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What's on your bedside table?
07 May 2014, 09:45
I saw this topic on another forum and thought it was a fun idea.

My bedside table is surprisingly clean at the moment. It contains:
My Lumie alarm clock (purchased on the recommendation of the folks in the above-mentioned forum!)
The dock for my phone
Charging cables for phone and tablet
A glass of water
Two books that are waiting to be read that have been there since Christmas :shock: and I can't even remember what they are without going to look!
Hair de-frizzer stuff
A pair of tweezers
Bottle of skin cream with a hint of bronzer as I need to get my arms and legs looking tanned for this forthcoming wedding party!
Packet of paracetamol that is 2 years out of date but might still work. It is sitting there to remind me to try them if I get a headache!

What is on your bedside table?
I don't have a bedside table, more a big thingy that goes all the way behind my bed but here it goes

home phone and mobile phone
a big block of sticky notes with pens
a stuffed dog my best friend gave me when we first met years ago
a cream that is used to help with scars
pain killer I never use but just in case
alarm clock
tissue box
a cube with pics of my cats that have passed away
a jar of coconut oil
Blimey!! Mine is very empty, pair of earplugs to block the noisy neighbours, hemp handcream, a book I keep trying to read, a very old and cheap small travel alarm clock, some hope in a bottle in the shape of night cream!
I have a CPAP machine, alarm clock, light and some pain killers - not very interesting really lol
Oh this is fun Caro!
My bedside table :-
Small lamp
Clock/ radio/cd player
DAB radio
Cd player
Library book " Instructions For a Heatwave" by Maggie O ' FarrelL ( v good,almost finished it)
2 bits of scrap paper and pen
"Sanctuary" Spa Facial in a Box..most of the contents been used,but the box is so pretty
Another very pretty box that contained Clinique Aromatiques perfume and body contains the necklaces,bracelets,rings and earrings that i wear the most.
The chest of drawers NEXT to my bedside table is prettier...! Here it is
Feel I am missing out clock, bedside lamp!
You wouldn't want to know....
Oh yes please........ :worship:
2 Willow Tree carved figurines. C pap machine doubling as a white noise machine for me. Snoring hubby, I had to do something.

Hubby will not use it for it's intended purpose, I tried.

Lamp. Digital radio dock thing. Lead light mosaic tea candle cup holding my junky jewelry and my lovely perfume called La Vie Ea Belle.
I don't have one since there is no room - like 20cm between the bed and the wall. But on the windowsill I have, the projector clock (never used the alarm since we got kids like 17yrs ago), a small tube of good lip balm, a sample tube of gooy hand cream, a glass of water, a bottle of nasal spray and whatever book I'm reading. Totally uninteresting.
It *was* dust, but you've shamed me into dusting!!
1 green glass perrier water bottle
Clock radio
2014 note book planner
3 Book marks
Small tray containing assorted pens, single use eye drops, book light,
heart shaped shell,
Handprint of my darling boy about when he was 2 on a slip of paper
bobby pins and hair bands
Poetry books
Charging Mobile
You've must have some big bedside tables! All I have on mine is a box of tissues, my bedside lamp, a coaster for my morning coffee and my weight/food diary (it's an obsession now!).
Great photo, @auriga

Right, on my (now clean) bedside table is:
collapsing donkey for when grandkids visit tomorrow!!
No my bedside table is small and there is still a fair bit of room on it or maybe I am good at collecting my clutter hence the little tray which holds all the bits
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