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73 posts Page 2 of 5
Holy moley! You look great!
Awesome! What an example! You look fantastic.
You look like a totally different person. A great advertisement for this way of eating.
Absolutely brilliant Caroline. You look fantastic and I bet you feel even better.
Wow! I am in complete awe by your transformation.. You look like a completely different woman; I imagine it feels that way when you look in the mirror now..

You did it!!
Congratulations Caroline. A brilliant achievement :grin:
Chris x
You are living proof that sticking with this WOL really works Caroline! You look absolutely gorgeous and very attractive, what a great achievement!
@carorees WOW indeed :like: :heart: :victory: :victory:
Caroline you've done a brilliant job and look absolutely amazing a totally different person different and more confident posture looking into the camera nowadays.
Congratulations a truly inspirational story and journey :heart:
I'm not wishing you good luck with maintenance because you won't need luck your before + after photos will be the only motivational factor needed to keep you on the straight and narrow, how good you must feel one day I will know that feeling because this WOL gives us that chance. :heart: :heart:
Omedetou, Caroline-san!! You look amazing!
well done, you look fantastic and you deserve it, you have been so generous with information for the rest of us. You will be welcomed with open arms to the maintainence tent. Well done again.
Congratulations, @carorees!! You are amazing & inspirational & a great ambassador for finding what works for you. Thanks for all you've done to educate us on the forum & enjoy the mainteneers tent! Those pics are amazing!
Wow what a transformation :victory: what struck me most was how unhappy you looked in the first photo and how positively glowing and happy you look in the others :like: congratulations you are an inspiration x
WOW! and Congratulations. I cannot say much more than that. All the best to Caro! :victory:
Well done #carorees, you look totally amazing and years younger. In fact, are you the same person? You are a total inspiration and a big thank you for all your extremely useful posts.
I really wish MM could see this. I hope he follows our forum. I think he would be very pleased at the REVOLUTION he has helped to propogate.

Caroline, you are an inspiration to us all.
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