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Brilliant news Moogie - well done and your photo is beautiful! I'm hoping to join you in the healthy BMI range soon fingers crossed :smile:
Fabulous achievement, Moogie and congratulations. Those of us who have had some weight loss know what is involved with sticking to it. I am so pleased for you! :smile:
Woohoo!! Well done Moogie! :victory:
Chuffed to bits for you Moogie, you deserve to feel proud of yourself, enjoy the feeling & also enjoy the congrats from all these people that you've brought together & inspired :heart: :heart: :heart:
Well done you must feel great!
This is an inspiration to all of us.
Moogie look what you have gone and done, I got my DH to measure me today and I've lost an inch. I hunted all over the floor for it but couldn't find it . I suppose that will change my TDEE and BMI. I bet I will now have more weight to loose too.
Congratulations, great milestones!
Wow. Congratulations Moogie.
Congratulations :star: :dance:
How did I miss this? Wow! What an amazing feeling you must have felt that day! You lost your holiday weight, reached a 3 stone (probably more now) total and also reached the healthy BMI bracket.You are so hard working, lovely and humble and I am so thrilled for you success. :-)
Well done Moogie! Time for dancing with the conga-rats.
Well done you....great achievement....think I have ate my fast days intake to-nite hubby says we have undone the good ....but we will keep going...xx :clover:
julianna wrote: How did I miss this? Wow! What an amazing feeling you must have felt that day! You lost your holiday weight, reached a 3 stone (probably more now) total and also reached the healthy BMI bracket.You are so hard working, lovely and humble and I am so thrilled for you success. :-)

Congratulations!!! and well done you look amazing. Shout it from the roof top, it is very well deserved. :victory:
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