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What's a holiday with no punishment and no hot waiters?
Pleasure and hunger?
Paris sounds delightful. May I also recommend Dorset for your delectation? Today we enjoyed warm fresh scones with jam and clotted cream and cafe latte. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH was it good!
Azureblue wrote: Paris sounds delightful. May I also recommend Dorset for your delectation? Today we enjoyed warm fresh scones with jam and clotted cream and cafe latte. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH was it good!

OmG! That sounds sooooo yummy!
Please don't say scones...
So, there I was, feet dangling in the pool, water was 29 degs by the way, minding my own business whilst dreaming about hot French waiters when hubs joined me and announced that he had 'burnt sore arses'!Well, this was a new one, even for me. I've known many two faced folk in my time and I am aware that there is such a thing as muti faceted personalities but numerous anal canals was, well, bizarre. Now, I know young men get up to all sorts of nefarious, alcohol induced, all boys together things like 'mooning'. Perhaps he had been indulging in the geriatric version, where they need to be tucked up in bed with a horlicks by the time the sun goes down, so the window of opportunity for baring their meat and two veg to the elements is reduced to daylight hours, hence they now go 'sunning'! Dear God, he was turning into a 'Starfish Trooper' or would it be a 'Starsh*t Trooper'? I have known people who should be blessed with two, or more, rubbish disposal chutes due the amount of garbage that they spout from their entry point and Hubs does ingest enough food to warrant more than one egress but I'm not sure that is how it works either.
'Look' he said pitifully, :frown:
'No, we are not that sort of couple, I have no desire to gaze on your burnt whatevers' :bugeyes:
Ignoring me, he then showed me the offending 'sore arses' and it looked like some sort of road kill, all raw and bloody, :shock:
'Oh, your poor leg, that psoriasis looks painful, burnt even! Best keep it covered up for a few days eh?' :oops:

Phew! The moral of all this is, when you get older, your hearing is not what it used to be but life becomes more interesting as a result. See you all here tomorrow for more nonsense, :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Quite enjoying your nonsense!!!

Pennyforthem - I'm a mom, so pretty sure what I want is lower in priority! That being said, even torture in Paris is within a block of a patisserie, chocolatier, cafe or boulangerie, so it's all good!
Tracieknits wrote: Quite enjoying your nonsense!!!

Pennyforthem - I'm a mom, so pretty sure what I want is lower in priority! That being said, even torture in Paris is within a block of a patisserie, chocolatier, cafe or boulangerie, so it's all good!

Hmmmm, by the time my Mom was my Mom, I had 4 brothers and 3 sisters ahead of me ... my priorities were very rarely considered. lol Lucky Tracie/Bruce son! :mrgreen: (couldn't find 'green with envy emoticon' lol)
Agree betsygr8, im the eldest of five, and my mum expected that I would think of my younger sisters. In my family Id have been running after you while Mum read!!

Climbing Sacre Couer is another cool thing to do in Paris, and exploring the passageways
Betsy - the grass is always greener -- our son complains of being an only child! LOL

Julie - we'll have to add that to our (ridiculously long) list :-)
You should have been kids in Greece. No matter if you are the first of five, the last of 6 or the only one you are the TOP priority of the immediate and extended family!!!
I'm an only child, I know that my parents would bring me the sun and the moom had I asked them to and yet somehow I'm not spoilt (honestly).
Hey TML weird thing about your telly last night, how peculiar that must have been - do you have a lot of other channels?
Annie, we do have lots of channels but it was indeed weird. I am very curious regarding the next step of this.
What happened with Greek telly?
They shut the national channels (the equivalent of the BBC).
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