The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

56 posts Page 1 of 4
So where is everyone today? Happy 1st August, cheers to another month of fasting.
Hey, its only 5 minutes into Thursday and your already complaining? :)

I'm in today, when it starts properly after I've been to bed that is. So its no food for the next 18 hours as I'm a dinner only eater.
Not complaining just wondering where all the Thursday fasters are. No complaints on such a beautiful sunny day.
I have my fingers crossed that it is sunny here, I need to get my washing dry and my lawn mowed. Have a good day Wineoclock.
Hi Wineoclock. I'm in. Hitting a bit of a plateau and need to get on track again. Will kick off the day with yoga. Like julieathome, I'm a dinner only eater. Lots of tea and water, and nothing to eat till dinner (shirataki noodles stir fry with shrimp, mushrooms and snow peas).

Happy fasting day, everyone!
I will be fasting Thursday too (it is still Wednesday here in the US).. It will only be my second day, but I think I will try my best to go all day with just liquids and save my cals for the evening. I am a little nervous as I am a big time breakfast eater so I don't know how long I will last at work through the day but we shall see. Wish me luck! Hope you all have a great day!
Pinch and a punch for the 1st of the month. :razz:

It does seem a bit quiet around here for this time of the day.

Im in today, going really well so far had a great walk in the sunshine which just sets me up beautifully for the day. Should be able to make it till dinner time and will have my favourite fast meal - garlic mushrooms, fried egg and fruit.

I'm eager to see the scales move downwards, I have been a very good girl, will weigh in tomorrow.

Happy Thursday everyone :smile:
fasting today and struggling to keep going, come on old gal I keep telling myself!
cal wrote: fasting today and struggling to keep going, come on old gal I keep telling myself!

You can do it cal...keep going...go get another cuppa and get distracted...think how happy you will be with yourself in the morning.

I'm in! Nearly half way through :-).

Cold morning, so enjoyed porridge and strawberries for breakfast. Coffee with milk too.

Nothing until dinner - which will be sweet potato and carrot soup.

Then an early night. Hope you're all hanging in there :-)

Don't forget to drink lots of water!
Yes Otter early night for me too after being up since 2.15...ouch. Almost 2pm, so not long till dinner - I'll have a hot choc when I get home in an hour. I am hoping this is my last week of 4:3...until I go off the rails and drag the carriage back on! Hoping to be close enough to goal by tomorrow's weigh in to head back to 5:2 Did pig out a bit yesterday tho, so let's not get ahead of myself :grin: That porridge and strawbs sounds pretty good...especially when I'm starving LOL
I'm here too, currently at the hairdresser's getting my hair done. :smile: Am trying to figure out what to have for dinner which is my only meal for the day. Something tasty and delicious!

Wishing everyone a successful fast day! :clover:
Errgggh, why are Thursday fast days always so much harder than Mondays???

@ Zingbing - a slap and a kick for being so quick ;D
Only 3 hours to go. Making mushroom and barley risotto tonight. Got stuck out with no water for a couple of hours, have a headache now so must drink lots this afternoon. Finding this Thursday easier than normal, except for the lack of water.
Hang in there everyone, there's always tomorrow :grin:
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