The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

56 posts Page 3 of 4
Otter I bought the strawberries and will have them to break my fast, in the morning, with Pink Lady apple & flame raisin porridge with greek yoghurt. Just had a huge bowl of veg with some grated cheese...full as
I'm in today. I hope I'm more successful than on Tuesday. I gave in on that day as I couldn't hack it. It doesn't help when OH is away on business and I'm doing it on my own - no willpower then! He's back now so feeling more confident.
White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits; pinch, punch, first of the month! Happy August to you all and Happy Lammas Day and Happy Lughnasadh too.
As the combine harvesters spread out across the fields, cutting the crops and filling the barns, so do we bend to a good fast day.
Let's hear it for water and salad!
Currently enjoying the mid morning fast cup of Earl Grey tea...
I'm fasting today. I've started having a bag of Pret a Manger popcorn (137 cal) on the train home to avoid biting the heads off everyone in my house when I get home ravenously full of hunger. It's really making a difference in my mood. Not sure what I'll have for dinner as I'm foreseeing a rather busy day today and am not sure when I'll finish. I do have some bagged salad in the fridge so if worse came to worst I could always have that with some cherry tomatoes and grilled halloumi and a tiny bit of balsamic and olive oil drizzled over. It's good at least to have a plan in the back pocket!
I'm in too. On top of my regular insomnia, I'm jet-lagged on the other side of my regular world and visiting family for a month. But, my husband back home is fasting, you're all here and if I can make it through a sleep deprivation super socialising mega-challenge, I know it will be a giant leap forward toward 5:2 being an effortless way of being healthy. Let's go!
I'm in again today. Just coffee and some water so far. Will try to go through to dinner time and have prawn stirfry.

Good luck everyone
We should be fasting today but we have our grandchildren staying for two weeks, so the fasting may be sporadic, at best! I started well, by having no breakfast, but lunchtime looms and I am about to cook their lunch, so will I be able to resist joining them? I'll know in about half an hour!

Good luck to all fasting today! Onwards and downwards!
I've just realised I started this WOL 3 months ago today. How the time has flown.
Yes i'm in today only drinks so far, but large salad with Cajun chicken for evening meal :like: Good Luck to all :clover: Sue
Am bored with fasting today and with losing and regaining and losing (ad infinitum) the same 3lbs. :(

Still, will keep going today out of sheer bloody-mindedness!
I'm in today! My son is home sick with me, he has a cold, so we are just relaxing today. Not sure what I'll eat yet!
Good luck everyone!
I'm in today. Wondering if my scales will register a loss this week when I weigh in tomorrow. I went up 3lbs this week after last week's success (got to my lowest weight in several years). Feeling v. hungry, trying to fight it. Actually, I think I'm going to have a doze as I'm v. fatigued today. That's one way to take my mind off eating! :)
Hi, I only started this week (Tuesday) but am fasting today.I had the corner off a belvita breakfast biscuit, realised it had gone soggy, so threw it away. I'm tracking my food on the MyFitnessPal app, not sure how to put I've eaten 1/10th of a biscuit on haha! Other than that it's just drinks for me. On tues I had breakfast on the fast day, and had no problems. Today, I must say I'm starting to feel hungry but nothing unpleasant!

Not sure what I'll rustle up this evening yet but my fridge is always stocked with lots of veg so will decide when I get back...
I'm in today. Doing Tue/Thur this week as was off on a long weekend and just back in town on Monday. I've been tracking my calories as best able for the decadent holiday meals (and drinks - oh the drinks are putting me way over target cals!) so just trying to finish this week strong!

Will deal with whatever feedback the scale provides tomorrow morning and try to reign in my summer feasting a bit in the coming weeks. Still loving this program though - even on challenging weeks.
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