The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

56 posts Page 4 of 4
Sallyo wrote: I'm here, feeling slim! I used to be a breakfast eater,Meeshee1, but now I don't on Fast Days. I cope. I have a miso soup, about now, and that will take me through until dinner time. It's prawn salmon and coconut curry tonight. If I use coconut milk, I won't have that fair? I love it that prawns are so light in calories.

I struggled today so far.. skipped breakfast and drank some coffee this morning, was doing fine till about 3-4 hours in and then it actually HURT I was so hungry so I had a small meat snack stick (all natural beef jerky, snack size) - 45 CAL and then an apple later on - 80 CAL but I am STARVING!! I am not sure but I think I will be one of those who eats a small breakfast and maybe a tiny mid afternoon snack and a sensible dinner. My body does NOT like skipping out on the morning meal. Struggling today but I will survive! Only 2 more hours of work then I can go home and eat my small meal and I am sure I'll feel better :)
I haven't struggled all day. Yet now I have had my dinner I am craving carbs like you wouldn't believe. I do normally get a bit twitchy after I have eaten, but this is really bad.
I am seriously thinking about doing nothing but liquid fasts if this keeps up.
I'm really pleased. I decided to have nothing until this evening and managed better than when I have a light lunch. And as I still had all 500 calories to use up I've just enjoyed 2 poached eggs on toast and a mug of coffee. Lovely! And no grumpiness in sight. This is clearly the way to go for me!
Hope everyone else has survived. It's nearly tomorrow!
Julieathome wrote: I haven't struggled all day. Yet now I have had my dinner I am craving carbs like you wouldn't believe.

I usually find something similar, after the fast day supper. It feels so unfair, doesn't it, to have rewarded one's body with some food and then to have it demanding more. If only one's metabolism would develop a sense of gratitude... :)

I find I look forward more to my breakfast on the day after a fast (two eggs, scrambled, on a slice of toast) than I do my fast day meal.
Hungry today, as I've been busy exploring with the kids, so I have probably burned more calories than on a normal fast day. Oh well bed time soon, then weigh in tomorrow, that will keep me motivated
I've been fasting today and had a really good day IMO. I got through the hunger pangs with a few cups of tea and ice cold water (not at the same time!). I've just eaten my super speedy dinner using a recipe from a friend from a few years ago - which I think was the last time I ate it! I posted it in the recipe forum if you fancy a look - 450 calories: 5-2-diet-recipes-f5/450-cal-spaghetti-prawns-tomato-tequila-t7352.html

As someone said, it's nearly tomorrow!
Fasting today and it is only a couple of hours until dinner. Yeah!
Not a bad day overall. This is my 3rd fast day and although I know I should wait a little longer, I think I'm going to weigh myself in the morning just to make sure that I'm on the right track.

Good luck to everyone.
Ended up rustling up some crab pasta recipe, without the pasta! Instead I grated slithers of courgette and griddled them with garlic. Was so nice! It was similar consistency to pasta but tastier. With the crab, I just did the standard chilli, lemon mix. Bit of watercress, spring onion and a teaspoon of sour cream as a treat. Soon yummy!
Made it, phew. Just finished a big plate of shirataki stir fry for dinner and looking forward to 16:8 tomorrow. Thank you for the positive energy!
Just about to head to bed and end another successful fast day.

Did something different today, in not eating all day until my yummy dinner. I had my apple with pb2 a while ago and in fine and done, finishing my day at 493 cals. I really think in some ways it was easier than the 2 or 3 small meals all day. Let's see if I want to do this again Sunday

Nite kids, sweet dreams
I easily - really easily - made it through what I thought might be a too challenging day to fast. Because I threw caution to the wind and went for it, doubts and all, I'm so much closer to finding 5:2 simple and effortless. Really chuffed about it.
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