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Big update, I meet his children today. They are all adults, the youngest is 19 and one of them is disabled which make me even more nervous. How will he react ? It's the first time ever I meet the family of one of my "boyfriends" (I am wayyyyyy too old to use that word....) so it's a bit tricky for me. It's national day here so it will be a BBQ outside and everything will be casual but meeting the children is a big step.

I am so nervous I don't think I'll be able to eat something.

I can't dress with the skirt I wanted because it's too big now and kind of ridiculous so it will be a pair of jeans and one of the only top that I can wear without showing my boobs by accident :cool:
I have just read the posts from last week - so pleased it all went so well for you, and the big bear hug sounds a perfect response to me.

Enjoy the day meeting his family. Can't wait to hear how it all goes. Relax, smile and enjoy :)
Hope you have a wonderful day Manderley - am sure things will go fine with his children - as Doodle says, go ahead and enjoy it (they will probably be as nervous as you!)
Hi Manderlay and Good Luck with today just relax and enjoy yourself with the family + it doesn't matter what you're wearing it's the person inside the clothes that counts :like: :clover: Sue :heart:
Happy Bastille Day Manderlay. Have a happy and relaxed day meeting your boyfriend's children. Thinking of you. :-)
Good luck for today!! Deep breaths and smile, you will be fine, we always imagine situations to be far worse than they turn out to be :smile:
Wishing you Good Luck today, if they love their father they will want him to be happy and he is obviously happy with you, I hope it goes well. :clover:
Oh good luck with meeting the kids. I am sure they will be happy that you make papa happy.
And if you do end up showing boob, well I guess they will know that papa is REALLY happy!
Hello to all and sorry for the delay. My PC doesn't like the heat wave we have since last week. At all. Now that it let me use it for a few minutes, I can tell you how it went.

Did you ever see a man cry ? I did and it was strange. I felt sad and happy at the same time. It was an intense day. How do you become a step mther of 4 adults ?

Thanks to all from the bottom of my heart for all you kind words :heart:
I wonder if some of you agree with the say : women don't know what they want and me cheats

I had a talk about it with my boyfriend and it xplain a bit of the fear he had with feelings and letting go. In fact, in some way he still fears that the "I love you", even if he knows I meant it when I said it, I won't mean it in a few weeks or a few months... That's why he waits for about 2 years before saying it, to be absolutely sure.

It's a bit extreme because he doesn't admit that feelings change and, even if you are sincere, in 5 ou 10 years you may not love the person anymore or with a different kind of love....

In fact I still struggle to reassure him. Damn men are complicated.... :doh:
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