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Help,please,weight going up!!
22 Jul 2014, 00:11
Today I weighed myself and was horrified to find I weigh one kilo more than I did two days can this be?
I fasted on Sunday. We bought a new scale so I tried it out .weight was ok . Then on Monday morning,day after fast I was a bit heavier than I had been on Sunday when we brought the new scale home.
Then this morning after a non fast day I am One kilo more.
This just makes me want to give up especially when I see posts about people eating tons of food and then complaining about putting on weight
On my nonfast day ,I ate one slice of toast for breakfast,one roll and soup for lunch,one apple,chicken and veggies for dinner ,two squares of dark choc and a late night snack of two rice cakes
And two soy coffees during the day
Now will someone pleeeez tell me how I can gain a kilo eating that.
I never binge,I never eatcake ,I do power yoga everyday, and I am just despondent
I know I have posted on here a few times
But I would love to hear from those of you who have succeeded
I am short,I am middle aged,I have dieted all my life and I only have a few kilos to loose
Sorry for the rant but I just can't understand how I put on weight. :cry:
It's probably just water retention or something. Did you do some exercise? My weight sometimes goes up after a good workout, but it sorts itself out in the end. Salt content of food can also cause it. I saw my highest weight in ages after a trip to Taiwan, where the food was on the salty side for me. It's come right off, though, in spite of a few sweet-tooth melt downs.

Good luck.

p.s. Do you use something like the Libra or True Weight app? These give you a trend line weight rather than just a number on a scale. It smooths out the day to day ups and downs.

p.p.s. I also recommend measuring in addition to weighing. It seems a lot of people lose inches on this diet before they lose pounds.
I measured my waist and I am a few cm less
Also my pants feel really loose
So weird
But good!!
@Sarahg I get the same results as you from time to time but it goes back after few fasts. I have achieved my goal but still take two days fasts as before and in three months I have not lost weight. Sometimes after few non fast days i go up even more than a kilo and like you I get horrified. But it goes back in a week or so. So keep at it and don't lose heart. I assure you IT WORKS :clover: :heart: .
Have you considered that you might not be eating ENOUGH, and triggering the dreaded starvation mode? Just a thought...
I'm going through a similar spike these last few days as well. Over the last few months of daily weighing, I've noticed a pattern. There seems to be three things that will cause a spike for me - eating very salty food(s) in the day(s) before, having a "rebound" after a few days of good losses, or when the hormones kick in for that time of the month. I've had all three of these in the few days leading up to my current spike, and I know now that keeping to my regular routine of fast days will see it all head back in the right direction. The big bonus is usually a gratifying larger than normal drop back to my trend line.

I've found daily weighing really useful - though the roller coaster that is the graph can be a little perplexing and unnerving until you start to realise it's all a normal part of the ride.
Sarahg wrote: Now will someone pleeeez tell me how I can gain a kilo eating that.

I am short,I am middle aged,I have dieted all my life and I only have a few kilos to loose

Weight fluctuations are normal, especially for women. One of the most important things to realize is that Weight changes =/= fat/muscle mass changes (does not equal). Meaning - if you lose or gain weight, that doesn't necessarily mean that you lose or gain fat or muscle tissue. Not to a noticeable degree anyway.

The number looking back from the scale is your total weight. Of that total weight 50-65% is water. That's a lot of water. It should make a lot of sense that our daily liquid intake and expenditure has far, far, far more effect on our total weight than everything else put together.

The problem is, it is nearly impossible to accurately predict water weight fluctuations. Unless you live by an extremely strict daily routine, always the same level of activity and always the same foods in the same amounts - you will experience massive fluctuations in the water weight very regularly. Even if you do follow a very strict routine, our hormonal fluctuations can wreck havoc even then - again, this is even more pronounced in women.

