The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

73 posts Page 5 of 5
Just incredible, you look fantastic. Well done and congrats :grin:
Congratulations and well done, you do look amazing.

You must feel fantastic.

cheers Maggie :smile:
You are a legend! You look 15 years younger. Fantastic job, well done. You never took your eyes off the prize and wow! Look at the prize, you are an inspiration. Not just for weight loss, but for anyone wanting to achieve any goal!
@Carorees, huge congratulations & respect, on both a scientific and a personal level! You are the reason I joined this forum, I owe you so much! I had given up hope of being able to change my life and achieve a healthier lifestyle before this forum. You are so inspiring on so many levels Thank you for sharing your journey and your knowledge with us. Enjoy your maintaineering! You have so earnt it!
Wow, am truly absolutely gobsmacked beyond belief. :shock:

Amazing, and all through steely determination.

I knew you would get there. :smile:

On to maintenance tent?
Bloomin' heck, I go away for a week and @carorees goes and loses 20 years..........!!!!!! What a transformation, I am dumb struck, not something you will read about me often but today, I AM DUMB STRUCK! Caroline, you look Fabulous, goodness me, how great to see you looking SO lovely, ...........................

this is what I posted on another thread as that was where I saw your new avatar first, so I thought I'd say it again, well done :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Wow I second all the comments everybody else made above ^^ Wow well done. Must feel like winning the lottery :)
Well you just look so beautiful Caroline. Sassy,slim,sexy,smart,spunky and vivacious!
Congratulations on your journey to success and beyond!!!You are an inspiration to me and I think you're awesome!
Xxx Julianna
There's nothing I can say here that hasn't been said before. Well done!!
Well done , Caroline! As well as helping yourself to improved health, you have also helped many others with your sensible advice, cautionary tales and science-based information. A huge 'thank you' to you, from me! You look absolutely fabulous! :victory:
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