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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Just resumed interval training after a long break. In Tenerife over Easter managed 6x 300 meters with 60 seconds rest, along the seafront, and last night 6x 400+ meters around the temporary grass track marked up in our local park.

400+ because the cricketers were overlapping one end of the oval so I ran in the outside lane at that end - but even then I don't think there was sufficient added distance to make an average time of 1:51 respectable... Still using 60 seconds resting.

Maybe this is not intense enough, perhaps 6x 100m flat out with shorter rests would be better, but let's see what happens to my parkrun times over the next few weeks!
I'm looking forward to getting back to HIIT! I really need to force myself to try out the track (I cringe at the thought, given my previous track interval experience), or at least stick to longer 'sprint' times on the elliptical...
*shamefacedly creeps into the tent*
I have failed miserably ...
Was doing really well for a while and seemed to be in the routine and zone to 'just DO it'
was HITTing on alternate days and shredding the others
then work/life/illness got in the way and I seriously fell a long way off the wagon.
However, with renewed vigour, June brought a spurt of energy and motivation. Something to do with 30+ days until the holidays.
while not exactly HITTing, I am shredding. Today is day 5 (still to be done as had to be at work early). Intending going home at lunch time to do it...
Beloved has joined me which is amazing and seems to be reasonably motivated.
It will fall apart on holiday but maybe easier to pick up and get reacquainted with MadMax again then. Hope so...
Good luck @MaryAnn and also know from another thread that @jools7 is back on the HITT .
How's everyone else doing?
yes, it's true, @janeg, I have been intermittently HIITing, with pretty good results I think, although I do get tired by the end of the day, not surprisingly when I told someone what I'd done today. Squeaky the crosstrainer is holding together and I'm actually enjoying it, I've lost a lot of the dread I used to get, which is cool.

So, roll on, HIITers!!
I'm getting back to my fitness routine, with a run on Sunday, HIIT on Tuesday, and weight lifting on Wednesday. What will I do tonight?
@MaryAnn Anything! It's better than nothing.
I'm still not HIITing as such but managing to shred.
Beloved stated firmly that he didn't want to do it this morning but would do it after work. A basic difference is becoming apparent here- I prefer to exercise first thing and then it's done. He can feel a bit depleted and finds it easier in the evening. What to do as his motivation is poor and me doing it with him keeps him doing it.
No brainier really- I'll do it later too. Despite it being a fast day and I'll be fairly drained by then...
So we'll both be doing something this evening MaryAnn.
is intermitting HITTing the same as intermittent fasting lol
OH ok yes i know it took a whole 6 months or half a year since i started this thread. and about the same for when i declared confidently I would get that damn treadmill back out of storage

I DID IT!!!! Thanks to daughter who is on a bit of a fitness thing at the moment and begged me to bring it in. It took 3 adults to bring it up the stairs this afternoon back into the house.

As it was in storage for a while, the machine didnt start properly and OH and daughter says.. oh well. lets bring it to the tip.

Persistent me would have no bar of that and when they weren't looking i tried lots of buttons and yes, it started up again. Just need to buy some Silicone oil tomorrow and we can both start using it. This might be the answer to losing the last 2 kilo (having blinked and gaining a kilo in last 3 weeks)

Feeling the need to finally get active. And the treadmill placed conventiently in the TV room may be the answer. Not sure what kind of sessions i should start with and how vigorous as its been like 3 years since i really did any exercise. This machine is a pretty good one with programmable routines, inclination settings etc.

Googled treadmill workouts.
Is this any good? ... ur-or-less

Thanks for re-energizing the thread. As of today, I will recommit to actually doing my plan on MWF (aerobic) & yoga/stretching TThS. I also plan to walk & NEAT as often as possible.
Hoping I can keep getting good results. Good luck to everyone else.
For me these days, exercise is more important than IF. I'm still fasting (still trying to lose holiday weight and get back to goal!), and still trying to eat healthily and mindfully, but making time for exercise is more difficult. When I do make time, I think it helps with the mindfulness (I run instead of having a snack; I go to the gym when I start getting that bored self-sabotagy feeling.) I feel awful when I don't exercise, just like I feel when I eat junk.

I'm trying to HIIT and weight lift twice each every week. I'm taking a yoga class, though I'm not sure about that. The teacher is Japanese and I have no idea what she is saying. Last week I managed to pull something and cause the sciatica to flare up. I need use the treadmill if I'm not going to run outside, but it's so damned boring.
Nice work @MaryAnnand @MlCDz.

This evening, I rediscovered the treadmill after buying the silicone spray and applying it,

Thats the first time in like 6 years. thats big. .. 1.8kg which doesnt sound like much but it was at 4km/hour and 13 interval. reasonable pace for this newbie to the exercise equipment.

Re being boring on the treadmill. im a real enthusiast of the talent shows and at the moment Americas got talent is running so i played some on my mobile via Youtube. i can even operate the back and search buttons while walking. Makes for a less boring time I guess.

8 or 10 years ago id be brisk treadmilling to Believe by Cher on my very Jazzy walkman.. one of the latest models. oh how the world has changed since then
music or entertainment of some sort definitely helps. Unfortunately, my gym doesn't have TVs, but I have a pretty good music collection, including my kick-ass half-marathon playlist, to keep me going. I'd still rather run outside though...
At gyms, do people use youtube apps or similar to watch/listen to these days?

Walking outside i would prefer to and years ago did this but cant seem to feel non-guilty enough about work/home commitments to take that 30 minutes to 1 hour out. So i figure the treadmill in the lounge room where I am still "at home" is a good answer. Guess that's the sales speel of the home gym companies. You also dont have to put on "going out clothes" or take the drive to and from so that would save me a good 20 minutes plus the gym fees of course.

Excited about the re-use of my treadmill.

Never run on it by the way as im too scared to let go of the bars (loss of balance thing I guess) and i prefer to walk not run even outside.
All you HIITers out there might be interested in this: ... ref=health
MaryAnn wrote: All you HIITers out there might be interested in this: ... ref=health

good article. last point is so true

the point is to get out of your body’s comfort zone,”
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