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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Managed to do my HIT of stair running yesterday and hoping to do another tomorrow. Anyone else out there doing HIT at the moment??
Not me yet and I created this thread! :cry:
MM's Fast Exercise book is 99p in Amazon's Kindle deal of the day - today
I'm still not back into the rowing, or any other exercise! My weight is staying fairly steady but exercise (which it is no secret that I hate and loathe) is nowhere on my radar, at present. I am hoping to make a start once my granddaughters and daughter have returned to Germany in ten days time. Well 'hoping' may be to strong a word - more like 'thinking that I possibly might', is really more like it! I have committed to trying a Pilates class on September 1st, but I have my reservations about that already! One day I will find a form of exercise which I actually enjoy - won't I?
@StowgateResident I always dislike the idea of going for exercise but always feel so much better afterwards.
I would say that your rowing target sets the bar very high so why don't you ease in again, I tend to start of with weights as it seems easier than cardio. Best wishes to all.
Well its pouring here so I cancelled my out door exercise session and went back to sleep for another 1 1/2 hours. Might not be exercise but I feel wonderful after the extra sleep :grin:
I had an epic HIIT fail yesterday. It couldn't have been food related, so I'm guessing jet lag. I lasted less than 10 minutes (I usually do 15-20). I had two good long runs while on holiday, so I don't think it was lack of fitness generally. Anyway… I've got a half marathon in mid-October, so I've just got to keep plowing on...
Hi - member #6 here..................

I haven't done a lot of HIT since joining the group due to bad back etc

However, I have now joined a new gym which is literally 10 mins walk away (telling myself I cannot justify driving there - need the extra steps for my Fitbit!)

I am hoping mainly to do classes but can use the gym if can't get to those - started with BodyPump on Sunday and am seriously struggling to sit down and stand up and do stairs today - the quads certainly felt it! Am booked in for classes on Weds, Thurs and Sun again if I can take it! Not exactly HIT but will hopefully do some good and, more importantly, strengthen the back!
Well done, @Madcatlady. It sounds as if you're really going for it! I have just bought a Fitbit Flex in the hope that it will encourage me to increase my general activity level and on Day 2 it seems to be working! Unfortunately, I have not yet got back to my HIT sessions on the rowing machine but I live in hope!
I struggled for a while to find a form of HIIT that suited me - I have a dodgy knee, so running is out - I'm not a member of a gym, so there was nothing there.

However, I do a fair bit of swimming - I have access to a small (3m x 4m) pool. Apart from swimming around the pool, I used to swim backwards and forwards across the width in 5 minute slots. I also used to spend 15 or so minutes jogging around creating a whirlpool.

When I first heard about HIIT, I did 3 x 30 second stints just flogging myself backwards and forwards flat out, with 30 second recovery periods. But I was never really happy with it - it just didn't achieve the required aim of raising my pulse and breathing I thought HIIT required.

Then I had a bit of a brainstorm - why not incorporate HIIT in my jogging around the pool? So, for several weeks that's what I did - 3 x 30 secs - and that did get my heart pounding, and I was out of breath.

Finally - and this is where I am ATM, I thought that running on the spot would achieve the same objective, which it does. I'm now doing 3 x 30 second stints with 20 seconds recovery time. It's definitely getting easier, and I'm thinking of adding a 4th stint to my routine.

I do this most days, in the morning, and in the evening I either do my body weight exercises (4 x 8kg weighted press ups, 4 x up to 9 chin ups and 4 x 60 second planks) or my kettlebell exercises (4 sets of each with a 9kg kb. I can do 20 of each, except the dead lifts, but I'm getting there).

That was it until I came across HIST (High Intensity Strength Training) which purports to do for weight training what HIIT has done for cardio.

Instead of doing multiple sets of an exercise, you only need do one - but this should be done very slowly, taking about 8 seconds for each rep - between 8-15 reps are recommended. And I'm finding this fairly tough - I can only do about 7-8 press ups for instance.

All this exercise malarkey is very new to me - but I'm enjoying discovering just what I'm capable of! :smile:
Breadandwine wrote: ...
... but I'm enjoying discovering just what I'm capable of! :smile:


I'm all over the place these days with exercise. I try to do weights twice a week. I've started a running club at work and I've been doing intervals with anyone who shows up, which is usually no one. I did 5x200m this week. It is *so* hard. I haven't done HIIT on the elliptical in awhile. I try to do tempo runs on the treadmill instead. Race season is nearly here, so I try to get in a long road run every week on top of all of that. I end up exercising 5 or 6 days a week. This week, one of my down days involved water skiing for the first time in almost 40 years, so not much of a down day really...
With daylight saving starting in Australia this coming Sunday, hoping the light in the evenings will give me an opportunity to walk after dinner. Figured if we can get dinner on the table around 6.30pm theres a good chance.

I must get out the Nordic walking sticks we purchased about 3 years ago! The neighbour from 3 doors down only does walking and she looks ultra fit. Was quite a "plump woman" 6 years ago... Im always in awe of her.
I did HIIT on the elliptical for the first time in ages yesterday. After intervals on the track, it almost felt easy! I think I need to do longer "up" periods than Boutcher protocol. I'll start experimenting with that again...
I tried doubling both the up and down times (16s up, 24s down). It went surprisingly well. I think they've adjusted the tension on the elliptical, though, so that might explain it.
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