Great result and well deserved. And yes cutting out sugar in any drinks (tea, coffee and others) is an easy gain. It will take a few weeks to get used to it, but after that you will never need it again!
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But after a year you all know that anyway
callyanna wrote: How do you feel about sugar free tea and coffee now @Sue.Q?
Are you going to keep it up now you've retrained your tastebuds?
@callyanna I'm winning this battle one way or another not actually enjoying either tea or coffee but I do remember from past experiences that I'll eventually be OK and may even enjoy my hot drinks again, I'm not going to die from not having enough hot drinks am I now no, so I'm having an oxo daily now just to help me through this dodgy phase plus I'm upping my water as that had also dropped off throughout our nonexistent winter, have been Tesco and shopped very wisely but couldn't get a celeriac 4 shops and not a single one!! Lol
I think I'll just about survive

That's fantastic Sue, big congrats, really pleased for you. And what a great fastiversary pressie.
I wonder if your body decided that now it was bang on target for an average of 1lb a week loss, it could start losing again. Either way your story gives hope to others on long term plateaus. Well done, you must be well chuffed.

Congratulations! That's such great news
(and I'm trying really hard not to let the green eyed monster show its ugly head!)

YAY Sue Q!!!

Congratulations! I came late to the party and didn't realize you were on a long-term plateau. Glad to see you busted right through it.
I am also on one of those baddies (long-term plateau). I have stayed the same (maybe up one pound or down one pound) since the third week in January, despite my twice-weekly 24-hr no-calorie fasts with a couple of 16/8's thrown in for good measure. Some people have told me that maybe my body has hit its ideal weight and to just be happy where I am, but I say HOGWASH to that! I need to lose another 5 pounds (or 7, depending on the day!) to get to where I should be, according to my doctor and according to my eyeballs, which still detect a muffin top and love handles.
I took one week off, the week of my birthday (March 30), and have recently started back up again doing the fasting thing. I hope this is enough to kick-start the weight loss again. If not, I think I might have to do something drastic like you have done, and cut out processed sugars.
Did you buy Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat," or did you just follow the tenets? I'm not sure it's worth $40 to buy a book that we already know what its major premise is.
I am also on one of those baddies (long-term plateau). I have stayed the same (maybe up one pound or down one pound) since the third week in January, despite my twice-weekly 24-hr no-calorie fasts with a couple of 16/8's thrown in for good measure. Some people have told me that maybe my body has hit its ideal weight and to just be happy where I am, but I say HOGWASH to that! I need to lose another 5 pounds (or 7, depending on the day!) to get to where I should be, according to my doctor and according to my eyeballs, which still detect a muffin top and love handles.
I took one week off, the week of my birthday (March 30), and have recently started back up again doing the fasting thing. I hope this is enough to kick-start the weight loss again. If not, I think I might have to do something drastic like you have done, and cut out processed sugars.
Did you buy Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat," or did you just follow the tenets? I'm not sure it's worth $40 to buy a book that we already know what its major premise is.

Attagirl @Sue.Q
bet you couldn't keep the smile off your face doing your shopping and the fact that so many people have joined in celebrating your breakthrough must only have added to your pleasure!
Isn't it great how we all love to celebrate someone else's success, especially when it's so well deserved as in your case!

BRILLIANT news, @Sue.Q - well done!!

Fab news Sue baby! X you rode the storm and won out in the end! X
good job very well done! X

Oh that's great @Sue.Q. I'd no idea you'd bean in plateau for so long. Poor you, that must have bean so frustrating. Sounds as though you're in the right gear now. Well done! Xx

Haven't bought the book @Melinda_in_NC But as I eat out a lot I've used the semi/half fast where I've fasted all day then while out eaten + drank what I wanted presuming it was still under my TDEE.
Then when Caroline was gathering material for the new site she asked if anyone was trying other methods ie:: ADF and the Eat Stop Eat method and explained I didn't even know that's what it was called and i think @barbarita Has opened a tent on it which was a suprise because I also thought it may have been seen as extended fasting and banned, but it came in very handy last year and hopefully again this year.
Nice one nursy you always manage an appropriate "card"
for every occasion.
Then when Caroline was gathering material for the new site she asked if anyone was trying other methods ie:: ADF and the Eat Stop Eat method and explained I didn't even know that's what it was called and i think @barbarita Has opened a tent on it which was a suprise because I also thought it may have been seen as extended fasting and banned, but it came in very handy last year and hopefully again this year.
Nice one nursy you always manage an appropriate "card"
for every occasion.

Nice one @Sue.Q
Now you can
F. FFf. Ffffff. Flyyyy away happily

Now you can

F. FFf. Ffffff. Flyyyy away happily

Put a smile on my face you little "Plateau Buster" you.
Keep Up the good work and happy fastiversary too.
Keep Up the good work and happy fastiversary too.
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