The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

73 posts Page 3 of 5
WOW! And wow again. We will have cause for celebration in style next week with - erm, CAKE ... Or something :victory: :shock: :wink:

You really do look a different woman@Carorees :cool: :cool: :cool:
And are those M and S Lift and Sculpt jeans you're wearing in today's pic, by any chance??

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :wink:
Time to celebrate a truly wonderful result :victory:
Welcome to the summit of Mt Fastonbury :like:
Congratulations you look great.
Very impressive, and very well done. Thanks for all your help and advice along the way!
Words fail me and that doesn't happen very often.
:victory: :heart: :victory: :heart: :victory: :heart: :victory: :heart: :victory: :heart:
Caro my dear you have done amazingly, I am so happy for you - and a little jealous! xxx
Wow - what an advertisement for this WOE!

I am particularly inspired by your story as your start/end weights are v similar to mine - I just have a way to go yet.......

It really does show how perseverance is the key

You look absolutely fantastic - one of my goals is to get my neck back like you have!

Enjoy the glory - you so deserve it!

:victory: :heart: :like: :victory: :heart: :like:
Fantastic! You look stunning. What a transformation.
I think we should make you our Fast Day Ambassador! You are our inspiration. Well done you xx
well done that woman!
Wow! I have to say that you have been an inspiration to me too carorees and thank you for posting your pics!! A great big thank you for all your posts and pics along the way and congratulations!!!!!! :victory:
Absolutely stunning, well done and well deserved too. Thank you for all your help to all of us and for sharing your knowledge. xx
Fantastic! What a top role model!
You look absolutely amazing, Caroline and I have to say I'm just a tad envious.
Congratulations. Just amazing Caroline.

Well done that woman!
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