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59 posts Page 2 of 4
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:28
Congratulation, Sue! I was silently keeping my fingers crossed for you.

For me low carb (starchy food and processed food free) is the way to go too. :victory:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:30
Minumonline wrote: Just to clarify, did you have one meal in the evening of chicken & veg/salad, or did you eat anything else during the day for those 4 days?

Yes, I second that. What exactly did you do and didn't do?

Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:59
For the 4 day trial I only eat evening meal one very large slow course, with drinks only throughout the days.
Caroline said go low carbs for 3 days at 20g but as I've said my sugar was letting me down so after giving up I popped in the extra day = 4 days my the 3 other days were 18:6 lowish carb days, obviously the answer was my sugar and wasting so many carbs on that one item. :clover: :clover:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 10:33
That's great news! Congrats!!
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 10:34
Woo hoo, well done Sue.Q, I'm so happy for you!

I might well give the lowcarb/eating window a try when I'm back from my holidays as I'm sure I'll have some weight to lose, and who knows I might even be able to kickstart weight loss again as I am maintaining more because I give up than that I am right where I want to be!
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 10:58
How do you feel about sugar free tea and coffee now @Sue.Q?
Are you going to keep it up now you've retrained your tastebuds? :?:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 11:08
Congratulations on smashing through that plateau. Onwards and downwards.
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 11:13
Congratulations, SueQ. That is brilliant news. Very well done.
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 11:55
I am so happy for you Sue. Your determination is admirable. I was a little down this weigh in and read your post which picked me right up. Your journey reminds me of The Tortoise and the Hare. We all know who won!
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 11:59
I am delighted for you, :grin: :lol: I thought it would work for you. It seems that some people (I am one of them) are almost allergic to carbs and they blow you up far more than the calories can account for. :cry: The good news is that you can still have a couple of days a week eating a decent amount of carbs as long as the other 5 are very low. giving up the sugar was a great move. :like: I have never in my life had sugar in my tea, my mum used to pour some of hers into a wee cup for me when I was a toddler and she didn't take sugar. The funny thing is I don't drink normal tea at all now only decaf green or fruit tea. Again congratulations on your breakthrough :clover:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 12:19
Very well done sue, I'm so pleased for you :)
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 12:44
What wonderful news @Sue.Q and I am awarding you your Valentine's heart!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Love from Auri XX :heart:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 13:11
And look at that one inch off your waist, Sue!! What an accomplishment after such a hard time :victory: :victory: :heart: :heart:
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