My recommendation would be to forget the scale - at-least by itself. Women tend to get obsessed with it, and yet the scale gives extremely inaccurate results. I can easily lower my weight while getting fatter. Or I can increase it and get leaner. Simply because the scale can't tell me what are the levels of water weight/fat tissue/ muscle tissue in my body. And without that separation, the absolute number on the scale doesn't really matter as much. (And forget those BIA scales that shoot electricity through you to give you fat percentages, those are totally inaccurate and also change depending on your hydration level)

Don't think about dieting as a race to lose kilograms. Consider it a marathon, a life style with the never-ending goal of looking fit and being healthy, energetic and happy. What the scale shows is mostly irrelevant. It's just a number. Pay more attention to the measuring tape and the mirror. A number on the scale doesn't tell you if your pants will fit and it definitely won't win a beauty contest. When other people look at you, they won't care what you weigh if you look good. Doesn't matter. :)

Use the scale only in conjunction with the mirror and the measuring tape and why not also your athletic capabilities and overall health and happiness levels. Now that's a way to truly measure your total progress. :)

If you do use the scale, use it regularly. That means, always use it at the same time of the day, at the same situation (after WC visits, no clothes etc.). Also, don't even pay any attention to the numbers until it's been about 2 weeks since you started a new activity/dieting approach. And even then, average the weight changes from multiple weighings over a longer period of time. The weight simply fluctuates too much in the short term, especially during the time when we change things up. What you are really looking for are TRENDS. In which way the body-weight is heading towards over a longer period of time. :cool:

Sarahg wrote: Thanks,
I measured my waist and I am a few cm less
Also my pants feel really loose
So weird

Debs wrote: But good!!

Indeed - very good. As I wrote above, the scale is just one tool out of many and in my opinion a rather bad tool at that if used by itself. Without more information from other methods, the scale's numbers are nearly worthless.

ferretgal wrote: Have you considered that you might not be eating ENOUGH, and triggering the dreaded starvation mode? Just a thought...

Actually, that's largely a myth. Studies show that even if you completely abstain from food for 24 hours, your metabolism actually speeds up, not down. And even if you starve for days, the metabolism only starts to drop very little and even then, a large part of the metabolism slow-down is not due to starvation per se, but due to weight loss and lowered activity due to the lack of energy that usually accompanies starvation.

Your body weighs less and thus less energy is needed to move it around, and because you tend to move around less, you also burn less calories.

More often than not, the reasons for weight loss temporarily stalling is either due to water weight fluctuations or simply due to inaccurate food consumption reporting. (The majority of over-weight people underestimate the amount of calories they eat, while underweight people overestimate. The human psyche is a bit nuts, lol)
Thanks all for the support
Yes ,I do get obsessed with the scale.lots of interesting info from hunger fitness . I too don't think its about not eatin enough and starvation mode
But it is interesting that I ate a lot of roasted veg last night....not much oil but very salty and I was so thirsty all evening.
So maybe I put on weight from eating too much pumpkin!
Wish I could give up this dependence on the scale.
Anyway ,fasting today .and plan to do this for a few months at least
Thanks again all
There are so many things which can effect your weight.
I put on 2kgs in 2 days last week! But I knew it wasn't real weight gain, my clothes are no tighter, my waist measurement no more than usual. I think it was due to doing even more exercise than usual and the very hot weather. It has all gone now :smile:
I weigh in every day just to keep an eye on things but don't pay a lot of attention unless the trend week on week is upwards.
I weigh myself and measure my waist every morning, it's a routine that suits me but then again I'm female and as HungerFitness says, we seem to be more needy in that respect than men, or perhaps it is a question of confidence, either way we just have to do what suits us. I would love to never weigh again but I know if I stopped doing it I would lose the plot, it keeps me focused and in tune with my body. What a sad, but slim, auld biddy I have become :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Put the scale away in a closet until next week!
You might find these articles helpful:

Why am I not losing weight? ... t-fasting/
Why the scales don’t tell the truth ... the-truth/
What's the best way to measure success ... t-fasting/
So ,one fast down one kilo down
I have been thinking about that weight gain and it probably is as simple as I just ate too much . I think you can overeat on so called healthy food and hunger fitness is right I probably under estimated the amount I ate
Anyway,thanks to all. Next fast tomorrow
I will not give up
Hunger fitness guy is hot.

Normal service can resume. I just had to get that off my chest.
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