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Delighted or Disappointed?

59 posts Page 4 of 4
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 20:03
Whoop whoop well done to you @SueQ
Your patience and determination have paid off. So pleased for you and just in time for your fastiversary.....Great news xx:-)
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 20:04
One word: AWESOME!

So thrilled for you @Sue.Q! Your amazing persistence has paid off....& how!!

Big congrats to you xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 20:13
Very well done Sue, onwards, downwards naturally :0)
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 20:48
@Sue.QCongrats! You are evidence that persistence & willingness to keep tweaking instead of tossing in the towel is the way to go. Thanks for sharing your victory! :like: :heart: :like:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 21:10
WOOHOO!! :star: :star: :like: :like: Fantastic work @Sue.Q - you have been justly rewarded for your hard work, showing your perseverance has finally paid off.

WELL DONE my sweet!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Maggie :smile:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 21:42
Here is to the absolutely fabulous Sue.Q, what a champion you are. Congratulations, that is some going, 4 months - to keep the faith. :heart:

I'm so pleased for you I'm off to have a cry too! :cry: :lol: :wink:

Pheww, onwards.... :clover:
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 00:39
Yes you have busted through your plateau Sue ( I'm referring to the ? In your title) big time baby! :like: :victory: :victory: :victory:
No one could be happier for you than me. We were plateau ing together then I felt guilty when I started losing again a month ago and you were still plateau ing,but all you did was support me because you are the beautiful Sue that you are. And 96.2 kg!!! That is so far away from 100 kg eh? Yay Sue (waves pom poms) and I'll keep the pom POM's ready for @Doodle whose turn will come. :clover:
Xxx julianna :heart:
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 08:41
Yes @Julianna My plateau buddie :heart:
Don't worry we'll still be there for each other but hopefully not on a plateau, my ? was because the time+ effort we put in leaves you doubting whether the loss will stick as a loss because I've been bouncing 2 KGS around for months.
I'm bringing back a few carbs into my daily diet but as our bodies don't actually need carbs I'll keep it very low in the week, I'm still not taking sugar in my drinks and intend to keep it that way forever.
Thanks again to everyone . :clover: :clover: :clover:

For any one interested in the 3day trial see Caroline's advice to Debs "Eating Window Tent" page 17 onwards
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 09:28
Going to give it another go next week. I have found some ketostix today so at least. I'll know what my body is doing. Maybe this time Sue.Q I'll get there! Going to get to the gym as well. Another three weeks of self experimentation coming up!
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 10:17
Wow @Debs Another trial and 3 weeks!!!!
Blimey you deserve to bust through this
and I believe you will
Last week it was my turn and yours will come. deffo
Good Luck and let me know which tent you'll be posting in
coz I keep getting lost around this BIG campsite.
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
never did get the sticks but seeing nursy soon with sample

Edit to add @gorba Great post over in the Easter area and yes very similar trial by you well done on your changes
I think I'm the guilty person who invented "fasting fatigue"
Because that's what it felt like to me, I was getting the fasts in and some days under the 500cals but getting nowhere
mixing things up always has been my motto because my body has no idea whats coming next, or in last weeks case if anything is coming at all, our bodies are a very complicated piece of machinery and Caroline's postings say that it does what IT want until we find the "key" to kickstarting things into release once again. :clover: :clover:
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 10:37
Hey there Sue.Q, I'm a tent Trollope and I shall be poking my head in and out of a few of them! I'll keep you posted and hopefully will break my Xmas and Valentine's Day target too soon,
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 10:44
No @Debs Not a tent Trollope :shock: :shock:
:heart: A tent Trouper!!! :heart: deffo
Re: Plateau Busted?
12 Apr 2014, 18:26
Brilliant Sue. Well done. Delighted for you :D
Re: Plateau Busted?
14 Apr 2014, 18:51
What an uplifting thread to scroll through, so pleased for you Sue and Debs, what can I say, I could cry for you, all the effort you've put in, deffo your turn next.

Ballerina x :heart:
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