The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

56 posts Page 2 of 4
I'm here, feeling slim! I used to be a breakfast eater,Meeshee1, but now I don't on Fast Days. I cope. I have a miso soup, about now, and that will take me through until dinner time. It's prawn salmon and coconut curry tonight. If I use coconut milk, I won't have that fair? I love it that prawns are so light in calories.
Well, here Thursday has just started, approx 7 am, but I'm in as well. Hope to get off the dreaded plateau, it's beginning to look that way, but we'll see. Good luck to all of you.
Wineoclock wrote: cheers to another month of fasting.

Personally I was only planning on one day :wink:

Happy fasting peoples

@josie50 me too gal, we can do it :like:
Good morning all. I'm fasting too!

Will have brekkie at work (yoghurt and strawberries), water throughtout the day and salmon salad for dinner.
Got my 'confident (red peep toe) shoes' on today so up for the challenge.

Good luck fasters
I am in today.... or tomorrow... It will depend on how I feel in a few hurs as I tend to be "difficult" on fast days these days and I have an important appointment at my bank this afternoon. For now I only had a pure lemon juice (without sugar or water) and a black coffee.Good day to everyone
hi there!

pink and white rabbits lol, am in as well, its going to be a hot hot hot one!!

good luck everyone!!

Angie :-)
I'm fasting today. Taking my boys to the seaside today but I told them we'd go after lunch (to avoid the fish and chips!). They haven't spotted my devious plan yet so hoping I've got away with it!
I'm fasting today, good luck to all, no food until a cup a soup and salmon salad for dinner.
I'm in. I switched up my 16:8 yesterday so that I finished eating by 7pm and I will go to 7pm this evening before I have my 500 calories. Hopefully my weight will start to take a downturn now. Good luck Thursday fasters.
Yes, fasting today i.e. Week 4 of the 5:2 and its my 2nd fast of the week! New to this Forum and looking forward to reading everybodies successes, challenges and advice
I'm in today. Nothing till a cuppa soup at midday then a BBQ'd chicken thigh salad at 6.30 exactly!!
Morning all :smile: I'm in today, nearly 9am here. Will be kept busy so shouldn't be too hard. Good luck everyone :clover:
Morning! I'm in today too. This is only my second fast day ever and a little nervous as the first one went well, I'm expecting it to be difficult (don't know why - just the pessimistic side coming out!)

My first fast day was Monday which went well, Tuesday I didn't go barmy and just out of interest tallied up my calories and they were circa 1100 (my TDEE is 2007). Yesterday I ate more normally and went out for a family meal - had a meat free carvery followed by sticky toffee sponge and custard. Oh BOY! did it taste nice and oh BOY have i paid for it since! :frown: Felt really bloated and today I've had quite bad stomach cramps so.....I'm hoping this fast day will 'sort me out' :smile: Water all day and evening meal to look forward to.

Wishing everyone a fabulous fast day!
Morning all, I'm in, fasted Monday, and just to give it a try, did 16:8 yesterday - didn't eat till 1400, but did have a couple of beers in the evening.

Treating myself with nice skimmed milk coffees to get through the day, lots of water, and will see how I feel tonight; I've generally been having raw veg and a cuppasoup, and have lots of calories left over.

Good luck, welcome to GGW71 and everyone starting out.
I am here over in the UK it's only just 9.10am. :) Fasting day for me. I always save my calories for evening then have my meal which fills me up till morning. Xx
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