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Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:29
This is definetly a delighted post because I'm hoping my
4 long months plateau is busted :heart:
My trial to force my body into fat burning mode started last Friday with @Debs unfortunately it didn't work for Debs however I've felt better all week , had that "thinner" feeling more alive and energised so I knew something was happening this week also for the trial saw me giving up sugar which is a minor miracle, this weekend sees me reaching my fastiversary as you all know from my posting last week, its a pity nothing has been achieved over the last 4 months but there's always a reason for the body's rebellion and I'm sure it had decided it was time to recoup and maybe even pull back slightly on the saggy bits. Lol over the last 6 weeks I've returned to my walking which has obviously helped.
Thanks @carorees for suggesting this trial for Debs and I'm assuming the fat burning was the answer but this time last week my weigh-in for the trial start was
99*13kg today is 96*2kg!!!!. a new low Absolutely Awesome
Thanks Debs for your company in our small tent/tepee
Hope your next plan of attack is more successful for you
because you've got such determination and gutts to keep plodding on and I know how disheartening it gets from time to time giving your best and not receiving your reward.
Everything comes to those who wait and next weeks weigh-in should see me reaching my xmas+valentines+Easter goals!!!
Thank you also to everyone of you for your encouragement and pm messages. :heart: :heart:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:33
Whoo hoo @Sue.Q! Soooo pleased for you :like: well done indeed :victory: and quite a big drop in weight too...plateau busted in style! :star:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:33
Hey Sue.Q, put the bunting out, stick the flag up the flagpole and shout HURRAH!!!!!!!, :lol: :lol: :lol: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :worship: :party: :party: :party: :party: :rose:
I am SO pleased something has finally given!!

So, tell me your secret? What did you eat those four days, I need to know your secret :confused:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:41
Sooooo pleased for you @Sue.Q :like: :like: :like: :grin: you've been justly rewarded for all your efforts and perseverance in the face of a very stubborn plateau! Very well done you! xxx
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:42
Wow, SueQ, that's amazing! Congrats! Onward and downward!
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:45
Oh good, good, good, good, good @Sue.Q you are on the slippery slope.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :clover: :clover: :clover: :smile:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 08:46
WOW - Onwards and Downwards!
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:02
So well deserved !
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:07
Oh very well done Sue you are now on your way down again & smashing past your next stone is in on the horizon :grin: :grin: :like:
Keep on going Debs because you will also get there :clover:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:09
Yes I'm so HAPPY I could cry honestly :cry: :cry: :cry:
@Debs I thought I'd try Atkins as I've done it before but this WOL has taught me so much in this year and listening to my body helped because I fasted and did the Eat Stop Eat technique but ended up not going overboard on my protein at all I just had my chicken with yes a massive salad or loads of veggies at the end of the day.
For those 4 days I had no crap at all no chocks no wine and as you know stopped my sugar so the second half of the week was very low carb indeed, that's the answer I believe low carbs so maybe my sugar kept me out of fatburning this year don't know why it didn't last year, that obviously did me a big favour but this time last year i couldn't have faced 4:3 and sugar withdrawal together. Lol
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:09
That's fantastic @Sue.Q :heart: !!! Well done and well deserved :victory: :victory: :victory:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:11
Oh Sue I can't tell you how pleased I am for you, well done. I have always said that patience and persistence is the key to this way of life and you are proving me right. Fantastic.
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:12
Fantastic Fasting Fivesome Buddie, what a great drop too. Well deserved Sue
:like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
Re: Plateau Busted?
11 Apr 2014, 09:25
Wonderful news Sue

Just to clarify, did you have one meal in the evening of chicken & veg/salad, or did you eat anything else during the day for those 4 days?
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