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Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
29 Apr 2013, 18:16
I got my Skechers today and I usually wear a size 7 in their trainers, but the size 6 in the Go Walk fit perfectly. They are light as a feather and very comfortable walking around the house. I haven't tried them out on a walk yet but will soon. :)
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
30 Apr 2013, 13:32
Just got mine, they seem to be out of stock in a lot of places so I ended up going to Bluewater.I got my usual size as the next size down was too tight. Will report back
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
30 Apr 2013, 13:52
Janet and Sian, I hope you both enjoy your new shoes! Still waiting for mine, no delivery yet today. Grrr!! I was hoping they would be here today as I wanted to try them out at my volunteer job tomorrow.

I am interested to see how well they cope with the 'country terrain' around here (West Oxon) so I'm glad they are washable.
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
30 Apr 2013, 14:08
I too have been contemplating a pair of the 'Go Walks' but like Suchard007 I am a massive fan of Fitflops. they are amazing for walking as they have a wobbleboard incorporated in the sole to exercise and tone legs and bums.
They are now not just toe post style, as you can get clogs, shoes and boots. I have a lovely suede pair of fitflop boots that have been brilliant in the winter for walking my dog.these again are not cheap, but I think you do get more for your money, especially if you look online.
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
30 Apr 2013, 14:13
Have you tried Amazon? they do clothing and the prices can be very reasonable.
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
01 May 2013, 13:00
They arrived this lunchtime :-)

I have to say they feel more spongy that Fitflops, more flexible too. I hope these will offer a toning effect as they also replicate barefoot walking as Fitflops do. I did look on amazon, but they were the same price as everyone else and as they are now the 'in thing' there were only black and grey in size 6!

First long walk in them tomorrow morning with the dog. Hooray!

Edit: an hour out in them this morning, Thursday, now going food shopping. They feel great, suppportive but flexible and lightweight. Someone in the village already called them 'cool shoes' :cool:
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
11 May 2013, 20:29
Well, I've had the go walk shoes for a couple of weeks now, and here are my thoughts...


They are extremely light - a pair weighs 230g!

They mould well to your feet and the articulation in the sole makes them very flexible.

My calves don't feel tired after a long walk in them, as they did in other shoes.

They have good support (I have suffered with plantar fasciitis in the past)


The knobbles on the soles have large gaps between them. This makes it easy to pick up mud and small stones!

They are expensive as they are just a pair of plimsolls, albeit hi tech ones.

My feet get hot in them, but at least they are washable.

They look sporty and are more flattering than trainers, but are not really stylish. Fit flops offer more glam options.

How is everyone else getting on with theirs?
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
14 May 2013, 10:40
I thought I could just keep on walking in them! They are sitting on the floor saying put me on, let's go, but it is piddling down with rain (again). We are going to legoland in a few weeks and they are definitely the shoes I will put on that morning

Yes the dog is enjoying her 'quality time' on longer walks now. The great thing is that she also does not groan in agony when getting up afterwards! She even attempted to get into the car by herself the other day (have been lifting her in which is not easy - 26kg of wriggling Labrador is not a doddle to pick up). Unfortunately she missed the car completely and ended up in a heap, but at least she tried!

I will try the 'bend and flick' method for taking the stones out, thanks.
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
28 May 2013, 14:36

I picked up on your posts re Sketchers before going on holiday to California. I've developed a foot condition that requires me to wear specially made insoles to prevent pain on walking. :confused: It's not been so bad with Winter shoes as I have been able to find deeper ones to take the insoles. However, I have been dreading Summer and not being able to wear sandals. Then when we were on holiday I started to see loads of Sketchers shops. To cut a long story short , I chose a pair of Go walk slip ons that would take the insoles, so light, flexible and comfy. Then the assistant said they were doing a special promotion and if I bought a pair of sandals they would be half price! :lol: I didn't think I would be able to cope with sandals but the black slip on type with thick soles were so comfy I had to have them, even though not very elegant! Can't believe I walked in them all the next day. I usually take 6.5 - 7 to allow for insoles but found size 6 was fine. Due to special offer they were cheaper than here but not a lot.

Loving all your dog talk, we have an ageing (11) black lab who is stiffening up too. He used to jump in the back of the car no problem, now he reclines on the back seat as he can get in there on his own! Aren't they characters? Our son says the only trouble with Max is he thinks he's a human and expects to be treated as one!!!! :smile:
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
04 Jun 2013, 09:25
Glad that you found some comfy shoes Grannyl! I think that the go walks will be my fave shoes of the summer. I have washed mine already, came out fine in the washing machine, I just put them in one of those net bags first.

Max sounds like a lovely fella! Give him a stroke from me.
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
04 Jun 2013, 09:29
Ooh err! If someone had only read my last post and not the whole thread, that last comment sounds a bit suggestive! :oops: :shock:

It's a DOG we are stroking people :grin:
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
04 Jun 2013, 10:00
I don't know much about the shoes but for the old dog, have you seen the prams they have in Asia for dogs. They are great. Some years ago when my dog had injuries I put him in an old pram. He loved it. The custom made ones are much better, though. I hope the meds keep her active. Have you tried her with glucosamine?
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
04 Jun 2013, 10:14
I wore my Go Walks for 3 hours plus through the Harry Potter Studio tour and they were fantastic. I highly recommend them :)
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
04 Jun 2013, 10:28
I'm glad someone restarted this thread, I wore mine on a trip to Madrid, and covered 3 Galleries, and one park in them, on one day I did 23,000 steps and they were just wonderful :like:
Re: Sketchers 'Go Walk' shoes
04 Jun 2013, 10:35
Hi Convert52,

Yup, the dog is on glucosamine as well as the NSAID's. It has made such a difference. Now I have finished the gluc that the vet sold me, he says she can go on to any brand, Boot, Holland & Barrett etc.
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