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Delighted or Disappointed?

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This one's been eluding me for a while, especially since gaining 4lbs on holiday (not accurately reflected on my tracker I'm afraid as I was away on weigh day so it's only the subsequent weigh where I'd lost some of it that I tracked!).

Anyway, today I finally hit the 3 stone loss mark... and that also puts me just back into the healthy BMI range - although I do want hubby to double check my height for me as I've a feeling I may be a centimetre shorter than I thought (which would mean my BMI goes back up a bit >.<;; )

Just 1.9kg until I hit my first weight goal of 65kg. After that I'd like to get down to about 60kg to have a mid range healthy BMI. Although I've been a bit lower than that in the past, I think I can maintain around 60-63kg quite easily once I get there. But that's a way off yet!

The tracker reckons 5 weeks until I reach 65kg, which sounds about right... but I just bought a new exercise bike and intend to step up my activity level a bit by 'cycling to work' (it's normally just a sleepy stumble from the bedroom to the office room next door ;))

Sorry to blow my own trumpet here, but I guess that's what this particular board is for, celebrating each step of the way!

That's brilliant Moogie! You only have to look at your photos to see the changes you've made but its a good feeling when the scales back you up isn't it? :smile:
YAY! Well done you are a :star:
That's a fabulous goal to reach
SO so chuffed for you
Well done!

Absolutely fablulous...good luck with the ride to work. It's much safer than dodging cars when bleary-eyed and half-asleep! :-)
Such great work well done so enjoy, celebrate and brag - you have earns it :) :star:
WOAH! Millions of congratulations to you my darling!!!
Congratulations Moogie - what an achievement. "Healthy" BMI is such a brilliant milestone. Enjoy your newfound svelteness - and feel free to trumpet away!
Congratulations and jubilations Moogy!
Must feel so good to get to the healthy BMI.
You really are an inspiration to us all - Kit Kats and all! :grin:
Fantastic - well done - what a brilliant start to the weekend :grin:
Hurrah and congratulations! You are our motivation, just by seeing your before and after photos the difference is visible and wonderful.
Round of applause and hugs x
Fantastic! Many congrats! How will you celebrate? A clothes shopping spree??? ;-)
Congratulations! Wow! Healthy! Fantastic! :like: :)
Very well done Moogie you are very inspiring to the rest of us still trying to get to within a healthy BMI & deserve your success :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Well done Moogie! You look fantastic in the picture. And I love the though of you cycling to work, that's great!
Congratulations reaching healthy BMI. Hope you feel great. You give us all encouragement that it can be done. I have only .05% to go till I get there too.
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