine (sorry Ballerina). Just back from a quick wiz round the stupormarket for a bit of a siesta before wandering down to the harbour later. The flat we've rented is so fab and comfortable it's a joy to be here.
And relax zzzzzzzzzzzzz
:shock: Is it not illegal to take a whizz in the supermarket? :shock:
Janeg, you are a card,nice one, :grin: :grin: :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
janeg wrote: :shock: Is it not illegal to take a whizz in the supermarket? :shock:

No, as long as there isn't an H in it ... ;0)
I think it's legal if there's an R in the month.
Oh... it's June

'The lone oboe player'.....There we were, strolling along the seine on our way to Notre Dame, when suddenly, we could hear music, we stopped, looked around trying to see the source of these distant melodic sounds. OH looked across to the opposite bank of the river and there he was, a lone oboe player. We listened for a moment or two trying to work out 1, why was he there on the dark side and not on this side where the tourists were, and 2, what tune was he playing?

Why would he be sitting there with not another soul around to throw money at him? Could he not see that the side we were on was a beggar's cornucopia? After much speculation we came to the conclusion that perhaps he went down there to practice as his wife and/or neighbours would not allow him to do it in the comfort of his own home. We could almost hear her tell him to stop making that racket, take his instrument and shove off down to the river and do whatever a man has to do with his oboe down there. She was probably fed up with him under her feet trying to perfect his technique, or whatever. I speculated that as he didn't seem to want any money hurled at him by passing, tone deaf tourists, he was maybe doing it for his own amusement. I refuse to print the answer I got to that!

Next, we tried to work out what tune or melody he was strangling, it was not very clear. There is a dearth of songs with Paris in the title which would have fitted, 'I love Paris in the spring' etc. I suggested that it might perhaps be the theme tune from 'Last Tango in Paris' the one with Marlon Brando where he produces a block of margarine from about his person and she says 'I can't believe it's not butter'! We never will know the answer to that one, sometimes life is destined to remain a mystery so we just shuffled of to Notre Dame, join us there in the next episode,

Ballerina x :heart:
I'll maybe go over to the dark side and ask him- if he's there... and if he can understand my tres dodgy francais
Oh, if you go over to the dark side, we may never see you again, be careful!!!!

Ballerina x :heart:
I'll take un lumber avec moi hahahahahah lumière (damn autocorrect)
or blinky/flashlight . See - multilingual!
Janeg - there used to be a wonderful icecream shop called Bertillon on the ile de st louis (this was late 70s - wonder if it is still there? You could buy an ice cream, sit on a bench .... And listen to Ballerina's lonely muso :grin:
Hee Hee, it does that to me as well,

Ballerina x :heart:
Janeg, you may find he flashes without any assistance from you,

Ballerina x :heart:
:shock: I'll drop my pokie hat then- what a waste
juliewil10 wrote: Thanks Fatdog, I didnt know that gin was good for worms!! Would happily epilate it it meant I was in the south of France. :grin:

Actually, gin is very bad for worms. Have you tried putting worms in a glass of gin? :shock:
No, should I freeze them first and pretend they are ice? Bet they taste good after the scabby dog :shock: !!
Janeg, if he flashes you, the approriate response is to point and laugh.. :lol:
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