The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

59 posts Page 2 of 4
Woo Hoo! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Well done - a great achievement!

Enjoy the cycling to work!
Congrats!! That must feel great :-)
Well done Moogie, you're looking fantastic.
Forget the trumpet get the whole band out. Well done Moogie your a :star: and inspiration to us all. Congrats from me too.

You are right about the height thing, I've messed everything up cos of shrinkage, duh

Chris x
Congratulations, with you being so successful it gives other the encouragement to carry on the long and winding road. You have made me think about the height thing too I had better get DH to measure me too. :grin: :lol: :victory:
Doh change that second too to also.
Congratulations, you look fantastic!!
You can be really proud of what you've achieved Moogie, congratulations! :like: And the best of luck for shedding the rest of the extra weight. :heart:
It's always an inspiration to read about other peoples sucess - I'm happy for you!
Awesome, amazing, astounding A big A +. For you, you are a true inspiration to us all. :grin: :like: :victory:
Congratulations, Moogie!

From my experience, increasing exercise tends to push the scales upward before they go downward, so don't get discouraged by the pace of those last few pounds. :-) Water retention is hard to predict.
Jusr echoing every one else - WELL DONE MOOGIE
you are an inspiration

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